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Posts posted by quincytoo

  1. [quote name='rdsqrl'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=indigo]It's those darned cookie leprechauns -- I think they're related to the gin leprechauns that have been at my liquor supply . . . [/COLOR][/FONT][/quote]

    LOL I got the gin leprechaun's cousin, the wine leprechaun living at my house......as I tell my husband we are getting our tolarance built up for the next cruise :rolleyes:

    Those Tim Tams don't last very long do they??? That package I smuggled in the house today only has half a pack left!!!! Clearly Canada needs a jumbo pack:D
  2. Sigh........I was being so good after my vacation.....so good....Tim Tams were on sale at our local grocery store and I held off ...till today.....funny thing was is that we live three blocks from the grocery store and yet the Caramel Tim Tams package were missing two cookies by the time I got home :rolleyes:
  3. We just got back from a 16 day Disneyland/Puerto Vallarta trip......ate and drank more then we should have.....I am grocery shopping yesterday and OMG Caramel Tim Tams at Thrifty's (our local grocery store chain) for $2.50 a package!!!!!!! My hand was reaching for the package(s), you can never buy just one, I looked down at my waistline and noticed the slight overhang that was not there three weeks ago......sadly I did not buy them :(


    Now darn it I will be in there tomorrow buying them :eek:

  4. Your name isn't Michael Moore by any chance is it. You sure do have an agenda here and very rarely is it to help people cruising to the Mexican Riviera. It's almost kind of sad that you are so singularly angry. Life is way to short to concentrate on such negativity.


    Perhaps a coke and a smile. :)


    You just took the words right out of my mouth......

  5. OK Quincytoo. I will be in Vancouver on September 21st; it's a port stop, so timing is crucial. Would you like to bring some to the ship, or its environs? Caramel Tim Tams and popcorn sounds yummy.


    You have to know, if I lived in Vancouver I so would be meeting you and bringing you carmel ones (and smarties and popcorn so you can tell CC how good that combo is).....Any chance of you having a Victoria day???:D

  6. And I never saw the caramel, which I would have bought in a heartbeat. My next scavenger hunt will be to find them. The originals were delicious.


    Orginal ones are good BUT caramel ones????? I HIDE them from my family!!!!


    >>>Smarties/popcorn are excellent seperate but never

    never together. :p <<


    You have to try them together.....I have turned many non-believers into saying, "OMG this is good!!!" :D

  7. Don't knock it until you try it. :rolleyes::eek::D


    Kinda like choc covered licorice!

    sigh...I LOVE hot buttered salted popcorn mixed with Smarties :)


    I will be looking for chocolate covered licorice here in Victoria, I am assuming the black type??

  8. Wherever and whenever we meet up with our Canadian cousins, we always have to take a few packets of Cadburys Eclairs - toffees filled with chocolate - they say they have difficulty getting them out there. They live on the island as well in Duncan - our next big holiday is a few weeks with them next year, starting with the Rocky Mountaineer to Vancouver, a few weeks on the island and then finishing with an Alaska cruise - can't wait. We'll be taking the Cadbury Eclairs with us:D


    I have never heard of these but OMG they sound like something I would LOVE!! Get them to try the Goats on the roof market in Coombs, they have so much British food with the best selection (and price ) of Cadbury Chocolate I have ever seen, I will be looking for those Eclairs :)


    Your vacation sounds lovely!!!

  9. UK chocolate is the best, especially Cadburys, but it is closely followed by Belgian chocolate - if you go there you have to try their fresh cream filled chocolates - heavenly:D


    We are so lucky living in Canada cause we get UK Cadbury chocolate AND Tim Tams. I am addicted to UK Cadbury Caramel bars and the milk chocolate with the Crunchie bits added to it. I have four large bars of each hidden in the house :rolleyes:


    I dislike the Canadian/US version of chocolate cause it has way to much wax in it, that said, at Halloween, I eat so many of those mini Crispy Crunch chocolate bars...:mad:


    I find if I have it then I am inclined to eat far less of it, that said, if we have a good cab open and a couple of glasses leftover after dinner, we LOVE UK Cadbury chocolate with a glass of good red wine :D

  10. YES! I can confirm...Tim Tams are availabe in Vancouver! We had a lovely couple who brought us some Tim Tams from Australia on our last cruise. We LOVED it! Two weeks ago, I was at a place called "London Drugs" and was suprised they had them. Of course, we couldn't resist buying a bunch!


    I'm not sure how much they are in Australia, but in Vancouver, they are $3.79 each.

