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Posts posted by delacruz

  1. I'm so frustrated. I love my Zumba and the instructor we have at the gym I go to finally changed his music with some prompting but he never took the time to come up with actual routines and changes it every week. He is doing more jazz aerobics type moves and I'm sick of it. I found another class that I can stop at on my way home on Tuesdays so I can at least do it Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's.


    That's SO frustrating - I guess that goes back to the recent conversation we just had here about the different reactions between struggling with choreography you don't know, the great workout you get when you know the choreography well enough to really DO it, and knowing it too well and not getting the full workout.


    Would it be possible to gently let him know that it would help so much if there was more of a pattern you could follow (I say gently cause I got myself in a mess this week at work communicating my true frustration with one of my vendors, and their response was to not respond, which frustrated me even more!)


    At least you have another class you can go to that's better, but that doesn't help the other days.:(


    When I've been in similar circumstances I always think that I'm not required to follow the instructor exactly - and I DON'T always...especially when I know I have to lower the impact for my knees or her move is totally awkward or frustrating for me, so I change it a bit...as long as I'm moving in my space where I don't interfere with the class - we're not professional dancers trying to be totally in sync - it's supposed to be a party!:p

  2. Margaret, you are so aware of your body and the way that it moves. I can feel the dancer's soul in you when you describe movement, etc. For me, I'm a very practical and analytical Zumba student. I usually have a mental tape that says things like... well, there's my quad muscle... and, there's my transverse abdominus getting engaged...:D


    We had a sub teacher for Sunday's class. There was a girl in the front row and she is, perhaps, what you would call an energetic Zumba student. Ask me if she can make me "nuts" sometimes and I would answer that she does. At one point, she actually turned to another student and asked why we were doing this particular step. I answered... to engage our gastrocnemius and soleus muscles in a way that is far more interesting than doing calf raises or squats or lunges.


    I have a history with this particular student. Anita knows this story. I think that she came into MY class while I was gone on our Spring Break cruise, so when I returned to class she was in MY spot. Actually, what happened is that I came to class on the earlier side of the start time (like I usually do) and was standing in MY spot. She came in... kind of glared at me.. and squeezed into a spot that she made that was far too close to both me and the person beside me. :confused: She kind of pushed on me all through class and I know that you all know what I mean. This happened again... and again.. and again. Uh-oh. Does everyone here know how stubborn I am? Apparently, she's pretty stubborn too... but I'm can't-budge-a-boulder stubborn, so simply no contest.


    on Sunday, I caught her and a few other students discussing a 60-year old instructor. I didn't know that one of the instructors that I haven't attended a class with was 60-years old, but that's pretty cool. Anyway, they were comparing her energy level with a very bouncy Zumba instructor (Melanie, for Anita's benefit). I told them that they needed to stop being amazed about the 60-year olds because, mentally, they needed to stay prepared to do Zumba way past that age point and I could say something because that instructor and I shared a decade. So, that broke the ice, so to speak, with this young lady that has been having a territorial cold war with me.


    She told me that she's an energetic exerciser and that I'm an energetic exerciser and that she's so "motivated" by my ability to exercise and look younger than I am... you know sometimes there's no good way to express a compliment about what, to some, is a touchy subject. Anyway, she said that she hoped she wasn't getting in my way. We had a good discussion. It's a packed class and, of course, she's getting in my way AND I'm getting in her way. But, realistically, there's nothing we can do about it if we want to continue coming to that very popular class. It'll be interesting to see how, if anything, things change between us now that we've introduced ourselves and are no longer strangers. When you've spoken and exchanged names, you are no longer strangers. :D


    I had just about rid myself of the cruise weight, and then this weekend I blew my diet. I just blew it up big... kind of gross.. and I don't know why. I didn't really even enjoy eating the huge bag of chips that I ate like... watch my dust FAST... by the handfuls. I felt gross after eating all those potatoes and oil and salt... just gross. And I had had a super healthy dinner! Grilled salmon with a mango/avocado salsa and broccoli. Super yummy. I have got to find the equivalent of chips in a healthy snack. I'm annoyed with myself this morning. I didn't even weigh, because I really don't want to know. I'll just do my Zumba week and then weigh next weekend. :mad:



    Ha, that's so funny. I have MY favorite spot too, and although I'm one of the more 'regular' regulars at the Tues/Thurs class, a lot of time it's really tight timing for me after work, and I get there just as class is starting. You enter the room at the back of the class, and I HATE to stand in the back...especially since we don't have a raised platform for the instructor in that room. So I do a lot of weaving, but really try to get closer without being obnoxious.


