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Everything posted by laurspag

  1. Those Kavu bags are the style I was referring to. I don't really need one of these big backpacks. At the same time, they looked like they might be too small, so I need to take a better look. I'm thinking sunscreen, water bottle, prescription sunglasses, battery pack for phone. Seeing some of your bags has me thinking, Kat. I don't really bring anything when I travel that is soft sided. If feels like everything moves around. For flying and the like, I imagine packing cubes help to keep those organized? I was even looking at some of that hard sided luggage recently. I don't need new luggage yet, but one airline told me that my carryon is now too big. Anita, I thought it was too soon for your son to be graduating, but I also thought he had like three years to go, lol. He is doing so well, and seems to be doing what he loves. Good for him, and kudos to you for raising him so well. Bears...oh my. A friend of mine has a camp in the Adirondacks, and she is seeing them everywhere. I took pictures of the new shorts. I will post them in a bit. They will do the trick for the trip in general, as well as for the ruins. I'm likely to wear one of my existing pants from Athleta for the eco walk. If you want to google it, there are some videos. A suspension bridge is involved, so my palms are already sweaty, lol. I think the name is Mayan Eden Eco Park.
  2. Margaret, thanks for the picture. I always want to wear the best thing for what I am doing, and I think that utility shorts are ideal for the ruins. Your picture heled a lot, thank you. With the walk, I need to double check the exact name, and then google it to get a better idea. It seems more to be a bit of cross between a tour and a very easy hike, if that makes sense. I got out the two pair of pants I have from Athleta. I haven't had them on in a bit so I want to be sure they fit, but they both have the same general styling and fit. They have zippered pockets in the front, and one has zippered back pockets, I think. The other has a dyed to match tech type knit in the back, so no pockets. They are both fitted, but not closely fitted, and are ankle length. I might opt for one of those, once I try to find more info. So I ordered a few pair of shorts from Eddie Bauer and from Macys. Both were clearance specials. all have pockets, but not with zippers. one pair is a bit longer and has a cargo style pocket with a velcro flap. I was mostly looking to replace where I was short in my wardrobe, in general. I recall having a pair of shorts that looked great and that I loved, that I had for two full years and only wore once. They had a side zipper and no pockets. I didn't even wear them at home! So I generally want front and back pockets. When me and my daughter were cruising, it was a short trip and I had a few denim style shorts. I love my stretchy ivory ones...light weight, great summer color, and they look nice on. They don't have holes and all that. Then I had two other similar styles, but they were much heavier and I did not like that for the heat. I also didn't like the overall fit either. I will take a picture of my new short purchases, but I also grab a skort in a quick drying fabric, and it has zippered pockets. I might have a winner for the eco walk. I was just thinking how much I talk about jewelry and shoes being just right. You guys really know your backpacks! I am lost when it comes to those. I confess that I feel like they make me all sweaty. My husband doesn't mind wearing one, but he has enough going on with his knees and stuff. I really need to get out what I have, and see if I need something else. In the past, my husband has brought along a backpack for our longer cruises. He puts a change of outfit in, along with his phone charger and some magazines, and puts it under his seat on the plane, like do with smallish tote that I treat like a purse with all our travel docs and so forth. (okay, Twizzlers. I have to have a very big bag of Twizzlers for every trip!)
  3. Right after I sent my last post, I thought that I might be happy with a pair of ankle pants. Anita, like you said - the type Athleta has. I need to try on the pair that I have to see if they fit. If there are a lot of bugs out, it might be the ideal thing to wear. There are the ruins also, and I want to wear what is comfortable for that. The eco tour is more of a walk, but since there are some trail type areas, I figured I should dress in a way that makes sense. That backpack looks nice. I was thinking really small, kind of. I want something to hold sunscreen, phone battery pack, sunglasses. My husband and I will each have a water bottle. I'm not a backpack person really. I was hoping one of the pictures would show someone wearing the backpack so I could see how big it was when being worn. I used to have this mini thing...size-wise, it was great but it only went over one arm. I definitely want shorts or pants with a secure pocket or two though. I like keeping my sea pass card where it can't get lost.
