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Posts posted by 3dogmom

  1. It's fantastic! I'm a huge packing planner, too. I use Excel to create a spreadsheet for each type of vacation; 1 week cruise, weekend at the beach, etc. If I don't make a list, it somehow stays home...like my PJ's did when I thought "Oh, it's a weekend in Palm Beach, I know what to bring":rolleyes: Now, a list is always made no matter what!


    One thing I feel I have slacked on is the accessories. Some outfits do have certain jewelry that I take, but not all. This thread has inspired me to include all accessories into the day-to-day outfit choices.


    Anyone have ideas of how to wear scarves? I have some really pretty ones I have purchased, some onboard cruise ships, but have no clue how to wear them or what to do with them:confused:


    Indiana71 - If the Clothes Mentor is close to your DS in MN, I highly recommend you check them out. It's a cash-on-the-spot resale store that is very picky as to what they buy and has a lot of mid-to-higher end brands. I bought 11 items for $197.00. 5 of the 11 items were brand new with the tags still attached.:) Yes, quite proud of my bargains.


  2. Jen,

    Love that gown... LOL, did you find you really had to wiggle into the gown? I had one similiar and once on it has a great backline and awesome, but getting into it was a challenge... Good thing no one was watching!!


    As far as shipping.. Here is what I propose... I would like to receive payment of $12.00 per shipment. What this will mean is some will pay in excess of my cost while others will pay less than my cost but I think it will all even out... If that works for everyone it would make it so much easier then me Emailing everyone the cost of shipment.


    Thanks all!!


    I thought I saw a picture you posted with a similar back! I didn't find the dress hard at all to get into. Really just slips on right over the head. The dress is all stretch, so it moves easily.


    The shipping cost sounds good to me.

  3. Not sure if anyone will want them but here we go!




    All the photos are here.


    These are the sizes.


    sequin top - S

    maroon long dress - 3/4

    red dress - M

    pink shirt/dress (I wore it as a dress) - M

    yellow shirt/dress - S

    pink skirt - not sure but I am a size 3/5

    a line print skirt - 7


    I bought all of them in the juniors section.


    I would be interested in the sequin top, yellow dress, and long pink skirt. If these items are available, you can email me threedogdunedin at Yahoo dot com


    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Pink polka-dot dress is a Charlotte Russo Jr's dress size M... Would say a size 6 at best.... I LOVE this sundress, so cute.... The cups are slightly padded...


    Hey, if this is your size I have tons of Jr's really cute ones in this size.... Let me know.


    Size 6 is perfect. Yes, I'd love to see what else you have. If you'd rather email me, here is my contact info: threedogdunedin at Yahoo dot com


    Thanks so much!


    Oh...and I doubt it from what you said, but I'm a lowly 34a in case you have any bras available.

  5. Hi Jen;


    How do you like your Mini? I have a three year old red and white top Mini. I love it! I ordered the Countryman on 12-02-2010. On 12-03-2010 I had the accident. It came two months ago and has been sitting in the garage since.


    The Gucci bag is your. I will try to ship it early next week.


    Take care.




    PS. This is my new Countryman.


    Thanks so much for the bag!


    I bought a 2010 Mini last Labor Day and absolutely love it! It's a fun little ride:)


    Here's mine...


  6. Hello Ladies,


    3dogmom. If you are Jennifer, the dresses are packed and will be shipping to you tomorrow or the next day.


    Moira, please email me your adress. I will be shipping your tomorrow or the next day also.


    I will be posting more dresses, shirts and skirts later.


    Take care ladies and have a great day.




    Hi Marie,


    Yup, I'm Jennifer. Thank you so much. I will report back when I get them!

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