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Posts posted by RARcruise

  1. Oh boy I am going to try and not mess this up.


    Brooke- Love your new ideas as always. I know how depressing it can be to have been on track to stopped on the track to me who is looking for the track again. lol (a little railroad humor)


    Kim #1- Thats what I am going to refer to the old kim that had the surgury for breathing problems. So glad to see you back. We are really growing on here. Are you still planning your baby making cruise??


    Kim #2- Thats what I am going to call the Kim who is going on cruise in Nov, the latest Kim to join us, married with children I believe.


    Kimmers-I have always called you Kimmers anyway lol


    Rach- Glad you came aboard. (pun intended lol) I have a photo of a time when I was really happy with myself and I think I am going to blow it up and post it on my fridge.


    nyllrap- I know how hard dealing with long term health issues can be. I am glad that something good has come out of it for you. Although I will admit that I would rather stay off the track then have to go with that many health problems as I am sure you are as well. My hubby quit smoking 6 years ago right before he had surgury so I just look at that as an added blessing for us.


    Jess-Did your family enjoy the meal you cooked for them? Anytime I try something healthy they do not go for it unless I can keep it a secret what I did. :p


    Well I have started buying a few food items that are more natural and plan to add a few in at a time and slowly get my kids on to better eating. They do love the veggies and fruit though. Our first was buying natural peanut butter. First it was Smart Balance brand then we found a JIF naturals brand and it meets everyone's approval. I also tried an Orval Redenbauchers Natural Popcorn with 50% less fat and it tasted much better then the other one to me. I have also found that I really really like the "Smart Water" although I can't really afford to go to just that but it tastes really pure which I know sounds crazy because it water but I love it whenever I get it.

  2. Jess- Wow Again I am so impressed with your saving skills. I might just try that idea if I get time before they go off sale.


    Brooke- It has been a while (I also want to say GO ME for remember something that everyone else forgot!!!!!!!) you said you heard a commercial on the way to work I think about a super model who dies and get punished (or something equally as mean) by coming back in a fat girls body. Like I said although the commercial was really harsh the shoe itself is really good. The lady in it has learned so much about how fake her life was before. I don't think she was mean in her 1st life more legally blonde movie type but was not very bright. It comes on Lifetime which I also remembered about your cable after I asked but I think you can check in out online as well.


    Brittany get released from her Otho dr on Tuesday morning then loe and behold she goes to the dentist and he refers her to another dr because she has a TMJ disorder??? I had just gotten out of the grocery store from a really really really bad shopping trip with the other 3 kids and honestly thought I was going to cry. I confess I went straight to Sonic and got a Cherry Limeade. Didn't even make it a diet like that was going to punish the kids:mad:. Well there is only one dr who takes medicaid and they are no longet taking TMJ pts so I have to look around in Columbia which is about an hour away.


    I am taking my Mom and the kids to Charlotte tomorrow to spend the day with my Aunt and her family.

  3. Kim- Great job! I am so happy for you.


    Brooke-Still hate that work has been so yucky lately. By the way I know you were very offended by that commercial for Drop Dead Diva but did you ever watch it? I admit I really enjoy it. She really learns a lot about how superficial she was in her past life and lots of other life lessons. So even though the commercial for it was not nice at all the show really goes past that.


    Jess- Glad you are getting to come on here more often. I can only imagine the people walking by you at work. lol That sounds like it would have been funny to see.


    Kimmers- Miss you as always but glad you have been able to spend some time with your family lately.

  4. Morning girls!


    Vacation was good but I am still exhausted. We actually got to go to Disney for 7 days in a row but with that and the classes that I did go to (I skipped some because they were usless for our clients) I am really dragging since I got home late Friday night.


    Brooke- Congrats on the job and hope all goes well with your boss. I got a laugh at your comment about the deported guy. lol I am thankful that I never went to one of those because I could see how easy it is to let others to give you a complex but just remember if they are not the one they are simply not the one. By the way what is BBW or whatever the initals were? I have no clue on that and you put it a lot so I had to ask. Hope you feel better soon.


    Jess- The medicine/exercise ball sounds like a really good idea. My posture has gotten really bad lately since I have not been doing any yoga and I can see how that would help. I am going to have to break down and get me one of those one day. How are things going at your job?


    Kim-Great job with your weight loss. I see you are really determined and that I believe is the most important step. I have so got to get there.


    Kimmers- Miss you getting to come on everyday.

  5. Ok girls I am so so wore out but I just wanted to say have a good week. I will try and get online at least to facebook but that will depend on how good the internet service is. I am planning to get up around 3:30 in the morning and hit the road. I want to avoid some of the terrible heat. It was in the triple digets today.

  6. Morning ladies. Just let me say that I had to go look for clothes yesterday and was ready to cry right there in the dressing room. I am just going to think on it no more. I know this sounds like an excuse but I am sorry for it in advance. lol I am really going to jump back on things when we get back from our trip to Orlando. It would be so hard to try and eat healthy because we are going to try to eat cheap as possible which means a lot of $1 menus or shared meals with the kids. But we are doing it to try and take the kids into Disney at least one day. I really really pray that JC gets to see Buzz Lightyear. Oh well I have to run got to wake Brittany up for her dentist appt.

