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Gig Harbor Explorere

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Everything posted by Gig Harbor Explorere

  1. We boarded June 11. Viking’s change of policy was effective that day. We were not notified in any way prior to boarding. Indeed, it is the incongruity with Viking’s many statements prior to our boarding that we find so disturbing. We knew there were risks in traveling, but we relied strongly on the measures Viking had so effectively out in place. If we had had even a few days’ notice before the change, we certainly would have canceled. In retrospect, we should have walked off the boat the minute we learned of the change, and demanded a full refund.
  2. Rudy, although I have some trouble following your comment, you sound like the sort of fellow who would be very happy to cruise right now. By all means, go and have a ball! However, you seem to miss my essential point. Viking abruptly changed their successful Covid control protocols without warning or prior announcement. In fact, they were boasting about the effectiveness of their measures right up until the day we boarded. Transparency matters. Also, regarding the “masks will protect you” comment, we religiously wore masks prior to and during the cruise. We also maintained as much space from others as possible at all times. These measures were of no use given the large numbers of fellow passengers who couldn’t be bothered, and given the extreme amount of Covid all around us. We had been super careful, fully vexed, double boosted, and meticulously avoided Covid for two and a half years until we boarded our cruise.This pair of minority extremists paid for our expensive vacation too. We had been led to believe the protections we based our decision on would be there for us. We were misled.
  3. We started showing symptoms by the end of the cruise. Given the total situation, we did not bother to test until we left the ship. We could not possibly have unrung that bell. As a practical matter, there was no reliable way to avoid Covid on this cruise. We believe that any cruise line that wishes to avoid significant Covid outbreaks onboard must test everyone daily and strictly isolate positive cases. As your comment indicates, our disappointment with Viking was with the failure to follow their own protocols that had served them so well up to that time, and with abandoning their commitments to us without warning or notification. Prior to our cruise, Viking had repeatedly proudly stated that their excellent track record of avoiding Covid rested on their practice of daily testing and prompt isolation for all. It is inexplicable to us that Viking simply decided to pretend that Covid is over. Our disappointment at this breach of trust is enormous.
  4. We were on Viking Mars “Into the Midnight Sun” June 11-25. Testing stopped literally the day we boarded. We heard much coughing within days of boarding. There were leaked reports of dozens of positive PCR tests by the mid-point of the cruise. For every positive test, there were many people who simply went on about their business coughing and spreading virus. Although there was very little masking at the beginning of the cruise, many were masked by the end as what was going on around us was obvious. We believe that, conservatively, there were literally hundreds of Covid cases on our ship. Staff and entertainers steadily disappeared as we assume they were sick and isolated. At no time did Viking address the issue in any way. No resumption of testing, no required masking, no distancing on shore excursions, and no information of any sort. In fact, staff indicated they had been instructed not to speak about the obvious outbreak. Viking still has not acknowledged the outbreak, and still has not reintroduced more effective prevention and mitigation measures. Our disappointment at Viking’s failure to intervene was, and is, enormous.
  5. For those who think of this as good news, I can assure you it is not. We have just returned from a 15 day “Into the Midnight Sun” cruise on the Viking Mars. The cruise began the very day Viking dropped its requirement for pre-board Covid testing and regular onboard testing of all guests. Within days of boarding, the coughing started. By mid-cruise, there were reports of dozens of positive PCR tests. Everywhere we turned, people were coughing and hacking. Although some voluntarily isolated, a vast majority did not. They simply went on with their activities, willfully spreading virus. Inexplicably, Viking’s response was …. nothing! We faced packed buses, packed theatres, and packed eating venues. All with the sound of coughing. After Viking’s many proud assurances that they would prevent and responsibly manage any Covid outbreak, we took this cruise with the confidence that we could trust Viking. We were shocked at Viking’s total abdication of its responsibilities, the subsequent failure to address the issue, and the apparent instruction to onboard staff to refuse to discuss the matter. We were equally astonished at the selfishness and ignorance of the many passengers who, obviously sick, simply went about their business, thereby assuring that, by the end of the cruise, we too would be sick. We even witnessed one woman lower her mask so she could opening sneeze without soiling the mask! Our disappointment is immense.
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