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Posts posted by cl.klink

  1. On 3/29/2021 at 2:56 PM, Jordanyaya1 said:

    I know it would just be an educated guess, but do you think Celebrity will be sailing at full capacity in June 2022 for European cruises? We are booked on Ireland/Iceland in June 2022 and it hard to tell from their website. 


    I bet that cruises will be close to full or full and activities close to or at a formerly active level.  But, all bets are off as to WHICH sailings sail.  Still too close to the meat of the pandemic.  So many things will change when we reach a steady state on the other side of this thing.  I think that the dynamics of which sailings are likely to be booked and likely to be executed will change, and that is just hard to predict now.  We will have to go with the flow in a lot of things in our society for a while until a reliable new pattern emerges.  So, from a cruise point of view, we are going to have to absorb a lot of unpredictability for a while even after the medical threat subsides.  


    - Joel

  2. On 3/27/2021 at 8:40 AM, TeeRick said:

    Royal Caribbean and Celebrity are offering cruises out of St Maarten, Bahamas and Greece early this summer.  All passengers 18+ must be fully vaccinated by two weeks before boarding a ship.  And all Q&A and information on these cruises state "fully vaccinated crew".  So how, when and where will that take place?  Presumably to meet the timelines- they need to start soon.  Cruise lines have opened booking and are taking deposits.  They must have plans to quickly vaccinate crew.


    I am not looking for speculation.  I am looking for facts and verifiable information from the RCG corporation, Travel Agents, or official sources.  It would be great if any crew members who read these boards could give us information on what is happening with them vaccine-wise in order to get cruising started by June. 


    I have a response, and it is wise, I think, but it is speculative.


    So, ... I guess I have to end there.


    - Joel

    • Haha 1
  3. On 3/26/2021 at 12:51 PM, tonyd285 said:

    We're booked on a cruise to Bermuda, via Newport, RI, the end of June on the Summit.  Reading about Celebrity's start-up in June and no mention of Port Liberty sailings, or Bermuda, I am concerned that our cruise, along with the others to Bermuda may be cancelled.  Anyone have insight as to what may be happening?


    Sorry. I don't think there's any realistic chance it will sail.


    - Joel

  4. Considering the June cruises from St. Marten.


    But, do you think the US will still be requiring a negative test to come back into US?  I know it's guesswork, but what do you think?  Will this requirement end in May?  June?  2022?  After x% are vaccinated, or after rates of infection are down to y%?


    Please speculate wildly and defend as to why.


    - Joel

  5. 9 hours ago, Host Jazzbeau said:

    When my personal physician recommends too conservative a course, I can get a second opinion.  The CDC is a bureaucracy that brooks no competition. But in most areas it can only advise — and more and more people have figured out its prejudices and just ignore it. I don’t know if cruises from the US will be allowed by September, but I will be sailing in the Med, CDC or no CDC. 


    With your doc, you don't even need a second opinion.  You can just say no thanks.


    - Joel

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  6. Have never been on a cruise to either place but have been to Jerusalem many times, even lived there one summer, and would take any time there in a heart beat.  Very visitable with many worthy things each of great impact that each can be seen in a fairly short time, if wanted.  Would also be a great choice to overnight in with many good options of places to stay.


    - Joel

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  7. On 2/13/2021 at 9:40 AM, Coco54 said:

    I never got a survey from cruise critic on this topic.  I am seeing like 81% in favor of mandatory vaccines?!!!  Nope.  I do not agree.  It should be like a flu shot.  It's your body people, we don't need this type of control over us.  I just got over Covid virus. I am 69.  My husband and I both had it. Like a really bad flu, but I can understand anyone with underlying problems could be worse, as they would would other flus or diseases.  Did you all get this survey, or is this the media trying to lie and put what they want us to see out there?  I love to travel, but THIS vaccine is really stepping way out of line.  Just like us.  We just had the virus.  We are naturally immune.  I refuse to go take the vaccine (which does not prevent you from getting the virus), when I am already immune.  Why would I do that?  People need to start doing their own research, and stop listening blindly to the media.  It's not an easy task, with main stream media, social media pulling any info off they don't want you to see.  Use your own judgement after reading all the facts people!



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  8. On 2/5/2021 at 2:51 PM, mom says said:

    We each have packing lists, honed over many years. About a week before leaving, I review my list and check to see if anything needs to be purchased. At that time I'll make a more detailed list of the specific clothing pieces that I will bring, depending on the season and type of trip. The actual packing is done the day before we leave home.


    That' the way to do it.


    See my post 116 at http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?p=44603616#post44603616


    - Joel


  9. On 2/14/2021 at 6:01 AM, CRUISEFAN0001 said:

    What is clear at this point is that crew and passengers BOTH will have to be vaccinated in order to board a cruise ship going forward.


    Between that and new procedures onboard...there will be a high level of avoidance for COVID.


    It's also clear that between some European and other countries now pushing back until summer months for ship port dockings, as well as some countries requiring vaccination documentation even to enter from abroad - "normalcy" to cruising appears to be more in the Q4 2021 timeframe at the earliest.


    All true.


    - Joel

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  10. On 2/6/2021 at 9:53 PM, Crusin till Im Dead said:

    After my father passed (2012) I found myself left with two boxes (copier paper size) of old photos...
    I've sorted and re-sorted, I know who maybe 1/4 of them are.  Some go back 2 or 4 generations, or more.  I barely can place a value on them.... my kids barely want any current pictures, let alone anything older of people they never met, never knew, never heard of, etc;
    So I feel as if I don't throw them out, my kids will most likely toss them without even looking.

    Using ancestry stuff, I've scanned some, trying to match names to pictures... but there are simply too many, and the task is daunting.... i.e. will never get done?  Even doing that, just adds them to my HD, which unlikely they would ever be found there either....  So it feels as if it's a waste of time.  Yet I can't throw them out (yet).

    I agree, posting here is friendly...




    As your kids (or others) get older, they might want to see these.  Or, you may.


    Don't throw them out.


    Eight years ago we had a house fire and lost everything--all stuff, no people thank goodness.  But, I have realized that what I missed most were the seemingly innocent or silly physical tokens of my life and my family's life prior to the fire. I never realized how much I would miss such things.  It's just comforting to see the physical evidence that I and my family (including ancestors) have existed.  We humans like this kind of stuff.


    So, keep 'em.


    My 2 cents.


    - Joel

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