  7. There is a website called cheapdresses. I have never used them but I have looked around on their site when I was planning our last cruise. THey had many options.


    Went to the Dr yesterday. I even got on the scale but I won't be sharing that for now. He is checking my thyroid though. He said the little lump is from a virus that I got that just didn't go away and sometimes it can cause an underactive thyroid. I know it sounds terrible but I almost wish that he said that was the case instead of me just being fat and lazy which is how I feel. I have to go find me some more shorts today since the size 4 and up are not fitting me. Duh on that one.


    OK enough of my pity party. Let me ask you girls a question though. Do you ever wonder how other people have such self esteem and confidence. I know a lot of people that are much bigger then me but they wear stuff I could never put on my body. I don't have anyone exceot my lovely kids telling me anything about my weight. I am sure that my MIL has said I have gained weight because she does about any and everybody but she hasn't said it to me. My husband tells me that I am sexy and he actually prefers my backside to be a little on the fluffy side. But I just don't believe it when he says it. It's really a no win for the poor guy.:confused:

  8. Brooke- You are going to get in another cruise before I make it to mine. :p Good for you but yuck for me. lol


    Jess- I have had the same guy marry both my sisters but praise the Lord he has moved on to another family now. You can just imagine the look on my face at the 2nd wedding when someone walks up to me and goes how sweet you Got a new brother-in-law. I just looked at her but wanted to say nope he's been around a while this is the 2nd time he has been the groom and he basically had an affair with one sister while married to the other. Took many many many years to get the family through that one and their is still some tension between the sisters and even though they are only 1 year and 2 days apart I don't think they will ever be that close.


    Kim- I hate the scale!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Krispie Kreme!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How cool is it that you met your husband through online dating and now you can help these girls out.


    I can't rememeber if I have even told you girls that I am going to a seminar in Orlando on Friday. I got so much to do and running out of time. Hope that we get to spend at least a day in Disney it would be great to see JC get to see Buzz Lightyear. He was 16 months the last time he was there so he doesn't remember it at all. Natalie has some memories and the older 2 just want to go back.

  9. Jess- From my experience I would not go out of my way to reconcile with them since its their emotions that are in the way. I wouldn't not be ready if they wanted to get together or be hateful to them but sometimes these things never get better. My mom has 2 siblings that she never sees they are not even considered family to a degree. My Mom would be willing to get together but it will probably never happen. You would think that guiilt would be an issue but I think these people just decided that they are not related. They didn't even attend my Papa's funeral and in my 30 years I don't remember them contacting him. I do know that their mom had such a hugh part of it and to my knowledge she never remarried. My grandparents were married 58 years when he passed away I mean that is a long time to be upset with someone else.

  10. Jess- I hate to think of the stress you must feel about your siblings but I understand it. Sometimes it does happen though. My Papa had 2 children from a previous marriage and when he passed away in 2007 they didn't want to be included at all. Then my Nana who passed away in March has siblings from her father who never claimed her. Not sure if he was married before, during, or after my Nana was born but either way it wasn't her fault. The oddest thing is that they all lived in this same small town but no contact. I am sure they have their rights to be upset about things but now that my grandparents are dead I am part mad at them and part sorry for the wonderful people they missed out on. Of course we have to really check out people that my kids date to make sure they are not dating cousins that they didn't know about lol.


    Brooke- I think you know what you want and deserve not to settle. Top of your lists should be religion. That is even biblical not to be unequally yoked. Someone living in a different country is hard for so many reasons, Children and ex's are very hard to deal with so finding someone who doesn't have those things are easier but I do realize that with each year going by in society that is harder and harder to do. I think children without an ex in the picture should be much easier then an ex. Ex's have left damage and are likely to have attitude. I don't know all of Jess situation but my guess would be that her siblings mom probably has a lot to do with their attitude.

  11. hello girls! Missed you all been such a busy week and I looked on my schedule and we are busy till the kids get back to school:eek:. I did make a good choice this morning so I am happy about that.


    Kim- Great job with the weight loss. I know how exciting it is to get to see that.


    Brooke- Hope things get a little smoother for you once you get use to the new stuff at work. Keep up updated on your online dating attempts.


    Kimmers- Do you find it harder or easier to eat health on nights?


    Jess- Saw that you were upset the other day hope everythings ok.

  12. Kim- My kids are 14, 9, 6, and 4. The older three are girls and the last one is a boy. They do keep you busy and half the time mine keep me on the edge of nutty. :o I know what you mean about the dr office I have to go on the 19th and I am going to simple refuse to get on the scale. I mean if you can refuse medical treatment I don't see how they can force you to get on the scale.


    Kimmers- Are you still on the night schedule? Does it seem any easier? How long do you stay on certain shifts?