  4. We are having something here today that we have not had in quite some time - a rainy day. It makes me happy. Yesterday, for whatever reason, my husband FINALLY decided to straighten out his dresser and get rid of a few things, which he has been talking about for ages. Then with the rain today, we both were talking about going through different things, and just started to work in the mud room, where we have a large pantry/closet. It looks better, and we feel better. The rain has stopped now, but it is getting pretty overcast again so I'm sure the rain will be returning. Before it returns, we are going to drop off the donation items we cleaned out, and make a stop at Home Depot for a few things. Mostly, we are going to price out a few items: new shelving for the pantry closet (going from wire to a solid shelf) and the wood to create the batten and board in the den. I painted it last fall and he hasn't felt well enough for us to really focus on that. In addition, the price of lumber was running so high, we decided to wait a bit. I'm just feeling focused right now. I admit I was feeling depressed for quite a while. Sometimes, you have to remind yourself that there are things out of your control. And then there are things that you have to just take charge of and do. And we are a month and a half away from our cruise. It is getting close! I grabbed a few pairs of shorts online from Kohls for my husband, so he looks pretty well set right now. They were on clearance and super cheap. He loves cargo shorts, but he is fussy about the back pockets (no flap) and he likes the length just so. I found him what he wanted and they were only $16.00 each. I am thinking now about daytime outfits for the cruise. I generally just wear shorts and easy to wear tops onboard. If I find something that feels nicer for a top or maybe pair some cute earrings, then all the better. Port days, I always focus on what it is that we are doing. Nachi is easy - swimsuit with a pair of shorts and a loose top, and then I can change when I am back on board into the usual stuff. For the eco walk, I was thinking that I would like something with a pocket, and maybe I'll bring my mini backpack. I just have to find it, lol. I don't want to bring a big backpack, as it isn't a long hike. I just like the idea of not having to deal with a purse. I want us to have two water bottles, and a few things we should have with us out in port. We are visiting the ruins, which my husband is really excited about. I kind of feel like my attire should be similar as what I wear for the eco walk. My current shorts don't have that. I don't intend to buy anything I won't get a lot of use from either. If I have the backpack, and my shorts have a pocket that I can zip or something like that, then I'm fine. I also like a comfy quick dry fabric. I had some from Eddie Bauer, but I think I got rid of them a few years ago because they fit me kind of odd. We have an outlet store at the mall as well as one in the outlet mall. I should have time to take a look. The outlet mall is cheaper, and has a lot of 40% or 50% off the whole store sales. My husband had fluid drained from his knees about three weeks ago, and they gave him lidocaine shots. He says they have been feeling really good since this was done. While he isn't 100%, it is so good to see him being able to do a few things. The shots have to be at least 3 months apart so we are hoping it lasts through the cruise. Do any of you have suggestions for shorts for a hike?
