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Posts posted by xnavydoc2

  1. I agree, personal responsibility. So much today people are so willing to blame someone else. Maybe if they did what they should be doing (being a parent-not a friend, teaching the kids right from wrong, etc), it would be a much better place to be. Accidents will always happen and am sorry that people get hurt. But please, take responsibility for what you do.


    OK, off my "soapbox". :)



  2. You missed my point. "In Your Face" refers to the likes of "I'm whatever" and you have to accept it weather you like it or not. To paraphrase a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King we should all accept someone for the content of their carachter not what ever label they choose to identify themselves with. I'm hetero and caucasion yes, but that doesnt define me

  3. I don't see that it would be much of an issue. I can't help but wonder though, if you and your partner were at our table, how would we know you are gay? Would you say "Hi name is "Susie" and this is my partner "Patty" (if you are males change the names, but you get my point) "And we're gay?" I'm not interested in your personal life, I'm interested in you. It would show bad manners for hetero couples to engage in overt "PDA" and the same would apply to gays.


    The "In your face" gays attitude is a huge turn off. It's the same thing as any other "In your face" group. You're Gay? So what? Your African American ? So what? I'm a combat Viet Nam Veteran. Thanks for my service, but so what? That doesn't define me. I am Gordon first.

  4. I bet that was an interesting study.


    After being here for nine years, I know there are certain posters known to be helpful, and others known to be snarky. I am going to make it a point from now on, to only post helpful posts, and do my best to be nice, or just keep quiet if I can't be nice/helpful. I have responded to the rude ones in the past, and it doesn't really help to feed the trolls.


    People like that are just plain miserable and not worth the energy it would take to get upset. They have nothing better to do in their lives than write something snarky and then look for reaction. This is the only way they can get attention. People are their own advertisement! Their "I'm right and you're wrong attitude shows their lack of self worth.

  5. I only brought this up for purely objective reasons because of all the legal, administrative and identity hassles associated with such a name change. As for tradition, I'm not sure it's such a strong tradition in this country anymore either. My wife and her friends say, if no husband will change his surname when married, why should they? :)



    When I married my lovely wife Opal (who I met on "Match.Com") on 2007, I told Her that since she owned property and had a few different bank accounts in Her former "Married Name", that it didnt make sense for Her to go through all the trouble to change her last name to mine. It's worked out pretty well for us. Our passports have different last names, and we've never had any problems when we travel.

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