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Posts posted by kennetro

  1. HAVCAM...,


    Thanks so much for the heads up. I, too, am so excited. Yes, I have been working with a private tour guide for a full 2-day "custom" tour of Cairo BEFORE I meet the Tauck people to begin the tour with them. Our guide, "Moustafa", almost brings tears to my eyes every time he writes. He is obviously SO grateful that we're coming and is SO PROUD of what has transpired in his country. He never refers to "Egypt". It's always "my new FREE Egypt". .....& That never fails to put a lump in my throat!


    On a humorous note, because I specified that I wanted to see sights that most tourists do not even see, he has officially named our custom tour "Ken's-Stuff-Most-Tourists-Will-Never-Get-To-See,-But-Locals-LOVE!" I can't wait. :-) (We'll get to see all the usual stuff - pyramids, sphynx, camel rides, museum, yadda, yadda, yadda, with our Tauck guide.)


    Thanks again,



  2. Which cruise line?


    Tauck is a tour company. Not a cruise line. We fly into Cairo, and after about 5 days of touring & sightseeing, we fly on to Luxor where we then board the "Nile Adventurer" for the river cruise. I believe the "Adventurer" is owned by Abercrombie & Kent (?). The Nile cruise is about 5 days, then we fly back to Alexandria, do some more sightseeing, then return to Cairo for one more night before our flight out. So far, Tauck is still saying that all tours after June are still scheduled to depart. I sure hope that "holds"!

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