  5. I just saw this, and it seemed relevant.
  6. Melody, I have been noticing that brown is making a bit of a comeback. It was popular about 3-4 years ago where I could literally find anything and everything. Then the past year or two, it has been a struggle. I treat brown like most people treat black, so I am definitely looking around at items that I feel will be good to invest in. As a matter of fact, one of my cruise dresses is a wonderful chocolate brown. While I could not get the best photo, it really is a great shade...very warm. I'm definitely going to check out Chicos!! Anita, I like your closet organizers. We did something similar in our closet a while back, and I love it. We have an area for dresses on the left, a middle section with shelving for hoodies and jeans with shoe storage in the lower half. Then on the right, there are two rods. It works out really well. One thing for us is that we have four seasons, so we have more clothes than you would have if you lived just in a warm or cold climate. Then, we both need a variety of items between work, home, activewear and for cruises, nicer events, etc. With the spare room, the closet is tiny. Like very, very tiny. It feels like an afterthought to us, but it works out well for me to put my long formal wear in. That is the only thing that fits, and it isn't like I have a huge amount. On the shelf above it, I store my packing cubes and a few tote bags. Closets need to be so much more than just one rod these days. I mentioned earlier about space for hoodies and jeans. Those are a staple of my husband's cooler weather wardrobe. He also wears fleece and nicer knit quarter zips. These things are so hard to get into a dresser so I am glad we have done the closet this way. Anita, remember that comment I made about aging gracefully? I think it ties into what you were saying earlier. I can imagine that my comment could have been construed in many ways. For me, it means feeling good about myself and embracing whatever stage my life is at. Hair turning gray? That's cool! Putting on weight? Not so cool, but I am taking good care of myself, and it is okay to embrace my body while trying to lose a few pounds. So it is about feeling comfortable and confident. I happen to love choosing an outfit and the accessories for a cruise, so I go for it. I feel so good in a cruise when I do this. I just feel good about myself. With work, I find my own way to create an individual look, and that is really aided by the fact that people seldom wear suits at the bank anymore. I can put on a pair of brown dress pants, an ivory hammered satin shell, and a teal cardigan. Then I add something like one of the pair of sandals I have been showing, and a necklace of my choice. My hair and makeup is done. I feel just as professional as I did in a suit, but I am more comfortable and so are those around me. We learned very quickly in the pandemic, when we had to go to the office every single day, that wearing a suit didn't make us more productive. It wasn't even practical to wear something that was dry clean only during the early days of not being exactly sure how long the virus would live on surfaces, or be transferred. Anita, how are you liking your room color? It is so pretty. We keep our room fairly light in color right now but that might change when we get new light fixtures.
  7. Thank you!! I have a lot of fun with picking out outfits for a cruise. I was thinking recently that I wonder why I enjoy it so much. I think it is because I can express myself. For work, I wear clothes that conform to the dress code and my position. When I am at home, I am usually wearing something that is functional for cleaning or whatever. It's a lot of fun to wear what you enjoy, and what feels good on. One of the best things about this grouping is that they feel comfortable, and fit well.
  8. I'm still wanting those. The squared off toe can throw me off too, as I really don't see it as flattering, especially when you don't have a foot with that shape. But they looked pretty on, and they were fairly comfortable for me. To get an idea of my usual work attire these days, envision a straight (not skinny) or bootcut style of pants in a nice fabric. Pair it with a shell of some sort, and either a jacket (blazer) or a cardigan. I try to tie everything together nicely with jewelry and shoes. By shell, I think most of you know what I mean - the typical sleeveless top you can wear with a suit or sweater, or even on its own in a more casual atmosphere. If I have a meeting, the blazer is the way to go. I like the idea of a matching suit but mine is currently too small so I am looking. Blazers in general are hard to find in colors other than black. I personally think they would look fine for work, but when the dress code was updated, it stated no flip flop or flip flop style shoes, and someone asked about a very casual pair of slip on flat sandals with the toe loop, and the answer was that the toe loop made them too casual. There was clearly more to it than that, but I try to lead by example. I might reorder them in order to wear them outside of the office, and then once we update the dress code, it will likely be allowable. The thing is, I made a choice between those and the other pair that I had been considering for the cruise, so I am not sure about having both. I mean, you can never have too many shoes, right? Or can you? 🙂 To me, if you wear them and get your money's worth, then it isn't a waste!
