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Posts posted by robsaw

  1. How would anyone know if you were convicted of a felony? I never have, but I have cruised to and drove into Canada and never asked anywhere or by anyone about felonies.


    They might ask they might not (lying and being caught is worse than giving the honest answer) but they don't need to ask between Canada-USA as they have an agreement linking databases, which depending upon how well the various states/provinces and federal agencies keep the systems updated and linked, will pop-up things automagically when (and if) they scan your passport.

  2. Later we did learn there there is an expiration period (10 years?) on DUIs and also a way to pay a fee for an entry permit after a lesser period of time with a clean record. Same might be true for other non-violent felonies. One of the people was three months short of the expiration.


    Once Canada has the record, the are under no obligation to respect a foreign pardon or "expiry". It isn't a simple process once you've been denied entry.

  3. The nature of the internet connection onboard (via relatively slow satellite transponders) is such that pretty much ANY and ALL streaming connections are essentially useless and are therefore blocked because they chew-up bandwidth that is just a waste anyway. You simply won't get a good streaming app working over a cell connection onboard so if you really need to stay in touch onboard use normal voice cell or the room phone, both of which are expensive but at least generally reliable and effective.

  4. As someone with a background in science, I find the descriptions of the so-called detox "treatments" in the flyers in the Patter to be nothing short of insulting attempted scam. But hey, it is your money.

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