    There is one girl that comes on Thursday that I'm pretty sure is mentally challenged...and talk about vigorous exercising! She is SO fully into it but really clears a wide area. I've been happy that she has always stayed towards the middle or back of the room...but now she's been in MY territory! :eek: Makes it interesting. she seems very sweet though, if now all arms and legs everywhere!


    Oh, and potato chips...I can't even 'go there'. I have NO control with that one food.

  3. Your comment got me thinking about muscle memory, which can be great when it allows us to work harder because we know what's coming and keeps us from injury. But I know from my dance career that it can also work against you, because our bodies become more efficient doing the familiar, and then we are working less hard and burning fewer calories to boot. For dancers, this is part of the point of the rehearsal process, so the final result looks effortless and complete. But for Zumba, we need to change it up often. Some people would characterize this ease as getting lazy, but really it is just the result of consistent practice and needs to be recognized by the teacher and adjusted for by adding new stuff.


    It's sad to say goodbye to fun songs, but your teacher is doing right by you if they don't repeat for too long.


    I definitely can see what you're saying about not getting too lazy. I'm thinking for me though, I'm still enough of a newbie that knowing the song well makes me get a better workout since I'm not fumbling or spending time concentrating on what I'm 'supposed' to be doing, but really getting into dancing full out and enjoying it.


    I have to give the Zumba instructors with the really varied playlists a lot of credit - there might be a few songs that they repeat once in a while, but the fact that they know the choreography for SO many songs impresses me.

  4. Hello to my fellow Zumba-holics!


    I'm a 7 day a week-er these days. It is the highlight of my day to be honest. I work in computers and needless to say the cube world doesn't do much for keeping my weight in check. Zumba has proven to be a wonderful outlet for me. I love my instructors and have been known to teach from time to time. Hardest part for me is when we are cruising and I can't get my Zumba fix. I also tend to be in the minority since I'm a guy who loves to dance. My wife doesn't feel the urge to shake her booty as I do :).

    Our next cruise is on Freedom of the seas on August 12th. I've heard rumor that there is Zumba by the pool in the morning but we shall see. I just got my latest Zumba choreography in the mail and am going to learn some new songs this week. In addition I will be at the Zumba convention from August 8th through the 12th so I should have some good songs to travel with.

    Just pleased as can be to find so many of you that share the passion.



    Hi Doug!


    I work in computers also, and actually look forward to the days when I have to physically move computers around. Now that I'm in better shape from an exercise I really love I'm not so self-conscious about my butt sticking out from under a desk, or having to get up off the floor at almost 57 years old! But those days spent at the computer, it feels so good to go change into my workout clothes.


    My DH would LOVE to join us in Zumba, but I've mentioned before, with all the hardware in his back from major surgery he can't risk it. Our gym is funny that we don't get a lot of guys that are regulars - sometimes we have 3 or 4 guys in a class of 30, other times none.


    We were on the Freedom last November and I had only started Zumba a couple of months before that, but was hoping there would be Zumba or something like it on board. There was only one posting in the Compass for something like a 'Latin Line Dancing class' in one of the lounges at 1pm on a sea day that I think was their way of doing Zumba without a certified instructor, but when I showed up on time there were only a handful of cruisers that were waiting, no instructor, so I left. I passed by a bit later and I guess she finally did show up, but nobody was sweating!


    One thing I did do on the Freedom that was SO much fun was the Flash Mob. I figured that even though I was still a Zumba newbie, I could follow the choreography. We did it just before the Quest, and it was a blast! We only had 1/2 practice beforehand.



  5. This Wednesday in Zumba was so fun! We said goodbye to two old dances, Fruta Fresca (which I love, si si si) and Waka Waka, which I had never done and really liked so it's kind of disappointing that I won't get to do it more. Typical student, I'm very attached to my favorites!


