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Posts posted by PennyAgain

  1. Many of us who were born in US military hospitals have strange birth certificates made worse by the distruction of the St Louis records facility by fire many years ago.


    I thought I had mine sorted out as I've had a passport for decades but on my most recent passport renewal, changes were made to how my name appears on my passport.


    Which proves, nothing gets easier with time when it comes to paperwork.

  2. The room stewards are not allowed to throw away clothing found in waste baskets to avoid arguments with passengers who may have made an error.


    They don't want to be accused of theft.


    As far as leaving bags of used clothing at churches or other public places, I agree this can be a security issue but is also often seen as an insult by the local folks.

  3. There are volunteers who are called DFW Ambassadors (look for the hats, vests and ID's Of course they are fully dressed)) who will help you make the correct decision.


    If you have extra time it's a nice ride to make the circuit. You stay within security and there is no fee to ride.

  4. It is in the upper tier for pricing, but Crystal does both vegetarian and vegan. Vegetarian offerings are on the menu every day; vegan needs to be ordered a day in advance (but, many of the vegetarian offerings are vegan, anyway).


    I strong recommend Crystal. I have allergies to shell fish and only trust Crystal when it comes to cruise line food preparation and safety. I would post your question on the Crystal Cruises topic on CC.

  5. How about at Denali National Park (Princess Lodge) during the first week in September? That's the farthest north we are going.




    I have seen spectacular Northern LIghts from Denali the 2nd week in September. We were in a really dark area and suddenly there they were. I stayed up most of the night, sitting out in the open wrapped in a sleeping bag.


    I wish you luck!

  6. For those with Kindles and other e-book readers, there is much gold to find in Alaska stories both fiction and non-fiction. Many are free or cheap.


    Check out E-Reader Guides.


    Also found a nice blog called Growing up Anchorage that is very interesting for those of us who knew Anchorage back then.



  7. steamboats, thanks for that link! A help for us.


    We are a settled couple and likely will not do all the tours offered on an pay as you tour basis. That is they are not included on the standard ALC fare. Some tour groups like Smithsonian sell complete tours on Queen of the West that include tips, tours and transfers, but when we put a pencil to it, it was better for us to pay for what we really wan.


    Queen of the West basic fare does include wine and beer with lunch and dinner and a cocktail reception as well as all the food a person could possibly want.


    The Queen of the West does not use zodiaks as does the Lindblad boat.


    The customers of the Queen of the West have been described as a 'Rotary Club meeting'. Not that that is a bad thing, but it is not a party boat.


    Many of the ACL passengers say they are weary of overseas travel, long flights etc. We are in that catagory. I hope this will be the first of many trips for us with ACL.

  8. This is a relatively new company.


    I have it booked for a trip in a couple months. I'll post a review. We chose this particular trip because it met our needs and they have a elevator. We booked directly with ACL and found them very kind and easy to work with. http://www.americancruiselines.com


    As you have young children, I assume that our trip will be completed before you head out for yours. This trip is for my husband's retirement celebration so we are likely on the upper middle range of your travelers.


    I would telephone ACL to have info sent out to you.


    Some of the old reviews on this trip with the Queen of the West (boat had a slightly different name prior to purchase by ACL) are form a now defunct company that didn't do very well.


    Cruise Critic posted some brand new information on American Cruise Lines a few days ago. http://www.cruisecritic.com/reviews/cruiseline.cfm?CruiseLineID=57

  9. I read Michener's "Alaska" when it was first published and was appalled by the incredible historical inaccuracies. Michener and his researchers spent quite a bit of time in Sitka, working out of the Sheldon Jackson College, and also were working in the Alaska and Polar Regions Department of the Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. After reading the book my first thought was why did they even bother. For example, the Russian era is incorrect, the statehood movement is incorrect, they misunderstood Inupiat culture -- the list just goes on and on. While I realize it is a piece of fiction, someone who is not familiar with Alaska history will not realize what is incorrect.


    Both Sue Henry and Dana Stabenow are Alaskans and their portrayal of life in our state is accurate.


    Lael Morgan's book "Good Time Girls" is an interesting history of prostitution in Alaska with a large portion focusing on Fairbanks. I was on the host committee for the annual Alaska Historical Society meeting in Fairbanks in the early 1990s. The book was not yet published, and we asked her to be one of our luncheon speakers (Lael is a great public speaker). She had forewarned us that some people were finding the topic squeamish. During her presentation the host committee was seated on an elevated platform looking out at the AHS membership. It was clear that some members were having some problems with the topic, and several people actually left the room.