    I have seen them at Real Canadian Super Stores for $2.99 and Thrifty's for $3.99 (reg) to $2.50 (sale price.....I am munching on one right now:D

  11. You might want to try an Oreo Cakester. The description of Tim Tam sounds very similar. Cakesters are a new Oreo product.


    We get Tim Tams up here in Canada and they are nothing like an Orea Cakester. Much more real chocolate between two hard sweet cookies covered in more chocolate :)


    Don't understand why you could not bring them in your carry or checked luggage as they are a packaged food.

  12. Lost Joseph's card......sorry :(


    Chair rentals were $5 USD each for the day.......Elvis did not charge us for them however maybe because we ate and drank enough for him to expense the chairs?? Not sure...


    I don't ever remember seeing a bus let alone a bus stop and would be kinda scared of missing it and or not getting back to the the ship. Plus the walk in to the beach wouldn't be all that great :(


    No taxis waiting for you BUT Joseph dropped us off and asked us what time he should be there to pick us up, we paid him for the taxi there and back when we returned to the ship...


    I LOVE that Picture and can just see myself back there :)

  13. I'm hoping to find a beach with soft, white sand, with no surf and easy access in and out (no sudden drop-off). Does this describe Valley Church Beach? If not, does anyone know of such a beach? Thanks so much!

    Those were exactly the conditions the day we were there :)

  14. Restaurant was an open aired with about six tables towards one side it has a wrap around bar that you can seat at. The kitchen is off to one side. It is very very clean, simple and rustic. We loved it. Menu had seafood, salads, curries and I think burgers??


    Bathrooms were very rustic but also clean and you had to walk up a very small path to get to them.

  15. No trouble at all :)

    Joseph our taxi driver quoted us around $40 roundtrip for the two of us ($20 each) AND he took payment WHEN we got back to the ship!!!!!!!!!


    We asked to be picked up at 3 and he was running a few minutes late due to traffic so he actually phoned the restuarant to let us know this :)


    Again one of the best days of the best ever holidays :)

  16. We were at this beach in Nov and LOVED it!! We were going to Jolly beach and Joseph our taxi driver talked us out of it (too touristly, crowded and expensive) and took us here instead.


    We drive down a dirt road and I am thinking..."hmmmmmm not so great" then I see ocean.WOW." We get out and I started squealing like a schoolgirl!


    This place is incredible! Postcard perfect. Long lovely beach and a open air restaurant with full bar. Elvis is the man who owns and operates the restaurant and owns the land. There are very basic rustic but clean restrooms a short walk away from restaurant along wiht an open air shower for rinsing off salt water.

    We rented beach chairs for a few dollars each, it is put on our tab.


    WOW does not begin to cover it, we had this lovely beach all to ourselves for a few hours.


    Swimming was great lots of shells and such. We had a great lunch of salad, curried chicken (best we have ever had) and garlic bread along with two beer, one very strong rum punch (get Elvis to put a lot of juice in it as it is very strong, I was tipsy after a few sips) and a coke. Lunch, drinks, chairs cost us abotu $40 US which was an amazing deal for all we got :)


    We arrived early at about 10 and about 1 PM more people started to arrive including people off CB, gotta love those blue and white striped towels that scream Princess cruises.


    We met some nice people staying over at Cocobay Resorts who stopped for a beer while walking over to Jolly Beach. If you click on the link and go look at the pictures then you should be able to see some of Valley Church Beach.



    Sorry about the huge post, I was just trying to include as much info as I could. This day was one of the best days in what was the best vacation of our life :)

  17. If you have children then I recommend the Chocolate chip cookies and milk for a bedtime treat. My little guy loved to order that.


    The grilled ham and swiss was perfect for a little snack after a busy port day. Dh and I would split it to hold us over before dinner.


    I would get the CCC when they came out hot in the buffet, I would eat some right there and then, YUM :), then brought some back to the stateroom with a few cartons of milk.


    Your little man had it right it really is the best bedtime treat :)

  18. I scream when I see a garter snake on TV :eek:


    That said in all my times in Mexico I have yet to see a snake, we saw a dead eel once (that looks like a snake but wasn't)


    When we are in Nuevo every morning we go for a walk on the beach and can see snake track marks from their early morning crawl and birds feet imprints right next to them......Guess what the birds eat??

  19. We were on the NCL Spirit two years ago and, except for The Bistro and the Shogun, the restaurants that you had to pay extra for, he food on that entire cruise ranged from horrible to just alright.....it was truly bad, I lost 5 pounds, which is actually a good thing....;)


    Sushi on the Diamond Princess was not veyr good, it tasted like prerolled supermarket sushi but worse.....Other then that we LOVED the food on the Diamond Princess YUMO

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