  9. They actually had a ton of options. Since they were having a 40% off sale and allowed coupons in addition for certain brands, I ordered a rather excessive amount of shoes to try on. Because I use Macys a lot, I currently have free shipping and free UPS returns. I can drop off UPS returns at the Staples down the street. I know I have mentioned the neuroma a number of times. I also have bunions and wear a wide width. The thing is, the top and back of my foot aren't wide, so getting a good fit is quite a chore. I love warmer weather shoes, or sandals, because I can get those to fit so much better. There were two pair that I loved as much or more than this pair. One pair was too narrow, and the other pair had a toe loop. While attire for work is definitely more relaxed, I didn't think I could wear the toe loop sandals to work as an officer so I decided against them. Here are links to those, in case you are interested: These are the ones that I didn't think I could wear to work, so I bypassed them. BCBGeneration Women's Finari Sandals & Reviews - Sandals - Shoes - Macy's (macys.com) I loved the look of these, but they weren't wide enough. The shape of the heel was throwing me off too. Dolce Vita Patch Crisscross Slide Dress Sandals & Reviews - Sandals - Shoes - Macy's (macys.com) I desperately wanted these to fit, as they would be perfect for work with dress pants. I am seriously thinking of ordering them again in a larger size if available. Naturalizer Venus Mule Sandals & Reviews - Sandals - Shoes - Macy's (macys.com) Super comfy, but too narrow. The wide width was too narrow! Easy Street Women's Anzola Wedge Sandals & Reviews - Sandals - Shoes - Macy's (macys.com)
  10. Melody, here is the link. Sofar, I'm doing well with them. I was able to apply coupons also. I think this was during their 40% off shoes sale, but they always have lots of sales. https://www.macys.com/shop/product/journee-collection-womens-natia-slide-mules?ID=12241963&lid=pdp_details
  11. My jewelry for the red jumpsuit may change. I originally planned on the jewelry in the photo below, but then migrated to the shiny gold based on my shoe choice.
  12. I tried layout, which is an app on my phone, to see if maybe I could find a way to share outfits in a way that you could see better what I have planned. I think it worked out pretty well. One neat thing is that I could do some shoe switching if I wanted to. While everything is not set in stone, I'm feeling pretty good that these will be my choices. So here we go!!
  13. I will be wearing them with dress pants. I tried to be careful with what I ordered, and paid close attention to the fabric.
  14. The shirts from Coldwater Creek? I don't think I've had outfits picked out this far in advance before. I think the only thing I don't have figured out for dinner is what jewelry with my red jumpsuit. There is something about the look of gold with red that I really like. I have this antique gold starfish necklace. I have worn it a handful of times on cruises, but it feels like it would be a good fit. I'm waiting for the earrings to come in still for formal night. I am going to use the layout feature on my phone to see if I can create a nice collage with dress, shoes and jewelry to make it easy to show you all. Of course, if I get antsy, I can work on my daytime outfits. 🙂 Those tend to be very functional these days. I do wear some jewelry here and there, especially on sea days.
  15. I ordered a shirt for work plus a knit blazer from Coldwater Creek. I was hesitant because they are rather expensive. I also didn't know how the sizing was. It seemed like the items may be to the loose side, so I ordered mediums. I was very impressed - the quality is really nice and they fit perfect. They are both ideal for work. I don't see knit blazers often, but when I do, I often buy them because I can get them to fit me so much better. I didn't order the ribbed knit sweaters they had or the pretty, earthy scarf, but maybe the items will be available at a later date to try. I tend to buy a lot of clothes, but I also return most things. I feel like the selection in store is so limited now. My favorite places are those that have free returns. I don't think Coldwater Creek does, but I really wanted to try these and they both turned out to be great.