    Saturday class was interesting - we had the sub again, she did much better this time. My main complaints with her are 1. her warmup is so confusing, it's hard to get warm when you're standing there trying to figure out what's going on (and it's not just me); 2. she doesn't always remember her choreo, so the transitions can be murky and we founder a bit; and 3. she does this one slowish song in the middle and she's always off the count -- to me that is a sign that the music is too slow for the step, or likewise that step needs faster music, since she's always on count the rest of the time. I drives me crazy being off the beat! I don't like the placement of that song in the lineup anyways, and I added my own arms to keep my heart rate up. I probably drive her crazy.


    Arms are so important. I don't think just holding them up like a club girl counts as arms.


    Here's another weird thing, maybe others can weigh in about what's typical. My Wednesday teacher talks to us a lot, in between songs, during songs to give directions, sing along, get everyone pumped. We clap along sometimes. My Saturday teacher (the sub) doesn't talk at all, she just points once in awhile. It's a very quiet class, no whooping or clapping. Very different dynamics between the two.


    What is your class like?


    It's hard for me to say since I haven't had a particular instructor for more than a few months at a time if a song ever really gets 'retired'. Some of the instructors I've had will play almost the same playlist every time with maybe only minor changes, others really change it up quite a bit. I hadn't heard of 'fruta fresca', but just listened to it - really nice.


    What you say about the different styles is so true. As Anita and her mom always say -the class can be SO instructor driven at times. The last instructor who my gym let go (I liked her personally, but not the best instructor) stopped between every song first to pick one out (while she was scrolling past songs I'd hear a song I recognized and love, but she'd pass right by it:mad:) to give instructions on any 'tricky part'. It was pretty useless, and really put too much time between songs. Just start dancing and I'll figure it out!


    We just got a new 'permanent' instructor for the Thursday class who stated before the class that she talks a lot and gives instruction. I was a bit worried...here we go again. But the instruction was so brief, she never had to stop her pre-set playlist :) to fill us in too much, and the best thing she did was show the higher and lower impact moves so we could choose. I really liked that because with my knees and ankles, I've always had to modify any moves where both feet are supposed to be off the ground, and it was good that she really made it acceptable.


    She had a couple of songs in her playlist that I hadn't heard since my first Zumba class that I love...I was so happy - and probably the people behind me in class wondered who that showoff was keeping right up with her:D.


    But then - I wonder if any of you have had this and how you handle it - she did a couple of songs that were choreographed SO differently from what I know. One of them was OK once I started following her lead, but the other one my body kept on wanting to do it the way I know! I think that was Danza Kuduro. By the end of the number I think I found the right balance between being a part of the group but adding my own 'flair'.

  6. Hey Ladies! The packing has taken over...and my thoughts and actions are consumed with everything relating to the big move.


    I am ruthlessly sorting through things as I prepare for packing. This process does still continue...and I realize how lifestyle can be a help or hindrance to health and fitness goals. Time is the precious commodity...what takes time? Anything and everything that is a responsibility takes time. As I go through all my stuff...I realize that moving stuff is like buying it all over again...sure...it's a discounted rate...but there is a cost to packing, moving, unpacking, organizing, and caring for anything that is moved...and so...


    If you read my Earth thread...and how I went through my closet...deciding if I would purchase each and every piece of clothing I owned...I have been, in essence, doing the same thing with my stuff. STUFF should be a four letter word...which I guess it is in some movies...LOL...and as such...;)...it needs to be thrown away if it does not fit into the goals of promoting a healthy lifestyle. I realize that somewhere along the lines I have been blessed...ahem...with the "what ifs?"...and the need to try to prepare myself for "what if" and I have moved "what ifs?" however many times now...and THIS TIME...they are hitting the recycling, the donation pile, or the trash...because I am no longer willing to take on the responsibility of these things that MAY or may not ever be used.


    To get done what I want to get done in the time I want to get it done...I have 3 weeks. :eek: This coming Monday is a special bulk junk trash pick up day...and that's a major deadline for me as well.


    But things are going well.


