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Everything posted by VanLee

  1. VanLee

    Brazil visa

    We spent over $200 initially with ivisa only to upgrade to expedited status for another $500. Still don’t have the visa.
  2. VanLee

    Brazil visa

    I suggested to Viking that they should contact all the passengers on the cruise to see who has a visa and who doesn’t. It’s important that everyone continue to call and email Viking to make them understand the magnitude of the problem. I have emailed the Brazilian Consulate in Houston, TX and waiting to hear their response.
  3. VanLee

    Brazil visa

    Keep us updated. Hoping for the best for you.
  4. VanLee

    Brazil visa

    We are using iVisa.com for our Brazil Visas. Communication is limited to an App. Has anyone used iVisa services? Our departure from San Juan to Brazil is January 19th. Thank you in advance.
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