  16. Margaret, that sounds like it will be a great cruise. One thing I have noticed for myself is that with one true vacation each year, it is hard for me to try to make it check all the boxes, so to speak. I want to explore, do different things. Find great places to eat. Be active. Then I want to read, listen to music (I have a special gadget for that - works pretty good with my one hearing aid)play trivia, watch the water. We also find that it is fun to play board games in the game room. While Liberty won't have Players, the sports bar, I am going to see what they do have, as we are big on sports. I typically try to plan one thing for port days, and not necessarily an all day thing. This way, once I see what our mood is, we can always head back to ship for the hot tub when we are done, or explore on our own. My last two cruises had a day at Cococay, and the upcoming cruise will be in Cozumel, so we already booked Nachi Cocum. We booked an eco hike in Roatan, the Chacchoben Mayan Ruins and Nachi. It's a nice mix of everything we love. activity, history and relaxation. With a 7 day cruise, we have a few sea days. I love your itinerary, and can't wait to hear about your thoughts on the ports as well as the ship and cruise line. You mentioned that they have theme nights, correct? I've been thinking about your red dress, a lot. It can be hard to explain, but when I wear something red, there is just this amazing feeling that I get. I'm a bit of an introvert in person, so the idea that I could be wearing a bold color that stands out should be the exact opposite of what I would want. Which reminds me...I may bring my red jumpsuit for the last night. I tried it on the other day and liked it, but I really need to see if my husband or daughter can take a picture of me in it. I need to get a better idea of how it looks on. It is casual. It has a wider leg, and I need to wear flats. While I got pretty excited about those earrings, it turns out they are huge. I am all for a statement earring. The dress is dramatic, but understated so having a strong earring works well. I just couldn't see me wearing them. They are just over 2 1/2 inches wide. It didn't seem like an issue to me until I used a ruler, then I went back to link and went through pictures people posted. I found where someone posted a picture wearing them, and they were not what I wanted. I ended up ordering the first ones you posted, Margaret. I think they are going to look stunning with the dress. I also ordered the necklace I posted a link to because I wanted something along those lines, and I may wear it with the olive green dress I posted. I could easily wear those braided slides, but I am thinking I may opt for something else. You know what is sad? None of my skorts fit any more. 😞 So I kept them, but we will see. I will say this much, skorts can fit funny so they always gave me a bit of a muffin top and then laid loose around the hips. I can button them and all, but they are uncomfortable so one of our plans is to go to the Waterloo Outlet Mall soon, and check out the Eddie Bauer outlet. I will check online as well. I have some online shopping plans later - JJill is having a sale. I haven't looked too much yet, but up to 40% off? There are some things I have been watching. They often have some great earth colors, so I get excited when the prices come down.
  17. I would go with the sandals, myself. What is your itinerary?
  18. Oh, and I forgot to post these that I found. These are creative, and I found them this morning before I tried on the green dress, so it is a thought. FLORA Champagne Flower Earrings Bridal Earrings Wedding - Etsy While they ae considered bridal, I didn't get that feeling at all. Melody, while I didn't find a necklace at Chicos for that dress, I did see some really cute pieces. Do you find their jewelry is made well? I don't think I own anything from Chicos.
  19. I'm sooooo glad I decided to do the whole try on thing this morning. I was fresh out of the shower, had the fan going in the room before it got too warm, and just went through all the dresses I planned to bring. Let me tell you what I learned. The ivory short formal dress looks the way I imagined it. The dress is the star. The rest of it just supports the monochrome scheme, which is exactly what I want. The dress does not need any competition. The orange maxi dress and short brownish tropical print look great with the braided sandals. Maybe even better than I was expecting? The brown dress. Once I saw the dress with the braided sandals, I did not feel the need to try the dress on with the other sandals again. It felt right. Next I tried on another dress that I was considering as an option. It is another jersey dress that I have worn on many cruises and also out to casual events here at home. It looks really nice with those braided sandals, but would also look nice with a nicer flat sandal, should I decide I want to go that route. But I know I can wear the braided ones and they are comfy and look nice, so I feel no stress at all right now about having half a suitcase full of shoes. Lastly, the green formal night dress. I really love this dress, and trying it on again reminds me of what I love about it: the way it gives me a shape, how it feels elegant and feels a bit dramatic. Then the neckline, because normally I would shy away from this as I have broad shoulders. There is something about it that helps create an almost hourglass shape. A necklace won't do anything for it. So, what about the sandals? Here is the most amazing discovery, something I knew and just forgot about. You don't see them. At all. This dress has that little all around drape that brushes the floor. The bone sandals are shorter than my gold ones, so it is a bit more pronounced. I generally have to lift my dress when I walk anyway. If I decided to get rid of the drape, I think that you still would hardly see the shoe at all. This opens me up to not worrying about catering to my desire to have things harmonize. It also made me think about both the earrings that you posted, Margaret. Originally, I was thinking the second pair, but I think the first pair is more my style, and has the uniqueness I was looking for. The funny thing is, that original necklace that I posted from Etsy I will be buying. I broke a go to necklace recently, and I think this one would be a good replacement. Gosh, I'm excited. 🙂 I tend to get a bit of a rush sometimes when I've been under the weather, and I'm starting to feel better again. I keep trying to get a good picture, but....