    We have been doing a lot of swimming. I try to do laps during "adult swim." OMG...it's hard work to swim continuously for any length of time...the little 10 minutes for adult swim feels endless as I do my laps...freestyle in one direction...breast stroke in the other...and I'm PANTING. Holy cow. Using muscles in a new way for sure. I hope all my activity is enough to make up for my change in class schedule.


    I tell you what...I have really been watching the food. Not so much WHAT as HOW MUCH...and I try my hardest to stop at the point of satisfied...but not stuffed. Sure I could eat more...but do I really need to? This is the hardest thing. I really like food. And there's something about eating. I like it. A LOT. LOL. So it's a challenge for me to reign myself in, so to speak.


    Tomorrow is ZUMBA!! I have a new warm up song...it's called "Back In Time" by Pitbull and it's from the Men In Black 3 movie. It has the refrain from a song from Dirty Dancing. I like it. Did it Tuesday. Doing it tomorrow.


    Hope everyone is doing well. Thinking about you all, even if I'm a little quieter in this busy season.


    I hope your packing is continuing to going well. It really is so much work sorting through everything, and I'm the WORST about not letting things go...'you never know when you might need that'! Even at work today at one of my clients I replaced several very old beat up network cables with newer cables and had a hard time throwing the old ones away:o.


    DH talks sometimes about moving to Florida (mostly to be closer to more cruise ports...lol), and the thought about all the closets and 'crap' to go through is overwhelming. I know - it sounds like I ought to be on 'Hoarders', but it's really not that out of control :rolleyes:. Luckily I have lots of good storage spaces in my house, it's just that I'm a sentimental fool!:D


    It's amazing how when you think you're in decent shape but then do a different type of exercise you find....you're not! Not really, but with the issues with our Tues/Thurs Zumba class still having subs or being cancelled I've gone back to using the treadmill and the machines at the gym. My aerobic capacity is better since doing Zumba, but I can feel I'm working different muscles, especially using the incline.



  7. Sorry for the chop job on the quote, but I was just wanting to talk to you a little bit about the Spanish/San Juan conversation. I really, really think that knowing just a little bit of the language of the country that you're visiting adds such enrichment to the experience of travel. I know that Anita shares this one memory as being a giggle and a highlight to our recent vacation, in Cozumel. We were at Nachi Cocum, which is a beach resort that provides such a wonderful experience (imo). But, the waiters there can be limited in their English and some people find them to be less attentive only because they are a bit reluctant to speak English, at times. I find that if you attempt to speak Spanish to them, they appreciate the effort and it breaks their feelings of being shy at their limited English... because, quite frankly, they know English WAY better than I know Spanish!


    Anyway, we got some hot salsa delivered to us with our lunch and, boy, was it hot. So when the waiter came by (want to call him Jose, but don't know if that's correct), I pointed to the salsa and said, "muy caliente!" He laughed and Anita said "jalapeno?" and Jose responded, "no, habanero." So we all gasped which made Jose laugh out loud... it was just one of those travel moments that make the experience so great and wouldn't have happened if we hadn't tried to converse with Jose in Spanish.


    I've got a bunch of other stories just like that one in various places: speaking German to a German couple in Venice, speaking Italian to an Italian in Rome, speaking French in Paris.... and by "speaking" I mean just saying a few words and phrases... but getting the job done! I know just enough to be dangerous! LOL. But I really do want to be fluent in a few different languages. That's one of my goals...


    I just wanted to express my support at your idea of learning Spanish. And to say that I think that we're going to be able to move our vacation to a sailing, from San Juan, in June 2013... on the Jewel of the Seas. It will depend upon SIL's work schedule... anyway, anything you come up with in your research (and your current knowledge of San Juan) would be wonderful to hear!


    So, to keep this about Zumba... hmmmm... I'm doing Zumba this week! LOL. :D


    I agree with you about knowing some of the language enriching the vacation. I'm very lucky that DH fluent in Spanish (HS Spanish and 35 years in the Food Service business). Like yours, our trips to Cozumel have been enhanced by his conversations with the taxi drivers and staff where we visit (yay for Nachi Cocum!). On our cab ride back to the ship on that vacation he asked the cab driver for a recommendation for our NEXT visit to Cozumel for a similar experience, so we went to Mr. Sancho's AI this year. I understood SOME of their conversation when they slowed down!


