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garden girl

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Everything posted by garden girl

  1. I think that takes care of it. There is a choice for client bill. Good to know that the proctor was willing to assist. Keeping fingers crossed everything goes as planned. We have an early morning appt the day we fly out. Hopefully the results come while we can still print them from home. Thanks for all your research
  2. pgwilli, hate to be pest but did you have to provide insurance info when you registered or did I click on a link I didn't have to fill out? I stopped when it asked for insurance - why do they need it if this is paid upfront? I have emailed them but not heard back yet. Their online chat worked well before but is not up and running at the moment
  3. That puts a wrinkle in things. I only have 8 days. For some reason it appeared that several people were using them or one of the other bring your own test kits. I wonder if HAL will do a test if they won't accept it. Hopefully they wouldn't turn you away.
  4. does Onpoint test give a QR code? And, anyone know if 2 of us can do it at the same time? I definitely was planning on Walgreens and will contact my insurance tomorrow. Fingers crossed
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