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Host Faith

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Posts posted by Host Faith

  1. Isaac did pretty well in the water. We stayed close to the water's edge while I held him tight, and he had a good time splashing around. The ladies loved him- they came up and talked to him pretty often and he had a slight smirk. I turned around and looked at Wes and he looked so proud, LOL!


    I was surprised; a wave broke closer to us than I was anticipating, and the water hit him in the face. He took it in stride and smiled a little bit.

    After swimming, I let the baby hang out with Granny in the shade while I walked around and took some pictures. Some photos of the property as I wandered around:


















  2. Our next stop was Playa Palancar. I chose this beach because we weren't planning to spend a whole lot of time on the beach (in case it was too hot for Isaac), and I didn't want to have to pay an entrance fee. They do expect you to buy a drink or two though. Actually, we got there later in the day and no one came to ask us if we wanted something to drink, so we didn't have to spend anything there.


    The beach had plenty of lounge chairs, even some under the palm trees in case you needed shade. Wes and I sat along the shoreline with Isaac, and Mom and Aunt Avis went to lounge in the shaded area under the trees.
















  3. I'm sorry I don't have any photos of the menu...we were so hungry that we ordered pretty quickly.



    We were given chips and pico de gallo, on the house. They were made fresh and soooo good!



    Wes ordered their grilled chicken and french fries. Mom, Aunt Avis, and I ordered the whole fried fish. In hindsight, we would have been fine if we all shared one fish. They were huge! Delicious though. Mom had nachos as an appetizer, and Aunt Avis had cheese quesadillas. I tried the chicken tortilla soup, and had a mango margarita. Yeah....that margarita was the SMALL version. We saw the large at a couple tables...3-4 people could share that one, lol! Isaac had his usual....




  4. Another awesome review Chrystal!! And how cute is Isaac? Awwww


    haha! Thank you! I'm planning his 1st birthday party right now...I can't believe how quickly time is going by


    The last week it's been nasty here in Jersey with the snow and cold weather. I just come to this thread and look at Chrystal's pics and dream of warm weather, nice beaches, and a tropical drink. Thanks again Chrystal, this thread is a nice escape. :D


    I'm happy to provide you with an escape. This weather has been crazy! I apologize for the delay with my posts. First bad weather, and then I caught a cold. Fun times!

  5. Our next stop was my absolute favorite- combine great food with a great view and I'm a happy camper!


    We had lunch at

    Playa Bonita. It's a casual bar/restaurant perched high above the beach. Absolutely beautiful. you drive up, it doesn't look like much. Once you walk to the entrance, you're greeted by the most incredible view:





    We were some of the first guests and were able to choose the best table in the house:



  6. I am loving your RCCL review! Also, you have a beautiful family and your little one is too cute for words!


    Thank you, you're too kind!


    Your son is adorable!

    We are planning our first RCCL cruise for next year.

    We also started taking our young on vacations at a youn age.


    I will have to go back to read your Allure cruise because that is the boat I want to do next year or maybe the Oasis!


    Great reveiw!


    Thank you! We're really enjoying traveling with our little guy. Already planning our 2015 and 2016 cruises :) Great choice on the Allure, that's truly a wonderful ship. We hope to sail her again in the future with Isaac in tow.

  7. Chrystal, these photos are marvelous. My favorites are your family at the church and the one of you holding Isaac up in the air on the beach. A professional photographer could not have done better.


    Thanks for the Babybanz recommendation. Not sure if my 5 month old is big enough for them yet, but I will definitely check them out.


    Thank you so much! I got those pair of Babybanz for Isaac when he was 5 months old and they fit okay. The strap is adjustable :cool:

  8. We then took about a 20-minute drive to the Eastern side of the island. This side is less inhabited, and there's a wild beauty there that had us hooked from our first moments there. The view was of endless sea, and there was a strong, exhilarating wind coming off the ocean. I wouldn't recommend swimming on this side, but if you love to gaze at a beautiful view like Wes and I do, be sure to visit this side of the island. For all you biking and jogging enthusiasts, there's a paved path along this area.


    My Aunt walks with the aid of a cane, and she takes her time going from place to place. The area was so beautiful that she was the first one out of the van, and she hurried down to the beach. Here's a link to a quick video of our first moments there. You can hear the wind:










    Isaac stuck his tongue out to feel the wind, lol....



  9. The next monument we visited is my favorite, because of the artwork and the water views. This monument was made to commemorate Gonzalo Guerrero. He was a sailor from Spain who became a captive in Cozumel. He then earned his freedom, and married a Maya woman, raising three of the first mestizo children in the New World. In the monument, we see Gonzalo, his wife (feeding their youngest baby) , and his two older children. You can read his story here. Gerry took these photos for us- he's a handy photographer!














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