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Posts posted by rxlowry

  1. NCL was going to Bermuda in February I believe and people were upset.  They truly think it’s in the Caribbean.  There used to be a season for cruises to Bermuda.  I personally wouldn’t go if I wanted to swim before later May.  True, September has its risks but the pricing was a great value to us.  As long as you realize the gamble which we did.  It’s so hot today in Hamilton and not a cloud in the sky.  Better weather than my June trip.  But hopefully a good travel advisor would let you know the risks of a Bermuda cruise.  Posted a pic. Ok there’s a little cloud.  


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  2. Success on posting first day’s blog using a hot spot while docked in Hamilton.  Might go for day two since it was quick. Totally didn’t realize we’d be in Hamilton on a Sunday so many stores are closed.  I did see some listed as opening at noon so we might venture out closer to that time.  

  3. On 9/4/2023 at 8:12 PM, tropicalkerry2002 said:

    I am boarding Insignia for this cruise on Sept 13th. If anyone reading this thread is doing this cruise and could report here how WARM or COOL the sea days at the beginning and end of the cruise are/were, I would appreciate it very much! Thank you.

    All days have been warm/hot so far.  I’ll let you know how return is.  I have a live post so feel free to pop over and ask me tomorrow or Monday. 

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  4. Here’s a view of the darkness along with today’s activities.  Since only three people are awake, we will attempt to upload the blog now.  Let’s see how that goes. 
    Today’s plan is to walk around Hamilton.  It’s been years since I’ve visited since i did not usually venture far from the Dockyard on my last cruises. 
    Tonight is dinner with our trivia team.  Followed by a cognac tasting. 



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  5. Up at zero dark thirty to watch us leave for Hamilton.  Maybe we should’ve checked when sunrise is.  Crashed early though last night.  In bed at ten so no deck party.  (Very different than my last cruise with my 20 year old) 

    Dinner was a shared table at Toscana. Once again a lovely couple on their first Oceania cruise. The service was much better than Polo grill.  We were also quite pleased with the meal as we had low expectations since our area has many great Italian restaurants.  
    We both had the beef carpaccio which I added a touch of balsamic which made it perfect. The Caesar salad and caprese salad were nice, my husband thought his was different since tomatoes were roasted.  We both had lobster fra diablo. Very nice pasta and lobster with sauce. Desserts were a hit. Roasted peaches for him with delicious cream sauce and I had the apricot tart that was served warm.  Paired with a wonderful dessert wine. 






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  6. Still didn’t get a passenger count but I’ll try to remember.  Had a nice walk to the beach this morning.  Did a little shopping on the way back.  Had a great lunch at Waves Grill.  The Bangkok power bowl was great.  Had the surf and turf that while well done(instead of medium rare) still tender

    tried and failed to get a lounger in the shade.  It’s very hot and I don’t want more sun after the walk.  Lots of stuff on chairs with maybe six people enjoying the water.  This for sure is the difference between premium and luxury lines.  I could move it but I would not want the confrontation.  Didn’t expect it to be this crowded on a port day.  


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  7. Back from a nice walk and swim at our secret beach.  Just us and ond couple snorkeling.  I think we will walk it tomorrow morning as well.  Pics are on Chris’ phone so I’ll post some later.  
    Now my big decision is where to have my pre dinner drink.  Only had half of that Bloody Mary so I’m thinking a martini might be in order this evening. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, Sthrngary said:

    @rxlowry It seems this is a tradition for all cruises, cruise brands and levels of cruises.  I want to thank you for sharing and also for having a good attitude about this.  It is unacceptable behavior's by any guest, on any cruise, at any time.  We all have to expect it and not let it affect our long deserved vacations.  Great posts this and others so thank you again.


    Cruise well and enjoy every moment. 

    This is kinda next level.  If this product is sold on Amazon, I’m already thinking of my review.  This was the second set of this product.  The other ones didn’t even have a book.  Just the “lounge saver”



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  9. 31 minutes ago, Vertygo said:

    The OP simply asked if masks were being furnished by O. No one was “panicking”.

    I agree people should do their own unbiased research. Also agree this discussion could go on adinfinitum unnecessarily. Please don’t fuel the fire.

    Thanks for understanding the aim of the post.  People can’t help themselves on this topic.  I figured it would maybe take that turn.  

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  10. Chair hogs in effect today.  Tons of stuff but zero in hot tub and one in pool.  Saw the most tacky thing..a sleeve over the top saying “lounge saver” with we are in love or something else cringy.  Empty when we walked to breakfast and still empty after.  Wouldn’t expect to see that on an almost luxury cruise or luxury light. Seems like big ship nonsense 

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  11. Since it’s early and the internet is fast, let’s catch up.  
    We were in the casino early and heard a woman yell.  She won 12 thousand. Since it wasn’t open yet, I told her friend to call for attendant. Big excitement!
    The captain’s welcome party was well attended and we enjoyed the canapés and show band.  Did two dances and got quite a few compliments on the way to dinner. 
    We enjoyed our first MDR dinner.  Gravalax, Serrano ham, and an awesome plant based salad!  I love seeing the plant based dressing at lunch and dinner since that’s how I cook at home.  On vacation, no rules.  
    The show was also well attended.  The comedian was very good and got lots of laughs. 
    Went up to Horizons for dancing with the show band.  






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  12. The pool was the place to be yesterday after lunch.  We wanted to go but zero seats…sun or shade were open.  We did find loungers on deck five though which had a great view of the ocean. On the luxury lines, I’ve always found chairs by the pool, maybe not the best ones but a chair.  


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  13. Another great dinner I’ll talk more about but one of our topics we discussed was what was the menu before the “cutbacks”.  Did they fill the pool with caviar?  Quality has been great to us.  I’ve wanted to nitpick them and I’m struggling.  I’m becoming a believer that they do spend more per passenger than any cruise line.  Day two and I’ve had lobster three time plus some great canapés and starters tonight.  And dessert…wow.  
    Time for comedy with Cory Kahaney


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  14. Had breakfast at buffet today.  Food tasted great.  My eggs Benedict was very under (white was soup) but the quality of ham was lovely. A little miss in technique but they were busy. 
    Played trivia and joined a fun group.  Second place!!
    Lunch was a home run though.  Ate in MDR. Shared Taste of World Mexico and loved it!  Chris had grouper and I had power bowl.  We also sampled the Elvis the Fat Year ice cream. 
    Followed by some writing, shuffleboard, bean bags and putting. 
    now I’m trying the Big O

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  15. Great dinner last night in Polo Grill.  I had reservations about it due to reviews of how they cannot seem to cook a steak to desiring temps.  Not the case for us…both a fine medium rare.  
    We had a sharing table with a very nice couple.  I’m glad because the service was slow.  It took 30 minutes to place our orders.  We were seated at 7:30 and left at ten!  
    Didn’t get to see show but we will hopefully make it tonight to see the comedian.  
    Tried three times to upload pic.  No dice.  But I will post tons of pics and more stuff in general on blog.  Just wrote first day but might have to wait to post that due until better connection.  Alpacamybagsblog is where you can find that. 

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