    When I took French I could read a full novel in French, and write fluently, but could never understand it spoken or speak it myself easily. (I'm very visual. It's rare for me to make a spelling error on paper but I can't do a spelling bee, I used to be able to do pages of math equations on paper, but can't add numbers in my head):eek:


    DD is fluent in German, and before doing Study Abroad there she took a summer course that immersed them in the language. They couldn't even email their parents in English. I got good at Google Translate, but did manage to keep in touch with her for the summer.


    As for San Juan, although we haven't made our plane reservations yet, we're assuming we'll have one day pre-cruise, hopefully to get there early enough to have all afternoon, evening and the next morning for visiting.


    We've settled on the Hampton Inn - equally convenient to the airport, cruise port, beaches, AND Old San Juan. We heard there's a public bus that will take us from the front of the hotel into OSJ for 75 cents. We LOVE to take public transportation when we can to get that flavor of the island....did so in Nassau, Montego Bay, and Bermuda so far.


    We're travelling with friends who love history, so we'll take them to one of the forts. We already toured San Cristobal, so will probably recommend El Morro for them. That would lead us into walking along Paseo de la Princesa. Really comfortable walking shoes is the key to OSJ! I love just wandering and coming upon some amazing outdoor sculptures, or turning the corner and being at the top of a hill looking out over the water.


    I'm glad you've found another cruise to replace your April 6 one. That really made me angry!


    OH, and keeping this back to Zumba :p- Monday's Zumba class is cancelled, I will be going to Zumba on Tuesday and Thursday, and maybe Wednesday.

  8. Hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day weekend. Anita, I'm so glad you get to spend it with DH!


    I'm recovering from yesterday - a whirlwind day...College graduation for DD#2. What a beautiful day for it! She'll be living at home during the summer doing an internship while she tries to figure out the next stage of her life, and I'm hoping to get some mother/daughter Zumba time!


    I find that beginning to get to know some of the Latin Zumba songs is really making me want to learn Spanish. (I took French in school and was terrible at it). A couple of times this week I've put on the Spanish radio station while driving, and am actually surprised at how much I can understand (mostly food words during ads for restaurants...FOOD I understand in ANY language!:D:D:D)


    ALSO, I'm not sure how to explain this, but I think you all are the best ones to understand since cruising is what has gotten us to this thread....


    Cruising and even the time spent planning a cruise is my Zen, happy, relaxed state. In the past couple of weeks we've spent more time planning our April 2013 cruise out of San Juan, and have been researching where to stay and what to do for our pre-cruise time. We've been there twice on port stops, and something about Old San Juan 'speaks' to me and DH. So researching our pre-cruise visit has been lots of fun.


    I began noticing that during the Spanish songs in Zumba class that I start daydreaming about being in San Juan and also the Bolero (Latin) bar on the Allure that we sail on in October 2012. So not only am I having fun dancing, but I'm also at other 'happy places'!


    Even funny things like discovering Caipirinha cocktails on our last cruise, and then DANCING to the Caipirinha song make that connection to cruising!

  9. Anita, you are such a caring and conscientious teacher. You clearly put a lot of time into plannng that amazing playlist -- no wonder your students are sad to have you leave.


    Hope you are having a great weekend.



    I totally agree with this. Even Adrienne with (the instructor who just left) who 'acted' so caring, the fact that she didn't think ahead of her playlist and just browsed through her ipod between songs was very frustrating. Sometimes she'd pass over something I really liked, and then I'd be disappointed with her selection. Although we haven't gotten the permanent replacement, all 3 that have filled in come totally prepared, and although some of them do a 45 minute class (Adrienne's was 1 hr), I realize I get a better workout in that time since there is less break between songs. And I guess I can see now why the gym let her go early - she has been trying to get me to join her new gym through FB messages. Her gym is almost twice the cost of my gym. Although I don't always care for how they do things at my gym, I have to admit I get a lot for what I pay for - all the cardio, weight machines and free weights, unlimited classes, tanning (I only use it to very gently get a base before a cruise - I KNOW it's not good for me, but better than getting burnt in the Caribbean sun), and 2 locations.


