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wishful thinking

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Posts posted by wishful thinking

  1. Two more days and I wish it was all over with so I know. Internet pics are not very consoling. I guess this is where faith kicks in. Thanks for your support all.


    Have been thinking of you all day today. Hope all is well. Keeping fingers and everything crossed for you.

  2. I only happened on this thread 3 days ago. I lost my beloved hubby in January 2011. We were late starters to the cruising fraternity (New Years' Eve of 2005). But we absolutely loved it. I was just checking out cruising for solos when I found this thread. Don't really know why I was checking because I don't think I'd have the confidence to travel alone any time soon. But reading this story has made me ashamed of myself. I am only 63 and cannot bear the thought of being on my own for the first time. Reading all about Egon's travels has been an absolute pleasure and my thanks go to all the people who have continued this thread. You are stars! I truly hope he finds a companion who will enjoy his humour, honesty and conversation. Reading between the lines I know he feels lonely and alone. This is so sad. I hope he knows how much pleasure he is giving to complete strangers, and I hope he continues to enjoy his travelling. I for one am hooked. Go Egon Go. You are amazing!

  3. I can't believe you've posted this thread just when I needed it. I followed your events and was very emotional. At the time my beloved hubby was recovering from cancer treatment. Long story short, we booked a B2B2B on the Emerald Princess for 7, 17 and 27 April of this year. I had booked our son and daughter to join us on 17 April as a surprise. We had to tell him at Christmas because he became poorly and we wanted him to have something to 'get him through'. He made me promise that whatever happened we would still go on 17 April. Sadly he passed away on 22 January. I made him a promise that he WOULD go to the sunshine. My son has been on to Princess UK for nearly 3 hours today trying to sort it all out. They have cancelled our 7 and 27 April cruises (obviously we've lost our deposits - but knew that this would happen). However, my son's partner who is from the US is staying with us at this time. She flew in on Christmas Day to be here with us (was very close to my hubby). My son tried to book her on the cruise instead of my dear hubby and Princess are not playing nice at the moment. Said it wasn't possible as she had a US passport. They are also both ex employees of Princess. Go figure. Be assured I WILL get there somehow even if it means paying for the cruise all over again. Would dearly love to be on the Emerald as originally planned. It would have been our Emerald Wedding Anniversary in April, hence the reason we chose the Emerald Princess. We too want to scatter his ashes into the sea. I truly hope and pray Princess UK can pull out all the stops and make this happen for us all. Sorry to vent but am a bit emotional and raw at the moment.

  4. Hi - can anyone on the Ruby right now say Hi to Chris (singer/guitarist with Junction 21) from his mum and dad. We know he's worrying right now because his dad has just been diagnosed with the big 'C'. He wanted to come straight home, but nothing he can do here at the moment, and we told him 'the show must go on'. Is due home on 15 December anyway, so we're all looking forward to that. Sorry to intrude on this thread. I'm personally enjoying all the posts too, so keep them coming. And to all of you already on the Ruby, have a FANTASTIC time.


    Thanks. :)

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