  20. Margaret, thank you for your thoughts. You are spot on with the sandals, in that the chunky heel style is very popular right now. The only thing I stayed away from a bit were the strongly shaped one's that gave me too much of a retro vibe. I literally ordered about 11 pairs when Macy's was having their big sale recently, and only kept a few. Another big thing right now is the squared off toe box. I can honestly say that if I end up choosing and not bringing both, it's the braided ones because they really are more comfortable and go well with at least two of the dresses. Another though I just had was the overall style/vibe. Those earrings for the brown dress are styled much more in line with the chunky heel, aren't they? I can't help it, I love harmony. I also love unique jewelry. The big thing about the green dress is trying to realize that what is in my imagination may not be available. That being said, the idea is very vague, lol. I originally wanted statement earrings and a bracelet that carried the bone color...harmony. I wasn't finding anything at all. It's funny be ause while I love pearls, jewels, etc., I know that isn't what I want for this dress. With that one necklace, I may order it still but not for this outfit. I think it would look great with a ton of things because it is neutral. The second pair of earrings you posted I would order right this minute if they were in a bone color. With a matching bracelet. She handmade these, so it's a possibility but I don't think a bracelet is. I like that they have an artsy, strong presence without being over the top. The first ones are really pretty too - dramatic and with a bit of formality, without looking like the usual. I'm going to try on my dresses today, I think. A mini fashion show, just for myself! It may help me envision what I want to do. But this is definitely the direction I had in mind! It may seem silly, but I am so excited right now about what I've been choosing to bring. I feel like I'm learning things about myself. I also love that I feel I'm expressing a personality side. I love to analyze, and I often ask myself what I liked about my favorite outfits I've worn on a cruise, or what has stayed in my closet the longest, gets worn the most or what I don't wear that I can't seem to get rid of.
  21. Would this maybe work? It isn't exactly what I was thinking, but it feels like I'm getting closer. I was thinking maybe one or two strands only, and then a bracelet with it. It has a nice clean look to it while still being interesting might be too casual. It's close. Chunky Neutral Toffee Tan Statement Necklace Beaded Statement - Etsy I always slide off my shoes! The bone sandals for the formal dress don't slide off, but they are comfy and work for me. But for the rest of my dresses, I almost always where some sort of slide style sandal. I have wide feet with bunions, but my foot isn't wide in the back so getting these to fit is way easier too.
  22. Melody, I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I have a great deal of issues with my feet. Mine swell a lot too, and not just on a cruise. It seems to be an ongoing thing although humidity and being on my feet a lot when we travel make it worse. And there is always the salt added to food too. My bone dress sandals have a fairly low heel and they are comfortable. I added an anti slip pad to the bottom because they were very smooth. Sadly, I find most dress sandals to have no cushioning and slippery bottoms. As to the other two pair, I think the ivory (it's really a warm, light tan color - I love that they have enough color to not make you say "are those white or off white?") are definitely pretty comfortable, and the heel adds support. The other pair have a thinner heel, so I would say not as comfortable. They are both new as I was in desperate need of replacement shoes and sandals. These are both nice for work as well. I think the tan take on a slightly dressier look. The two print dresses work great with either, but for the shorter dress, there is a distinct ivory in it and not tan, so I feel like the braided sandals are better. With the brown dress, I like the tan sandals. Really, I think that once I figure out my other two dinner outfits, then it will help, I think. Hopefully, I don't want to add more shoes, lol. I was thinking I might wear a pair of cropped pants one night. I am pretty sure I mentioned this already. If I do, I want to wear a dressy top, and nice but casual sandals. Just something to elevate the outfit. I'm having trouble finding good sites for jewelry online right now. I have checked all the usuals - Etsy, Macy's, Express, Loft, Nordstrom Rack...JC Penney used to have a ton of stuff, but they have changed so much. We don't have a local store anymore for me to check. I have been looking through my items to see if there is something that stands out to me for the green formal night dress, but nothing is jumping out at me. It can be a bad thing sometimes to get an idea in your head because it doesn't mean it really exists. I can do pearls, but would prefer not to. I also am not looking for anything with a gemstone type look. I think I am trying to keep this elegant, without it looking black tie formal. I am trying to find something with the bone or ivory tone and I don't see anything at all. My original thought was statement earrings, but a necklace is a very good option as well. Then I was thinking I don't want my jewelry to be busy. I want it strong, yet simple. Any store or website suggestions are welcome!!!
