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Posts posted by LSUcajunmom

  1. If there is a package where you can choose 3 or 4 choices of massages combined in one session for $99 for 60 minutes online then that is the special on the ship.

  2. I really don't know why there are even 3 different cards before platinum. Blue is fine to show first timers and red is fine to show return guest, but really no need for gold. They can keep their free drink coupon that is only good on the last evening of my cruise. It won't be missed just like that free drink couple before that that was only good at brunch in the main dining room.

  3. Please do not put in your luggage!! As much as you might not mind having your clothes wet & sticky after your 12 pk of soda or water explodes because your luggage was handled by the skillful hands of the porters, I do mind!!

  4. A single serving of Gatorade contains 14 grams of sugar. This isn’t the simple table sugar you're familiar with, but a mix of heavily refined sucrose syrups, think liquefied empty calories. Americans already eat 2.5 pounds of sugar weekly.


    Yes, Gatorade does has electrolytes, but in unreliable amounts. Gatorade, which actually contains more than twice as much sodium than potassium, is an unlikely candidate for any beneficial electrolyte restoration. When the body experiences short periods of exhaustion and fatigue, the last thing it needs is more sodium. Add loads of colorings to the growing list of ingredients, and you have a mystery cocktail of unknowing health consequences. In fact, yellow number 5, used in many tropical flavors, has been implicated in asthmatic health issues.



    Just a few reasons the Dr didn't want the kids drinking it. I'm just giving you my experience w it. Google it and you will see tons of articles about its health concerns. Moderation is the key point. We all have vices, I just choose to avoid this one.

  5. Hands down, the best way to "hydrate" is to drink water. No additives, no sugars, no nothin'. Just plain water. Ask your doctor if you don't believe it. All that other stuff is just marketing and ad gimmicks.


    And lots of sodium!! We had a dr that helped coach ds baseball team. Would not allow kids to bring gaterade/powerade to practice or games. Said it was the worse thing for hydration. And never put cases of water in suitcases!! You may not mind your clothes soaking wet, but I do. And it was actually not allowed before this new rule.

  6. We were in Cozumel two weeks ago on the Ecstasy and they told us the ship's time was one hour ahead of Cozumel time. We arrived at 1:00pm and was happy about this because it gave us extra time at Chankanaabb.


    What time zone does Ecstasy depart from?

  7. We cruised to Cozumel last week out of New Orleans, which is Central Standard Time Zone. I was worried about my excursion time because we were told to meet at 10:15am. That seemed so late to me, so I asked at Guest services if Cozumel was on ship time this time of yr and they said yes. They said Cozumel no longer participates in daylight savings time. That being said, they were on CST last week.

  8. Did our bar hop last week and got my "Fo-Ho" shirt, pin and a beer koozie! It hadn't rain in Cozumel for 300 days straight until the day we arrive. No worries, we still had a great time, met some fabulous new friends and Marshall was a wonderful guide & Carlos rocks as our driver.

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