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Everything posted by FannyLiz

  1. Perhaps the person who said it had been u/s on the previous cruise was thinking of the centre aft one as well - ? I have great faith in marine engineers but would prefer a lift was dealt with by specialised lift engineers and assume they, and their spares, are only available in port.
  2. Is that the centre aft lift ? I was waiting for that on the Caribbean cruise when it broke down. We were having very rough seas and, from the noise being made, it sounded like something major had come off its supports inside. I strongly suspect it will need a period in port to sort it and perhaps, with the tight schedule that cruise ships run, this is not yet possible. Certainly the crew member ( not domestic staff) that I spoke to, said that it was not something they could sort internally or on that cruise.
  3. Depends on your purpose. I found, on the recent Caribbean cruise, that the free wifi in all the public rooms and in my cabin was pretty good. I could download all the daily papers and library books and podcasts without problem, , upload a nightly blog with dozens of photos, make very clear What’s app voice calls to family in UK and friends on SoA and the usual emails and utilities business. I’d expected poor wifi on the ship from all I had read but was much impressed. This was true right across the Atlantic and back. I didn’t try downloading films, Zoom etc as I didn’t need to. ( I have ultrafast broadband at home )
  4. At the time ( ie in Lisbon) I understood that the software etc problems were best sorted in Lisbon rather than Portsmouth. The ship had been given the green light to sail so independent assessors must have thought it was safe to do so.The time taken to get to Lisbon gave the Siemans engineer in the USA time to gather what he needed and, given the almost city centre location of Lisbon airport, it was easier for him to fly there than via Heathrow and Southampton. The repairs in Lisbon clearly took longer than anticipated as we were prepared for sailing on several occasions. I’d rather have been in a warm and dry Lisbon with interesting things to do within walking distance than a cold wet quayside in Portsmouth dependant on shuttle buses to leave the port. We would still have had to miss ports whichever alternative was taken. Surely a biggest part of the problem is the very short turn around period in home ports. Understandable obviously but it leaves no leeway for this sort of occurrence .
  5. My only 2 transfers (home and back, 75 miles each way) have both been via a local taxi firm. Both cars were a smart and shiny Mercedes, both drivers were prompt, helpful and the journey comfortable. The driver outbound was using a watch and mobile phone to guide him to the port and I made Saga aware of this. It is their responsibility to pass that to the taxi company, who have a very good local rating. I don’t think they have a responsibility to pre-test every driver. Frankly, for the ease of having my journey timing and arranging the responsibility of someone else I’d have happily gone in a bus. The news of the Saga CEO’s departure featured in the ship’s daily newspaper on SoD as soon as it was made public. I don’t read the Saga magazine but you can check if you wish as it is freely available on the Saga app and via your local library digital services.
  6. One of the good features that many of us remarked upon during the recent (7 th Nov to 7 th Dec) Caribbean cruise was that the portions of food were not huge. As part of a multi- course meal they were absolutely spot on. Anyone feeling unsatisfied or unable to decide between the several choices, could have another portion. The order for this was taken without a comment. This policy meant that there was minimum food waste, surely a good thing on all counts, and diners left the table feeling satisfied, not stuffed. As to variety and repetition of menus, my observation in the MDR was that, in 30 days, there was one repetition of each dish and this was never in the same menu as it had been earlier. In the Grill, where I ate lunch, the variety of made up salads each day, cleverly using ingredients from previous days, was impressive and delicious. The house wines were perfectly acceptable and there was a good selection of branded spirits available without charge. I don’t recall anyone having to pay for any drink.
  7. Writing as someone who has just completed their first cruise ever, 30 days to the Caribbean with Saga, I can’t see any way Saga could improve. If their standards are slipping then they must have been phenomenal before ! Food was consistently excellent ( with the exception of one rather tough steak in the Club), and the variety was superb. Service went above and beyond in every aspect and department and the staff were amazing: efficient, friendly, intelligent, hard working and with remarkable memories. I didn’t participate in many of the activities or entertainment but that was my choice. There was plenty to do and watch and, from the accounts of those who did take part, it was all good. Transport to and from the port was efficient and stress free as was the almost automatic insurance. HQ staff were always friendly and patient on the phone. Little luxuries, the turn down service, daily fruit bowl, ice creams, Werthers Originals, blankets and towels on loungers and so on added to the sense of being spoiled. Yes, I was disappointed that we missed several ports but would rather that than being storm tossed or frightened. I would have appreciated more explanation as to why they were missed but this could be because the ultimate cause is still sub judice until the end of the MAIB investigations. As to the Saga magazine, as Saga insurance customers we used to read it online and, if I wish, I could still do that. Many of the organisations and clubs I belong to are doing away with expensive printed magazines in favour of digital copies. I would rather Saga do that than cut back on holiday services.
  8. I was just looking at Windy and thinking the same. Must be confident they have everything sorted if they are going to sail through that.
  9. Thank you ! You have explained something that was really puzzling me. One afternoon I turned on the ship’s navigation map to find a large scale road map of the Ruhr, a long way from either the Caribbean or the sea.