  23. By the way, I am going to try the dresses on with the shoes to see if that changes my thoughts at all. I have had instances before where I didn't like something I thought I would. Now, for the first formal night. My goal is to wear the bone colored sandals I am wearing with the ivory dress. This isn't in stone or anything, I would gladly bring along another pair of shoes, but didn't want to take up the space if not necessary. It can also end up creating a different kind of visual. The dress is emerald green, and I will find a place to take a better picture that isn't in my room. I realize this picture shows nothing, but I have to retake the photos. They were dreadful. Even my comforter looked weird. At least you get the idea of the shoes next to a dark color? Maybe not. I'll try again over the weekend. But I welcome your thoughts. I have always loved how you all have different perspectives. I thought about wearing a very simple strand of pearls that are more ivory, but I wasn't feeling it. I think because the neckline is rather straight, statement earrings are the way to go. I have seen many beautiful earrings out thee with pearls, but they look maybe too bridal? And a bit busier than what I had in mind.
  24. Thanks, Melody! Well, it took me longer than planned to get the dress pictures, mostly because I just didn't feel up to it. I am definitely doing better today though. So here are some things I have planned out. You will see some earrings that i keep on the card, mostly because they are handmade and I am not keen on keeping them thrown together with other earrings, necessarily. They are made by a local artist, and there is just something about her work that I love. I think it is because her Instagram site contains a lot of little videos and pictures of items as she works on them, and I am fascinated with the process. She has some things that are bigger, and I tend to go in the middle a bit on the size. I may post a link for one pair that I don't think photographed that great. So here is what I have planned out so far. I need to warn you that when we put the new windows upstairs, we added new drapes and blinds. So we changed the comforter too. It is totally throwing off the colors! This is for the second formal night, that I want to bring a shorter dress for. I love the monotone look, and how the accessories are all simple, while the dress is more detailed. The next picture is awful, but it is clear on the jewelry part at least. so you can see how easy the choices are for me. The bracelet I wore when I got married. The earrings in the middle I also wore in my wedding. Maybe those are meant to be the earrings. I have others, not pictured too. The next dresses are for casual nights. I'll add some commentary about the shoes after. As you know, I was thinking about how not to bring too many shoes. I can't say I want to wear the same shoes with all three dresses, but I can...it will work. I lean towards the darker criss cross sandals for this dress, but I think the other ones will look great too. Plus, this is a maxi and I don't feel like the shoes take on the same importance as you don't see them as much. I'm loving this dress. I thought I made a big mistake ordering it, and was happy that I currently have returns form Macys while I was waiting for it to arrive. Then I tried it on. I thought it was going to be overly fitted and "clubby". It is not. This is where I really, really feel like the crisscross shoes are correct for the dress. Then the next dress was the one I debated buying, and found it cheaper on the designer's website...remember? I wore it for my daughter's graduation. I wore it with flat sandals because we had to park in a parking garage and walk a few blocks to graduation and everything. For the cruise though, I could do that. Or I could wear one of the same sandals I am contemplating for the other dresses. I lean towards the lighter, braided sandals. The above are the cute earrings my sister gave me for my birthday. Either pair works great with the dress. So, I would love to hear your thoughts on which shoes you like with the casual dresses. There are three more nights to go...I'll post about the first formal night in the next post. I also have not chosen dresses for the other two nights yet. I have plenty of time, and some nice choices.
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