    The other day DH was able to join me at the gym, so I did the treadmill and weights instead of a class to workout alongside him, and realized how I really need to add that back to my workout and not JUST do Zumba. It does work out different muscles.


    Anita, I really like when you post your playlist, because when I look up some of the songs I think I'm not familiar with I find that I do know them but just not by name. So songs like Boro Boro and Pegate, which are some of my favorites now have identities!

  10. Anita, no worries about my name, and I KNOW how memory can be, especially in the midst of the transition you're making.:eek:


    I admire your patience about the cruise - that would make me crazy. I can see if they set aside the date right from the start and don't offer the booking to 'regular' people that it's appropriate to have a charter for whatever group, but to leave you in limbo like this is wrong. I would guess they're waiting to make sure the charter can fill the ship before closing it to the public completely, but how can they fill the ship if you and others have cabins booked? I'm so confused:confused:


    For kasi1979, I'm sure Anita can 'coach' you better, but it's so easy to modify Zumba from high impact. My ankles and knees will let me know if I've overdone it, so I just do my own thing when they're jumping - like modified jumping jacks. Now that I feel so much less uncoordinated from doing Zumba, I'd like to take some dance classes, but DH has to be so careful of his back (he's had major back surgery and has all kinds of hardware holding his lower back together) that we couldn't take the chance of him twisting wrong.



  11. I've been folllowing the saga of your next cruise being chartered, and that kind of stuff really makes me angry. I mentioned it to DH, and he couldn't believe Royal Caribbean would do that. Nope, I've seen it before, just because it isn't right doesn't mean they don't do it. Especially on an adults only cruise, they're gonna bring in a whole lot more money from the bars than on a family cruise...bottom line.


    I really feel that if they ARE going to do a charter, especially for a 'theme' like this one (ewwwww - to each his own, but thank goodness the Brilliance is going in for a drydock right afterwards...it will need a good cleaning!) keep the sailing closed to the public from the start. Don't get people like us who spend hours researching the available cruises until we find the PERFECT one to fit our needs, schedule our lives around it, and then pull it out from under us.


    I'm booked on the Adventure out of Sea out of San Juan also for the week after you were (now that our 'kids' are adults and for are sailing by ourselves anyway we go when Spring Break is OVER!) There's still the possibility we will have to cancel if we can't get decent airfare and if the home improvements we need to concentrate on this year wipe out our budget, but we snagged a corner aft balcony and would HATE to give that up.


    Have you looked at the Celebrity Summit leaving San Juan on April 6 for a 7 nighter (San Juan, at sea, Barbados, St Lucia, Antigua, St Maarten, St Thomas and back to SJ)?

  12. I haven't had a chance to post back after my Tues/Thurs evening Zumba instructor announced she was leaving. Sure enough, the gym didn't give her the 2 weeks transition period she was hoping for, they asked her to not come back. I was very upset by that, as was a couple of other regulars, and let the gym know that I didn't appreciate it. Dh suggested that although they didn't handle it nicely, he could understand their point of view that they were afraid she would 'steal' members away. I definitely let them know my feelings about it when I found out, but I know they didn't give a damn. She had in mind a girl who just became certified but is trying to get more teaching experience to take over for her. She's actually very good, and hope the gym does hire her, but in the meantime we've had subs.


    First of all, the gym she's going to is twice the price and is ONLY classes whereas our gym has 3 locations with cardio equipment, weights, tanning, and we can bring a guest for free (except for classes - that's $5/class for a guest). Of course that's why they treat us like cattle that it's a gym for the masses.:rolleyes: However, ironically, they've lost a few members that money isn't an object for who decided to follow her to the other gym ONLY because of how they did it.


    I have to admit, I never thought this particular instructor was the best, but they grow on you! The people who are leaving got caught up in their anger, and didn't stick around to see that even the subs we've had until they can fill the slot permanently do a much better class than she did. Looking back at when she made her announcement, she was trying so hard to NOT say that she was leaving for a competing club that she got flustered ended up essentially blurting it out.


