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Everything posted by jspqld

  1. It's really just an algorithm lottery lol. My wife & I are both platinum and have not received any such offers recently. Last year though I received and booked an offer for a 7 day cruise in a balcony for total of $540 with $500 obc, was just about free. Only I got that offer, my wife didn't. Dad who is only a red got same offer. We have had some other ok offers come through randomly but not as good as that one. Some people also mention of getting the offers emailed. I haven't seen an email offer in a long time...
  2. Same, I got a too good to refuse offer while my wife didn't. Who knows how their algorithms work...
  3. True. We took advantage of one of those carnival deals a couple of weeks ago. $530 total for the cruise in a balcony and $500obc. Depending how you do your maths, you could almost say it was a free cruise. Parking and Insurance cost almost as much as the cruise lol. Was a fab cruise too!
  4. Thanks so much for this, makes a bit more sense. I don't see either of those as major obstructions.
  5. Looking at a Constellation cruise and see it has new deck plans starting soon. Is anyone familiar with the current obstructions, pro's and cons of V3 partial view balcony rooms, in particular 8010. A quick search has really only shown me external distant photos and a bit hard to tell. Thanks in advance.
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