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Posts posted by sammyreddog

  1. :confused:


    Looking information on which night is "formal" on the Constellation 5 night itinerary. We are in Key West on day 2 and at sea on day 3. I have seen conflicting reports as to whether formal night is day 2 or day 3. Hubbie doesn't want to schlep along a jacket for a 5 night, so we want to book a specialty. Thanks is advance for any help!

  2. Thanks for all the great information. Originally booked a suite guarantee last week for mid-March sailing. Celebrity assigned 6099 the next day. On a whim, I checked to see what other suites were still open---6145 and 6146 were! I called my TA and viola! Got 6145 for the price of a guarantee! Can't wait....:D

  3. We were in St. Maarten last week. First off, you are there during the heat of the day....we saw no mosquitoes. If you are at a beach, the breeze will likely keep them away. If you are venturing in to the interior of the island, you might want to put on some spray. And judging from the hoards of people that poured out of the 7 ships in port, no one is staying on the boat! (I did not see netting being installed on the ship, so I'm relatively sure that the mosquitoes could infiltrate if they wanted to!)

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