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Dentist at Sea

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  1. In truth the CEO Paul Ludlow is just making his comments up as we only just this week received our full online feedback forms, so his comments are baseless or just made on hearsay. Analytically P&O probably will not have the true picture from the survey of Arvias inaugural cruise for at least a couple of weeks. We have been on enough cruises to know this one was rubbish just very poor. It is not about moaning or groaning or nit picking, for what we paid which was a lot of money, 99% of passengers would have said the same. Just one detail out of many. We booked the Retreat for a couple of days at a charge of £60 per person per day. It is something we always do as we like the quiet and the comfy beds plus service. The comfy day beds were very comfy the service non existent. If you want a hot drink you make your own from a jug of hot water provided. Mid day meal sort of ok if you like eating out of plastic boxes. The much heralded afternoon tea was two miniscule scones with a pot of jam again enclosed in a hard plastic box. Every other Retreat or similar we have been in, and there have been dozens, were far far better provisioned and serviced Prior to this cruise we had booked Arvia for a 15 day further cruise which we have now cancelled and are awaiting feedback from P & O .
  2. I am not really one for exaggeration or hyperbole and tend to see it as it is. Obviously post Covid things were bound to change in the cruising industry and we expected some changes and a decrease in service levels, however this cruise which certainly wasn't cheap really went far lower than acceptable levels of service. These weren't niggles or upsets the problems were of fundamental system failures and lack of service staff training and experience. I am afraid that when Arvia set sale on it's maiden voyage it certainly was not fit for purpose P&O knew it as did the Captain D@C
  3. Horrendous we could have managed. It was far worse than that !!!!! The basics were all wrong. Permanently cold toast, stewed tea, an omelette made from one egg. Lack of clean cutlery, sometimes no cloth napkins at the buffet replaced by small square pieces of paper and for Christmas dinner a communal salt and pepper that went around the restaurant.
  4. Likewise we are now home and dry after what can only be described as an abysmal 14 days cruising on P and O ARVIA 65 cruises and still counting on various cruise lines around the world, this wasn't the worst cruise we have been, it was by far the worst we have been on. It was almost as if it was P and O maiden cruise.. You can gloss over minor complaints what you cannot gloss over is that 61% ( a figure given to me by a senior officer" of dining room staff had never set foot on a cruise before and boy did it show. Overwhelmed unsure and completely taken by surprise.was how I would put it. The poor service was reflected throughout the ship, from the restaurants to the reception desk. An area so unfit for purpose with such long lines that people if they waited long enough could celebrate their next birthday. I kid you not. Add to this an IT and App system that went terribly wrong and created a perfect storm. I didn't see people leave the ship but I believe a good number decided enough was enough by the time we got to Madeira. We had the standard outside cabin with balcony which we find average with glaring omissions No shaver socket, no USB ports a distinct lack of everything in the bath room including glasses and face cloths. Breakfast in bed costs delivery service of £2.50 but don't ask for toast they don't do it. What about some morning tea in a pot? sorry sir not possible make your own with the kettle provided. In truth if I wanted to go camping I wouldn't have brought my Tux nor would I have spent thousands.!!!! Lets not forget the no turn down service or the small chocolates or towel animals all the nice touches that made cruising so enjoyable. Then the straw that broke the camel's back .a telephone system that any overseas call centre would have been proud of. Three days into the cruise the cabins were supplied with a telephone directory. A piece of card with three numbers on !!! If you want toilet rolls or you had a flood . there is no number for housekeeping. Get through to reception ( or as they call themselves the "My holiday experience" who then relay your message on to housekeeping who forget all about it. Ronan Keating was very good but no matter how many ovations he received didn't make up for the cold soup and the lack of any urgency by P and O to rectify the situation. Marks out of 10 just 1 It would have been zero but at least the beds were comfy D@C
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