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Posts posted by PennyAgain

  1. I pack along several strands of battery powered lights and turn them on when I please. I used to take the plug in sort, but of late my electronics take up all the plugs. I cherish a mini size Nativity that has traveled with me for a long time. I get fresh flowers for that as often as possible.

  2. Consider yourself "in" Penny - how fun it would be to meet you ladies - whose advice about AK I have always found to be spot on. I just know we'd hit it off, and I'm hoping that someday, somehow, somewhere, it really does happen!


    It would be fantastic!


    Party of 4 would get us better cruise prices.


    We will need to give Alaska fair warning!

  3. Silk is very warm and packs small. A trip to a fabric store should yield some choices of real silk and man-made variations. Measure something at home for a reference (sheet, blanket etc).


    My late Dad was an expert in arctic survival and insisted that everyone have a large piece of silk fabric in a handy pocket of jacket or pants.


    I am a small woman. I travel with a 70 inch long x 60 inch wide piece of real silk fabric in a paisley pattern. It can be a scarf or shawl as well as a blanket.


    For a military person you could buy a silk fabric in appropriate colors.


    The mylar and solar blankets are noisy and also reflect flight which may a hazard for a military person.


    Best of luck to your son!

  4. Likely the idea of a third airport in the London area with LHR made back into villages, towns and housing will take place, if at all when I'm too old to travel.


    I watched as Dallas-Fort Worth international airport was built and that took many years of land buying (mostly in secret) and we had miles and miles of land for the purpose.


    and the land was cheap.


    In the London area the masses of money needed to build such a third airport could about pay for a colony on the moon. I don't think it will happen.

  5. Slip and fall accidents are all to common aboard ships and in ports especially those that are often wet and slippery.


    Loafers are fit if the fit well and aren't sloppy.


    I've worn clogs, boots, walking shoes and even major leaque hiking boots in Alaska but now wear mostly very good walking shoes with non-slip soles made by San Antonion Shoe Company.


    Be wise! Yes, to taking more than one pair of shoes due to damp conditions.

  6. Alaska road construction is why I drive with food, water, blankets and something to read when in Alaska. I've had delays long enough to take a NAP.


    But visitors don't believe this information and think they are going to be driving on interstates in Kansas.

  7. According to the Anchorage Daily News of a day or so ago, in Anchorage the city let opportunities for cab licenses for both standard and accessible cabs with the fees paid by the owners/drivers adding up to a very large sum.


    After the training period, there should be vast improvements in service in Anchorage which should benefit the 2014 tourist season.

  8. More than likely that domestic flight is a very ordinary buisness class situation.


    When investigating business class for international flights it is necessary to know the type of aircraft, it business class layout and the age of the seating.


    I would never ever assume that a lie flat seat is on offer.


    As far as the merger is concerned, at this point we know nothing and it is impossible to make any sort of prediction.

  9. Bed bugs are a huge problem in Texas!


    When I get back to my car after flying I put my luggage into the (most of the year) very hot trunk. By the time I get home everything is toasty hot.


    I am very careful when returning from any trip not to bring my luggage into my house. I unpack in the garage and put each suitcase into a black plastic bag when it sits in my really hot garage until needed again.


    All of my clothing is washed immediately as well.

  10. It if fits, wear it!


    Since Dad died I've often broken into tears by the sight of an older person in mess dress, but it's happy tears. Many fine memories.


    We shared a table with a British Navy officer who came on board with 3 different uniforms. Summer whites, admiralty blue and mess dress. He wore white when the ship's officers did so.


    Everything fit perfectly and looked grand. His bit of advice to others was not to pack uniforms in checked baggage as they might go missing.

  11. Selling you the opportunity to get on board a bit earlier was harsh, but the key thing is getting into your room where are appropriate refrigerator should up installed, running for a long time so it is really cool and putting your stuff away.


    If your room is not ready for you, your money and effort have been wasted.

  12. I'm sending it back. It's the MOST UNCOMFORTABLE scooter I've ever experienced. Seriously, it's downright awful. For the price, it felt very cheap, the tiller was so flimsy. The other problem for me was the foot bed. My feet are deformed from the polio, so my right foot turns way out right. There's no way for my foot to be safely on the foot bed because it tilts upward, and my feet have no movement either laterally or up and down. Consequently, it was downright painful for me. Plus the seat was totally uncomfortable. It was wide enough, but not long enough to support my thighs. Again, painful. And the seat was plastic, and not soft at all. So, no, I can't recommend the Luggie. I now have a Mobie, which works and feels good for me.


    Darcy, very sorry it was a complete failure for you. I would be concerned that your damaged right foot would have been at serious risk in such a situation. You don't need more trouble!

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