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Posts posted by gcgold

  1. Actually, I know FAR more than you think...

    I was only trying to keep it short and simple so as to not make the entire post that much longer...

    So, I wasn't trying to go into an in depth explanation of the British system of compensating servers...just trying to make a slight point of clarification just in case anyone tried to hijack it to "Why should we tip at all?"--which, occasionally one of your own countrymen does on these boards...


    Personally, I DO understand that most of you leave a little "something" for good service above and beyond...and some leave the "change" as a course of habit...But it's nowhere in the ballpark of the standard 20% of the bill left here in Southern California--because the "system" or custom IS different...and it was only that distinction I wished to make. I did NOT intend to imply that the British do not leave any gratuity at all.


    As to my knowledge of the UK, I may have visited more of the UK over the years than most of you...I have traveled extensively from Dover to Inverness to Land's End...I've visited all parts of England as well as multiple trips to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland...on cruises, on pre- and post cruise extended visits and on purely "land" trips from 1975 through the present...


    I read this with some agreement until

    "I've visited all parts of England"

    Sorry - but the poster hasn't .


    I have lived here for over 50 years and travelled extensively both for Work and leisure but cannot say this. I would wager any amount that I have visited more places in England than the poster.


    Perhaps the easiest way to explain why it would appear Brits are , generally , more reluctant tippers than say Americans is to understand some fundamental differences in practices and legal restrictions over here. I am not saying what is done here is better or worse but just different.


    1. Under our VAT rules Suppliers MUST display the price to a retail (public) customer including the tax. It is only when a Supplier is selling to another business can the prices be quoted as £xx - and even then the VAT has to be shown with a total payable. So if you are in a shop in the UK the price on the label is the price you pay and the shop cannot charge any extra.


    I have often seen in Florida Brits saying to the checkout operator "but that's not what was on the price label". Followed by an explanation of how tax is added at point of sale. Its usually only a small amount but does cause some bemusement to first time visitors (or even seasoned Visitors like my Father in Law ! )


    2. In our licensed pubs and bars the selling price of drinks must be 'prominently displayed for customers'. Bar owner cannot add to this.


    3. Some restaurants have been creeping in small print at the bottom of their menus saying "xx% service charge will be added for groups of ... or more". Whilst not illegal the charge cannot be enforced if the customers refuse to pay. I have witnessed an owner being told this one night in a Restaurant after he called the Police when a Customer declined to pay.


    4. In Britain staff are entitled to a Statutory minimum wage, therefore the business owner has to factor this in to their selling prices.


    The poster was correct in saying ,

    "I DO understand that most of you leave a little "something" for good service above and beyond...and some leave the "change" as a course of habit."


    What is blurring things a bit is the 'creeping in of the 'American system'.

    for example Owners taking wages from the 'Tip Pool' then topping up to the minimum wage or adding the balance. I understand this is to be outlawed (or may have been already).


    Whilst it would be wrong for me to say "all Brits" do such and such. I think most will tip as customary when visiting , say, USA. In the UK I believe a lot of Brits would be like me in a Restaurant and tip £x per head if the service is good rather than a %age. After all its the same effort in pouring a £40 bottle of wine for 4 people as it is a £20 bottle.


    I would make a guess it is because Brits are 'not used' to the gratuities of 15 - 20% that Celebrity change the pricing on boats leaving the UK. And good on them for that IMHO.

  2. Perfectly safe to brush with but I must warn you. I drink a lot of this and other beers and as much as I enjoy them I find that they make my stomach swell.



    Strange the subtle differences between Britain and Oz.


    Over here there are many reported incidents of guy drinking lots of beer and then finding his wife's stomach beginning to swell . [emoji33]


    I think its because the girls brushed their teeth with beer remnants and didnt realise they had salt on their lips (from the fish & chips) which then put white spots on their toothbrush


  3. I think it's now at the point of being a cultural thing I don't see it ever changing. You had 30 minutes on our last Princess cruise but people still just ignored it and plenty were doing the old one in the sun and one in the shade thing, they could not have cared less that some people could not find a chair. When things were removed the pool staff were getting dogs abuse, I even saw a women that must have been 75 years old lying across three chairs to stop a young couple using two of them. It's not about rules it's about changing people's mentality and let's be honest if you don't care about anyone else but yourself you're not going to change.



    If there was a 'like' button I would have pressed it for this post [emoji295]️[emoji568][emoji41]

  4. Take off the first two and last two letters and add an e to the end. :eek:




    No excuses for not having Tang 10 available.



    Got the slight similarity in the name Steve but thought their symbol was a triangle ?


