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Everything posted by Justsayin

  1. My thoughts exactly. The drink allowance is too generous, driving the costs up for those of us that are generally fine with coffee, water, tea and lemonade and a glass of wine or two a day. The increase in price may drive some to drink more heavily to get their money's worth.
  2. I can't get a straight answer from Princess why enhanced protocols requiring a supervised test within 72 hours of sailing apply on sailings between Buenos Aires Argentina and Santiago Chile https://www.princess.com/protocol/?voyage=enhanced The US Embassies in Chile and Argentina say protocols are lifted for the vaxed. https://cl.usembassy.gov/covid-19-information/ https://ar.usembassy.gov/covid-19/ And the official Chilean travel site indicates they recently dropped testing requirements. https://www.chile.travel/en/traveltochileplan/ and Argentina dropped theirs much earlier in the year.
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