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Everything posted by NoWhiners

  1. This must be some new strategy the Swans have developed--start slow, lull the other side into thinking they have it in the bag, then strike 😁 It seems to be working, so OK with me. Thanks for posting Mic. We get one game a week here but never the Swans 😞 Go Swans!
  2. I see others were faster than me to answer, which is great. That's actually good because I wasn't sure of the answer! But, we got 128 points and took the 16 night package; we were in a Sky suite. So, that's 8 points each night. Only got us to Select, good for you if that get's you to elite and diamond.👍👍
  3. Just noticed you also asked abut guides. Our guides were terrific. Took care of everything, if we needed anything they helped and if we didn't want to do something, they had no problem with us staying on the bus or waiting somewhere along the way, to be picked up when the group passed on the way back.
  4. We did the Flora and Macchu Picchu add-on last July and the hotels we stayed at were 5 star. Really nice and our breakfast and dinners were included. I wish I could remember the names of the hotels. The one in Cusco was an old monastery, the one in Ollantaytambo was on a river, small patios with nice views of the water and there was a walking trail alongside the river. No matter which you pick, you will love it!
  5. You are being very nice to them! That sure was a bad quarter! When I read the 1st email from you with the scoring, I thought ,uh oh the Sans are in in trouble. But then I read the rest of your posts and I calmed down! Could this be the Swans year? What's the chatter down under? Are the fans onboard or do they think this is a fluke?
  6. OMG!! I saw the first post about the lopsided-score and thought we were doomed! But then, a comeback and it's all good😃 Thanks Mic for posting and for telling me where the Swans stand. Maybe there is hope but why did they fall so far behind?? I won't believe it until they are in the GF!!
  7. Hmm, I wonder if we'll get to see that. It would be at a good time for us!
  8. As I've been saying--Go Swans!! Maybe there's a chance for them this season. Thanks for posting this Mic.
  9. This took me by surprise--it sems like they played on an earlier day than usual? Happy to hear the Swans are still in 1st. I'll have to go look at the standings. We are still getting one game each week, usually on Saturday. It's never the Swans though <sigh>. I sure hope they keep it up. Thanks for the update.
  10. I hoped I could see the game tonight, but alas, all we get is Port vs Hawks. Thanks to everyone keeping me up to date on what is happening. Swans in 1st!! Wow, I didn't see this coming.
  11. OMG, this would be great fun! How do I become a Member? Can I? It says you don't have to be a Member to enjoy the fun but there must be some special perks for Members???? I am sooo jealous. Thanks Mic, something else I can feel I missed out on 😁😉
  12. Wow, Swans are on top early in the season. I'm not sure if I should be happy or worried 🙂 Thanks for posting this Mic.
  13. Thanks for posting Leigh. I wasn't expecting a Friday game, not sure why. I need to check the schedule more. Swans are doing great, maybe this is their year??? Go Swans!
  14. I love watching all of them but I am partial to the first ones (the first 3). The newer movies just seem like the old movies/scripts but with younger actors. I do like the young actors and I hope this means they do more movies in the future. When Han died, I sort of got depressed and stopped watching.
  15. Oh nooo--you haven't seen that already???😮 Watch live sports over re-rerun movies! (Not really--watch what you want 🙂 )
  16. A miracle happened and I am able to watch the Swans even as I type this!! Swans vs GWS, so far very close. This game could go a long way towards determining the 'leader of the pack'. Go Swans!
  17. Yep. I'm holding my breath they can keep it up. And a loss to Richmond (I think)--their only win. Swans must have been tired!
  18. Yikes!! I guess the Hawks may not be having their best season 😉 Got really busy all of a sudden and completely forgot about the Swans. They are doing much better than I expected.
  19. Yeah, it would be tough to maintain focus/interest once they fall too far behind. Happens a lot in US football games, if one side is getting beat really badly. Sometimes, the losing team uses it as an opportunity to get experience for younger players. Sometimes the team leading does this too--and they can let their best guys sit and prevent any injuries.
  20. Wow, quite a win! Are the Swans that good or is Gold Coast having a bad season??😉 Nice that they have started so well, I thought losing Buddy would hurt more. He was starting to decline a bit but I put that up to injuries.
  21. Thanks Mic. I'm pretty tired so I will have to check on the finals score in the morning. Thanks for posting!
  22. I read it that way too. I am a bit confused about whether this means we have to go back and re-select Anytime dining or if this is just for those who booked Anytime reservations. It's too soon for us to do that so I am uncertain if I have to do anything. The new system seems a bit confusing. tldr: If we booked Anytime dining, with no special reservations, do we have to go back and pick one of the 2 new options?
  23. Thanks! I came here looking for what people think of this and was just making my way thru the threads. Now I know where t look 😉
  24. Maybe it's too soon to know, but does anyone have any idea if this means that if we selected "anytime dining" when we booked, we now have to go back and make another choice (i.e., reservable vs walk-up). This is going to irritate me if we have to go back and make a new selection. I thought we were all set and I could concentrate on other things. Grrrr 😀
  25. Well, they should be well-rested, no excuses 😁
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