    I prefer non-fiction but for fiction I enjoy the Yukon Jack stories and the cookbook (and history book) written by his late widow Ruth Allman, Alaska Sourdough.


    We were in a state of shock when Michener's Alaska came out as he made his victory tour around Alaska.


    I have downloaded many books by Alaskans about Alaska for my Kindle and many are free or cheap.


    On my Kindle I paid a lot of money for an ebook of Judge Wickersham's Old Yukon. The Judge was Ruth Allman's uncle. Real history of Alaska. I have an old print copy but it has tiny print and is way too heavy to carry around....and too precious.


    I'll read anything put out by Alaska Geographic.

  10. I avoid using something that looks like a jewelry roll or jewelry case.

    I prefer for the closed case to look like it holds cosmetics as it might not catch the attention of someone looking to lift valuables from carryons under whatever circumstances. I have a collection of quilted Vera Bradley looking type bags in various sizes that work great.


    I never travel with more jewelry than I can wear at one time unless the pieces have little value. Hard learned lessons.


    I leave my best stuff in a safety deposit box and travel with lessor items.


    I travel with a plain gold wedding ring that has no sentimental value.


    Never put valuable items in your checked bags.

  11. Some people see the word 'layover' and believe it refers to an overnight stay to catch the next plane.


    That said, as a connection that just isn't enough time.


    Not only will you have to do passport control, but security is extremely high in European airports and can take a lot of time.


    If you have already bought the tickets, you will have to do the best you can with that connection. If you are just looking at the choices, please allow yourself more time between flights.

  12. Nobby! Yes! Look into some wet protection for your cameras and lenses. Among other things, I use a lot of zippy bags. Also make sure you have shoes/boots with non-slip soles and a really waterproof jacket so that nothing can hold you back.


    I have a mono-pod that is also a walking stick. That sort of thing can be outright handy.


    I plan my photo outings months in advance, make lists and check everything many times. It is all that important to me.


    Thanks for your link!


    All bought at Wal Mart and made in China?



    The ones in my family were bought at WalMart and also on severe discount at dollar stores. The folks who had no opened their returned them but the packages that were opened and the items displayed have not yet been returned (or making an issue of the staining).


    One clever woman made a paste of Oxyclean that did a fair job of stain removal on white walls.

  14. I don't care whether they INTENTIONALLY did it or not. Who in the heck would put something with ADHESIVE on the walls of ANY PLACE they do not own??? Hotel, cruise ship cabin, B & B, ski lodge, rental property.


    Have you never signed a rental agreement for an apt or house? I know with our own rental property, it VERY SPECIFICALLY states NO NAILS, NO ADHESIVE BACKED DECORATIONS APPLIED TO WALLS OR CUPBOARDS, NO PERMANENT MURALS, NO PAINTING at all without landlord approval. Not even worrying about dye fading through the adhesive. Just don't want to spend hours patching holes or using heavy solvents to get adhesive off of anything. (Although toothpaste for nail holes in college worked well in the Sorority house and college dorms-LOL)


    You want to use those new thingys that are removable, fine. But who needs to decorate their cabin with anything more than something personal?? A few Xmas cards, maybe some LED lights hung from a couple of coat hangers, a small nativity for the desk, a menorah with flameless candles. Anything else, FORGET IT. NO wonder people say their luggage weighs so much and they can't take their formal clothes. Filled up with CRAP!!!


    The ships are BEAUTIFULLY decorated during the holidays. Isn't that enough???


    Always good to know that you are OK!


    Thanks to Bruce's post I was able to head off a family member from using either the same or a similar product. The items were on severe markdown and at that point really cheap to buy, but obviously not to use.


    I'm taking a break and enjoying some quiet time before I attack the dishes.

  15. I talked to several people about family business and asked if anyone had bought such decorations. Bingo! At Walmart and dollar stores. The colors, especially the red, are very bright.


    Do not buy any of this things on the mark down sales!


    If you already have stuck them on walls, furniture, windows, mirrors and such, I have no idea how to get them down without damage and the color tint is in the adhesive.

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