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Everything posted by fridaythe13th

  1. 👍 Thank you. I am aware about not taking it.
  2. I’m aware of the one near the dockyard. There is another one I’ve been to but can’t remember how to get there. It’s in the St Georges area if anyone can guide me.
  3. What is the dress code for the main dining room? Not specialty or buffet. Can men wear shorts?
  4. No, I’m not aware. Just started planning. Thanks for the heads up!
  5. Yes, that’s what I’m asking. I knew I didn’t quite word it right.
  6. Does the tour package take you all the way into Denali or are we better off doing it on our own before our cruise begins?
  7. fridaythe13th

    Jet skis

    Are they allowed in Tortola? We’re looking for a way to get to JVD and thought that would be fun!
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