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Everything posted by Stuartm

  1. I saw there was discussion on this forum as to whether this cruise would be cancelled and I received the news from Princess today. We were travelling with six friends who have never cruised before and of course they are all very disappointed...as am I. We will get all our money back of course but cruises from and to Freo are limited. Princess have suggested we book the earlier cruise that sails from Fremantle to Singapore. Unfortunately there are very few cabins left. Back to the drawing board. cheers Stu
  2. I just went on the App to book Sabatinis for our up coming Coral Princess circumnavigation cruise and the cost is $47.25. I thought the price was $25 US which at the moment would make it $37 AU. Has the US price gone up or do Princess add a gratuity to the bill? Also annoying is that I wanted to book a table for 4 with our 2 friends that are linked to my booking but Princess wanted to bill my credit card for the whole amount. I'll just wait till we board. I'm also interested in seeing how the drinks packages will be managed as we are on the 'old' package because we booked a year ago but some will be on the latest package which enables you to order drinks at a higher price. The one thing I REALLY hope is that along with the new package, Princess have also realized that the entry level wines they offer are extremely mediocre and have done something about it. cheers Stu
  3. I'm afraid I just don't understand this hysteria about having to wear a mask. If you have a medical condition then fine, but otherwise, apart from being a bit annoying if you wear glasses as I do, not an issue for me. On our Majestic cruise at Christmas the most annoying thing was when I forgot my mask (which was often) and I'd have to go back to my cabin to get it. The positive from that though was that I got to go up and down the stairs a few more times which can only help on a cruise. I was happy to wear a mask because I didn't want to end up isolated in my cabin for half the cruise which is what happened to the friends we were travelling with. ....and they did wear masks which shows that masks don't offer 100% protection but certainly more protection than going mask-less. I also think that some people just don't like being told what to do,...which really means there's no point in arguing with them about mask wearing. We are off on the Coral in a month for 28 days around Australia and I will certainly be having my 5th vaccination before that and if masks are optional then I will wear one when I feel it appropriate. cheers Stu
  4. Thank you Robncruise. I followed your directions and found the information I was looking for. cheers Stu
  5. I'm sure I could find this on the Princess website but thought it easier to ask in the forum. If two people are booked in the same cabin and one of them tests positive for covid on the morning of departure and is denied boarding, do both qualify for a FCC? Obviously in some cases the healthy person may wish to continue with the cruise but I imagine in most cases that would be unlikely. Just trying to work out Travel Insurance so need to make sure I know what we are covered for. thanks you Stu
  6. To avoid being surprised/disappointed in your cabin once you board, you could use the site below which has pictures of most of the cabins on most of the cruise lines. The dates are usually on the pictures so you can see if the info is current or not. https://www.cruisedeckplans.com/ cheers Stu
  7. We have three cruises booked for next year and I've been agonizing over travel insurance for the last few months. Those PDS's can do your head in. But after reading your post mentioning Qantas I went to their website and did a quick quote for an annual multi trip but the phone rang and I never finished it. About an hour later I got a phone call from a Qantas insurance agent. I had signed in to my FF account when filling in the quote so I guess they have all my details at hand. Bottom line, I was able to ask him all the questions that I needed answers to and I liked his answers. My two main concerns were, seeing it doesn't mention cruising anywhere, were we covered for health cover at sea. Yes is the answer. Secondly if I test positive as I'm about to board the ship will I get any of my cruise fare back. Yes, up to $7500 per person. Our round Australia trip on the Coral is more than that but the most I could see on any of the other insurance sites was $5000. The other thing which I'm sure most people know but I didn't, is even though my partner will have had his 70th birthday by the time we board our third cruise it doesn't change the cover as the policy was taken out when he was 69. We are are off to Antarctica in January 2024 so I will make sure I buy the insurance for that trip before his birthday next year. I didn't even know Qantas offered travel insurance so thank you for your post. It was most illuminating. cheers Stu
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