    As for the TanQ 10 - it could be in short supply as the oz cricket team use it when in England to brush teeth etc.


    Apparently they have to save up the lemons from the TanQ & tonics until the end of each Test Match. Just before the post match interviews they suck on the lemons so they dont appear to be laughing at our feeble attempts at Cricket [emoji13]

  5. ... .....;::

    , I packed what I thought I might wear, jewelry to match, and several pairs of high heeled shoes. Many of my items did not see the light of day.







    I agree . Not packing any high heeled shoes for the next cruise.


    Bit of a safety hazard after being in the Molecular Bar then walking downstairs for Dinner [emoji57]


    Also my wife said I looked ridiculous with them on. [emoji32][emoji33]

  6. New policy comes into play June 1st fleet wide.


    Apparently sone of the Cel X head honchos were at the Masters at Augusta in April, and picked up some tips.


    The patrons at Augusta can place their seat in an allowed area and then come and go as they please. No one is allowed to move the chair or sit on it.


    Not sure that it will work well on the boat , but we should all embrace change I suppose [emoji15]

  7. Has anyone else noticed that the spelling of Luminae is very similar very similar to illuminati? The X on Celebrity is also very similar to their sign.




    Just saying.



    dont quite see that one steve . [emoji15]


    however the X on Cel X boats is even more similar to part of the label on a bottle of Dos Equis . Staying on topic , is it safe to brush my teeth with Dos Equis if Tanq 10 not available [emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji482]

  8. I have been a member of Cruise Critic for 12 years and this has to be one of the best threads ever.



    Right lets get back to the topic of teeth brushing.


    Some people need to realise that CelX are ' monitoring ' this thread and have admitted so.



    Cel X have made a statement that the water (?) is safe on their rather large yachts / boats / dinghys. Fine


    We need them to answer some serious points



    1. Do they accept any responsibility / or claim performing rights for /. incy wincy teeny weeny polka dot hats in cabins ?


    2. Now molecular bar gone ( Cel X or J M Responsible ? ). there is no alternative to the ginger mojito as a combined tooth pate and mouth wash available on the premium alco package .


    3. The new Suite Class has no publicised ankle swelling protection features. Should I have luminae lunch daily what guarantees are there regarding my ankles


    4. Dress Code. Is my polka dot hat allowed in MDR on formal nights.


    Looking forward to an early response[emoji23][emoji636]

  9. Or perhaps it was a sun hat and not a rain hat :rolleyes:?








    Have tears running down my face reading all these posts - hopefully my face isn't too streaky, or should that be spotty :D :p.



    villauk. - interesting monicker[emoji12].


    is ur streaky face like an aston villa top or does one reside in a villa on the Birmingham coast line [emoji636][emoji12][emoji15]?

  10. While you really don't need to look in on that nonsense on the teeth brushing thread mentioned below it would be nice if you commented on the thread on gratuities increasing. If the cat is out of the bag it would be nice to have an official notice of it.



    nonsense ??


    a tad harsh dont u think ????



    but true i suppose [emoji33]

  11. Hi all,




    Our water is safe to drink and to brush your teeth with.




    Additionally, this is one of the strangest threads we have monitored.







    We are delighted that Cel X take the time to 'monitor' threads.


    I need to be sure that you have read all of this thread so that we can take your postings on the issue seriously.


    If you dont confirm this I will wash my hair in the water in the cabin sink , legal action likely if my hair develops white spots [emoji12]

  12. Hi all,




    Our water is safe to drink and to brush your teeth with.




    Additionally, this is one of the strangest threads we have monitored.







    oops .


    they might be monitoring my drink package suggestion regarding brushing ones teeth![emoji33]


    Tanq. 10 off premium package by end of June ???[emoji12][emoji12][emoji636][emoji636][emoji485]

  13. Happy to see that no one is having any issues upgrading.



    thank you for keeping an eye on things.


    Think you may need to look at the thread about whether it is safe to brush teeth in the cabin [emoji12]


    You wont need to say anything , but you can smile and no-one will know [emoji41][emoji636]

  14. Why would you need direct access to the Martini Bar, when you have already mentioned in post #27 in this thread which is quoted above that on your upcoming Reflection cruise, you already have multiple bars on your balcony. :rolleyes::D

    haha - nice try [emoji3][emoji485][emoji568]


    need access to martini bar for the evenings


    only use my big balcony til about 7 p.m.



  15. I'm aware of how to do the math, but chose to state it the way I did as to not have many scratch their heads.:confused::confused:




    Again, it's not the math that I'm interested in but the principle of how and if the discount would be applied.



    Sorry just trying to be helpful with the mathematics.[emoji41][emoji636]

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