  10. I made that clear in my post. I don’t want to disagree. As you say, it’s what we were not told that has lead to all of this speculation and dissatisfaction . Had we been told why various decisions were taken then I think most of us would have accepted that Saga had our safety uppermost in all the decisions they took. It would even now, do less harm to explain than if they maintain their silence but, it is possible, that the enquiry into the circumstances surrounding the storm accident is sub judice and we cannot be told.
  11. I use VesselFinder and Marine Traffic apps and they both showed 14 knots when we first slowed down. They showed that being maintained until we were passing the Isle of Wight when we slowed, I assume because we were slightly earlier than expected. I didn’t look at Cruise Mapper ot the TV.
  12. When we got to Portsmouth at 2 pm shuttle buses were laid on to Gunwharf Quay for the Christmas markets. There was no specified all aboard time so people could get a taxi back after the last shuttle. I did get the impression that, on a cold, wet and windy day, this was not a great attraction for the majority. Our speed, after the Meet the Captain, went down to 14 knots which was maintained almost to Portsmouth. We slowed down as we were early to pick up the pilot and presumably, take up our berth. It did make a difference to comfort and, presumably, to fuel consumption.
  13. From what I recorded in my diary at the time we were confined to the ship at Lisbon because there was still hope that we could get away at some point in the day. Clearly the crew did not want passengers ashore if that happened. We had free access to shore and 2 excursions for the other 2 days in Lisbon. When SoA was moored there everyone, crew and passengers, we actively encouraged to visit and mingle. As to the slowing down, at the Meet the Captain event he was asked why, if we were going to miss Madeira, we had to sail at 19 knots when this speed was uncomfortable for passengers. One hour later there was a noticeable slowing of speed. Surely not a co- incidence ?
  14. Hattie: L&C sums it up well ; people just want to be given the full facts in a timely fashion. There were a lot of conspiracy theorists on board and a lot of rumblings. I think many of us felt we were being kept in the dark. I am not the right person to comment on whether this was a good thing or not as I have never had anything to do with running a multi-million pound business and don’t know what the effects of being totally frank would be. I do think however that we should have been given more facts rather than being left to speculate on the reasons for so many decisions. Edit to add; this was my first cruise, with any company and I was solo. From the moment I phoned to book to the moment my suitcases were brought in on arrival home, I loved every minute and Saga looked after every aspect with care, attention to detail and friendliness. The Captain remarked at some point that he felt the ship was a family. That was exactly the feeling I got. If anyone is hesitating about booking a Saga cruise then don’t. It will well exceed your expectations.
  15. We missed our first and last scheduled stops ( Azores and Madeira) as well as Trinidad and St Barts.
  16. JoJo: were you on the ship for the Caribbean cruise ? I think, if you had been, you would have realised that the weather alone was not the factor behind the delays, missed ports and speed variations. SoD, operating as normal, would have been perfectly able to deal with the conditions met en route without most passengers missing a course over dinner. However, I strongly suspect that she was not operating as normal due to events that had happened during the previous cruise. If this was the case then the Captain had no other sensible choice than to do what he did. I hope they sort it all out very soon, both for current guests and future ones, but also for Saga themselves.
  17. Must have been a big bribe from the Gunwharf Quay Christmas Market organisers to make them stay.
  18. I noted on 7th Nov that we didn’t move until 8.20 pm and were supposed to go at 5 pm. Perhaps they are waiting for someone or something ? More eggs and edible bananas perhaps ?
  19. At the Meet the Captain event he was asked when it was first known that the software needed updating and answered that it was on the way from Portsmouth to Lisbon. A shore excursion shuttle bus has been arranged tomorrow for anyone who wishes to go to the Gunwharf Quays Christmas Market. We have just sailed by Spirit of Adventure en route to A Coruna and the Canaries. Very clear view and looking much more elegant than the block of flats that we passed a lunchtime.
  20. Don’t think we will; I’m certainly not expecting it. Those people who took out insurance with a missed ports clause might but no mention has been made of compensation for those who did not. We have had immediate refunds for missed excursions.
  21. It's the crew I feel sorry for. Talking to one of the young lasses in the Living Room she says how traumatised they were by the situation last cruise and now this. They can't show their fear but she is worried. At least we passengers can break out more Stugeron and take to our beds if necessary but the crew have to go on working and, if remarks I have heard in the Living room are typical, take the flak from some disgruntled passengers too.
  22. The new itinerary arrived this afternoon. We knew when we left Lisbon that we were going direct to Barbados. I have not compared the new one with the original but the new order is : Bridgetown 20 th Nov,, St Georges Grenada 21 st, Roseau, Dominica 22 nd, St John’s Antigua,23 rd, St Juan, Puerto Rico 24 th, Road Town, Tortola 25 th, St Maarten 26 th, Funchal Madeira 3 rd Dec, Portsmouth7 th Dec. We have had one substitution ( Lisbon for the Azores) and missed Trinidad altogether. At the moment we are just off Madeira with 2 m swell. Given the rather dramatic circumstances I’m surprised we have had so little disruption to the schedule. As a first time cruiser I am very impressed and sure this will not be my last Saga voyage.
  23. Interesting first hand piece on the SoD voyage front page of the Sunday Times.
  24. Interesting. An hour ago the Captain said we would leave tomorrow evening ( Sunday). Various complimentary tours have been arranged for tomorrow as well as shore leave. Presumably Lisbon port are looking at a worse case scenario.
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