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Everything posted by 4966and556

  1. Thank you for the Daily Fleet Report! Much cooler today thankfully. Not a widow yet.
  2. Thank you for the Daily Fleet Report! Another HOT day here.
  3. Thank you for the Daily Fleet Report! Happy first day of summer! It's already quite humid here today. Time to turn on the A/C.
  4. Thank you for the Daily Report! It's trying to rain here.
  5. Thanks for the Daily Report! It's sunny and windy here. My husband doesn't have any children. I have 1 daughter and she will try to spend some time with her dad today. It all depends on whether or not he answers his phone because he won't give anyone his address.
  6. Thank you for the Daily Report!! It's extremely windy and cool here today.
  7. Thank you for the Daily Report! I prefer Crocs to flip flops. My husband and I enjoy fish and chips. We have a raised vegetable garden.
  8. Thank you for the Daily Report! It's hot and windy here today!
  9. Thank you for the Daily Report. my husband's best friend is coming over for a visit this afternoon. He lives about an hour away if you take the back roads.
  10. Thank you for the Daily Report! A nice sunny day here. Our next door neighbour has had a skunk family in their yard somewhere for the past few years. Our cats sit and stare out the side window in our living room every night. We also have a lot of rabbits around our property. We are surrounded by farmer's fields, orchards and vineyards with a winery within view of our back door. My husband saw a deer in our backyard the night we moved into this house, but hasn't seen any in the eight years since that night.
  11. Thank you for the Daily Report! After all the rain we had yesterday, I'm quite sure that there are more weeds in our gardens today!
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