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    South West Scotland
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500+ Club (6/20)

  1. Thank you for that information..... to be honest at £14.00 per night it is more financially beneficial for us to travel by train but perhaps not as convenient. Much to think about.
  2. Hi all, We are seasoned cruisers but our first Fred cruise departs Rosyth in July (Balmoral/Scottish Isles). Could someone please explain how the embarkation and disembarkation process works ? Is it based on deck or cabin category as to what time you are allocated? Also, we would appreciate advice as to whether driving and parking at the port is a better option than the train and taxi. Apologies for all the questions but I will be travelling with someone living with dementia and want to make the experience as comfortable as possible. Many thanks in advance.
  3. Looks like things are starting to get back to a more reasonable state and level of service. Long may it continue 😊
  4. Fantastic news and provides hope for anyone still trying to get booked. Let’s hope all major issues are now resolved 😅
  5. Logic would suggest Southbound but to put your mind at rest you could always ring the Services to confirm because it’s probably going to take until Friday to get through to Cruise Connect 🙄
  6. Yippee !! Well done ....let's hope the situation is beginning to improve at last !
  7. Outstanding results today !! So thrilled for you (and your Mum !)…relief all round. paracetamol well earned…enjoy your cruise 😊
  8. Glad to hear of another success but fear we will be scarred for life by that incessant music ! Enjoy your cruise and safe travels 😊
  9. Be sure to give your mum some paracetamol and plenty of fluids for the task !
  10. I finally got a human being after 52 minutes of “music” and the booking took about 5 minutes with instant email confirmation (like you I would recommend staying on the line until the confirmation email appears). I honestly think there are only a couple of people manning the phones because we have never experienced this kind of service and stress levels in the past when we have booked coach transfers
  11. I feel your pain! Please keep trying…it does work eventually. I’m not exaggerating when I say it took 5 solid days of trying before I finally succeeded
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