    Anita, before you worry and think that's how your students will think, just from hearing your thought process of how you plan, present your classes and your knowledge, I know it's not the same. She's 24 years old and is chubbier and flabbier than I am at over 30 years older, and she just can't get the hang of facing the classroom and switching out her sides when turning around - that always makes me laugh when we all start going in opposite direction. The thought that you give that if the space is crowded is wonderful. She will take requests (mostly because except for her warm up and cool down song, she just flips around her ipod until she finds something) and will take a request for a song that has donkey kicks forward and backwards when the class is already too full...that was NOT a good workout as I had to hold back so much. I can see the 2 different subs we've had watching us to make sure we're doing the moves so we don't hurt ourselves and get the most of it, really exaggerating a movement at the beginning so we 'get it'.


    I think if you're worrying about going out on a negative note because you and the class is bored, definitely change it up. Just a couple of new songs that are repetitive enough to be easy to learn fast would spark it up and end it in a positive light.


    Just my 2 cents - I feel kind of funny giving you advice. But also, even if it may seem boring doing some of the same songs, I know for me that when I know a song well enough that I don't have to think about tripping over my 2 left feet and can really dance it, that's the best time I have. Also, know that as a Zumba student, I find we take a little something from our previous teachers to make US more unique!


    As for your 'personal style'...I bet you have more of it than you know. To me, having the organization to put together your classes with so much thought and love for it IS a style.


    I wish you a lot of luck in making your move, and don't envy you for the packing end of things!

  13. So how ironic was this? Tonight my instructor for my Tuesday/Thursday class announced at the end of the class that she will be leaving the area and will only be teaching us until mid-May! I was sort of prepared for it, I was reading between the lines on some of her Facebook posts.


    I'm really enjoying seeing how you plan your playlists and the whole thought process that goes into it. I used to teach a 6 hour fashion illustration class to college sophomores, and to keep our energy level up I added music to the class, and worked really hard to match the music to when we were doing quick warm-ups, long studies, etc. Unfortunately that was over 25 years ago, and I had to deal with recording the music on tape cartridges!

  14. I vote for... after class. Definitely, after class.


    Speaking from a personal experience with an instructor who had some bad news to tell us (her bad news was very personal and health related), bad news before class is a total, total bummer. And, the emotional feelings that get generated with hearing the bad news intensifies with exercise. At least, that is what happened to me. Even though I didn't feel like crying when she first announced her news, by the end of the class I was pretty weepy. So, I'm just saying... after class.


    You could announce it after class in a calm manner informing them of an impending schedule change, something pretty low key. You could tell them that you need their support because your DH is already in the new position and you look forward to seeing them and getting energized. IMO.


    I've been reading this board on and off (since I saw on the Fashion board that we bought the same dress for our last cruises - the Sangria keyhole maxi dress...yours was brown, mine was black).


    I agree with the AFTER class for your announcement also. I started taking Zumba about 6 months ago, and started squeezing in an extra class on Monday nights for one instructor who I thought was great. Her choreography and song choices were fun, her enthusiasm was infectious. One evening after class I brought her profile up on FB to tell her what a fun class we just had, and found that she had just been let go by the gym - she was helping to launch a Yoga studio, and the gym said that was a conflict of interest. The Yoga studio is a 50 minute drive from here, and I can understand them having her not teach Yoga anymore, but NOT Zumba. :mad:


    What really made us upset was that we didn't have the chance to say goodbye to her in person. Luckily she is such an active participant in the Zumba community that I've been able to attend a couple of fundraisers she's been part of, and our replacement for that class made sure to keep all our favorites in the playlist.


    SO, that was a long rambling from me, but I think the end of the class is a good time for it, rather than to put a damper on the 'party'. That will give everyone a chance to go home and deal with their emotions, and still have time to come back and continue to party with you until it's time for your move.



  15. Brian, considering how much I 'ate up' every word of your Oasis food review before our Oasis cruise, I have been anxiously awaiting your Allure review since we'll be sailing in October.


    Although I understand your reasons if you don't post here - remember you have a great following here, are one of the CC 'celebrities' (both they AND RCCL should pay you for all the attention you bring them); don't punish us over some arbitrary rules:confused:. But I'll certainly be following you whether you post here, your blog, or that other 'dreaded' website.:D

  16. Thanks, Judi. If I remember correctly, you and I have already proven to have similar taste in clothes. Didn't we both buy the same black gown? ;)


    Yes, we both had that black Sangria keyhole gown. I was 'lucky' that I broke the zipper BEFORE the cruise, and had it repaired since I saw 2 women onboard that had to sew it on themselves. I KNEW someone else would have the same dress for that price, but I put a brooch at the waistband (thanks for the idea!) and that really polished it up.


    My name is Judi and I'm addicted to cruising....Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

  17. I'm really glad to hear that. Central Park was our favorite location when we were on the Oasis, so we wanted to be as close to the entrance to the Park as we could when we booked the Allure for next year. We're a few doors down from the aft entrance, and was somewhat worried about noise from Dazzles, but figured if it was a problem, I would have read complaints about it already.


    I can't wait to grab my coffee and breakfast panini and head right back to our balcony in the mornings!

  18. We just returned from our cruise on Freedom of the Seas. Our photo from the first formal night: FormalNight1-1.jpg


    I know there were several of you that had this dress (AnitaLatte and Boo2) or were interested in it. I just wanted to give a heads up that I think it was being marked down because the zipper design is really faulty. The zipper broke before the cruise, but I liked it enough that I thought it was worth getting fixed. So now, the dress isn't SUCH a bargain.:( But even though the tailor tried to stitch down the extraneous fabric when he put in the new zipper I could tell it was still catching where all the fabric is ruched. I found that it was easy enough for me to get on and off without unzipping it all the way.


    On formal night I stepped off the elevator onto the Royal Promenade, and saw a woman with the same dress (which I figured I would at the price!). But she showed me she had to sew it on herself, since the zipper broke when she put it on.


    So a heads up to be careful with it!


    I wore this on the second night - I know the pose doesn't show much of the dress. Last year I wore the matching bolero for photos, so I wanted a change for this year:


  19. OK im back! Still looking for a dress to wear at resort.

    Posting pictures, tell me your fav.. So far I think I like the pink one best.


    What I really want is picture labaled short, in a dress that would land right above my knee and so far all I can find is these short dresses that is too short for me. If anyone runs across a dress like this in a longer length, please let me know!


    Oh and BTW I even have a silver strapy shoe that I could wear with the pink one.


    I prefer the pink one also. Of all the others I also like the black and white. They both look very 'resort-y' dressy, yet comfortable so you can enjoy yourself without fussing.


    I like how flowy they are, the first and fourth are too 'clubby' and the third, while pretty, makes me think homecoming dress.

  20. I am still looking for part 3. It has 1 and 2.


    I've stayed 'subscribed' to this thread to stay up on any additional comments to this MOST EXCELLENT review:) for any subsequent Oasis or Allure cruises. It really helped me on my Oasis cruise last November, and I definitely agree that Brian should have been offered a free cruise for it!


    But I'm so confused by the confusion about this review! :rolleyes:


    Part 3 is on the 2nd page of the thread. Just keep clicking 'Next' from Page 1 until you get back here.:p

  21. I am still looking for part 3. It has 1 and 2.


    I've stayed 'subscribed' to this thread to stay up on any additional comments to this MOST EXCELLENT review:) for any subsequent Oasis or Allure cruises. It really helped me on my Oasis cruise last November, and I definitely agree that Brian should have been offered a free cruise for it!


    But I'm so confused by the confusion about this review! :rolleyes:


    Part 3 is on the 2nd page of the thread. Just keep clicking 'Next' from Page 1 until you get back here.:p

  22. We had this cabin on our cruise last week. Every time there was any noticeable ocean movement, there was a creaking that seemed to come from somewhere in the upper walls/soffit/ceiling area. It never happened when we were docked or very calm seas. We mentioned it to guest services who seemed to act like we were nuts, and said they would send someone to look at it. Two days (and sleepless nights) later, they called to see if the problem was 'fixed', but the seas were calm and no noise, so we couldn't say.


    We also noticed as we walked down our hallways you could hear the creaking every few cabins. I didn't have a chance to see if the noise was there on other decks.


    Several other passengers said they had the same noise in their cabin. It was somewhere between a creaking, knocking, or rolling noise.

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