    Brooke- I hope you have a great time this weekend. I have another friend who is going to the concert. Tabloids are saying that Carrie Underwood is getting married today somewhere in GA. I will have to wait and see. I was cutting up with Richard and Brittany telling them that Brittany and I were going to start traveling to every city in Georgia and looking for all the famous country star. I wouldn't honestly do that because I know she is uncomfortable with her personal life being in the public so I do hate that the tabloids will be out in full force. I can't wait to see a photo of her in her dress just hope it will be on her terms and not some freak hanging upside down in front of a tree for 14 hours just trying to get a peek. :eek:


    Jess- Wow I remember when I had to be in 3 weddings in 3 months. It was fun but a little stressful. Hope all goes well.

  13. Brooke- Good luck with everything that they have added on to you at work. I really hope that your stomach gets settled completely I do have stomach issues when I get into eating all the junk and cokes:eek: like I am now.


    Kimmers- You are just so sweet you seem to always be in a good mood not just on here but facebook as well. I feel you about the slump I seem to have grown some roots down here.


    Jess- I guess in a way I am lucky that I never had to worry about the moving out thing. I went from my parents house to the house next door that Richard and I bought. We got a really great deal on it thank you Lord. We have been doing some painting and we are getting new carpet for our dining room. It looks so nice in there and since we just had pictures made we will have some updated pics for the wall in there. Poor JC never even got a place on the wall like the other kids lol


    Kim- How old are you boys? From reading your posts we have so much in common. You will come to learn that I am the one with the really bad memory. I hope that u have great success and that you can learn from all our success and failures. If nothing else you will see that these other girls on here are just great!:D


    As for me had another bad attack last night the worst one since they started back up on Sunday. Feel much better tonight except from the soreness from hanging the wall border. Its so cute it say live well, love much, laugh often. Gotta go to bed the lack of sleep is catching up with me.

  14. Hope you all had a great 4th of July! Mine was good but I have been having some attacks with my trigiminal nuralgia (spelling?) I have had it for about 7 years but haven't had it this bad for years. After the first year or so it was under control except when I was pregnant. It involves a lot of facial pain. It stinks for it to be acting up again.


    Ok enough of my complaining:( Thanks Brooke (I think it was you who said something about the pictures. lol)

  15. Brooke- Yes that sounds like a strange dream. One of the strangest dreams that I have ever had was in black and white and I could see myself. I think it was also a scary movie and I was running from someone. That was many many years ago.


    Jess- I hate that. It will drive me nuts till I get what I want. Its even worse when someone else starts talking about some food and convince you that it is what you want so you start thinking about it and then you can't have it. :mad:


    Got family pictures taken today. For those of you on facebook it will seem easy to figure out my family because they are all in navy blue. I have seen a few of them and I must admit I hate myself in photos but the kids look so cute. The other people in the pictures are one set of inlaws. It is my husbands dad and stepmoms side but my father in law passed away in 2008.


    Oh well more family activites to get to and I have an awful headache.

  16. Welcome back Brooke. I really enjoyed the photo's. Things around here ae starting to get busy but hopefully next week will be a lot calmer.



    In case I don't make it back on here before the 4th everyone have a wonderful and safe 4th of July.

  17. Kimmers- all sounds good. You are such a sweet person. Are you the oldest or youngest in your family?


    I hope Brooke is having a wonderful time on her vacation.


    I was very very very very shocked to see that I haven't gained any weight lately. I have eaten terrible and haven't walked like I need to.

    I am trying to decide what to so for my workouts. I am thinking that I need to maybe walk less and do more strentgh and toning workouts. I am going to think on it. Anybody have any ideas of what I should try???



    I went shopping for clothes and a bathing suit the last two days. We are having family photos next week and I finally have everyone's clothes. I hope not to go to the mall with 4 kids for a long time. I hate shopping for myself stuff doesn't fit like it should. :( But oh well life goes on.


    Hope everyone has a great week. I have to take Ellen back to the dentist tomorrow for an abcess on her gums. Thankfully this dentist uses the gas because she is very very afraid of almost everything. lol

  18. Jess- Hope everything gets back on track at work super fast. I am thankful not to have to worry about bosses and co-workers unless you count Richard and the kids. lol


    Brooke- Hope you got my funny about not talking to you until you get back. lol Hope your trip is/was great.


    Kimmers- CONGRATS!!!!!!!! I just love love love little babies. Not to mention how lucky they are to have such a great aunt as you.


    Well my big mouth child decided to repeat something not so nice that my husband said the other night to the ladies husband. Now I am dreading having to speak with them because did I mention this lady is one of my closest friends.:mad: Not happy with her but def upset with the husband for saying it to the kids to begin with.


    About to face some big changes I have been putting off for over 6 months and I am not looking forward to it although I know I have to take that step in faith and can't keep going like I have been. At first I think God was just whispering this change to me but now it has turned into pushing and shoving me so I am afraid he may start slapping me if I don't go ahead and do it. LOL Not in the literal sense of course I don't believe that God actually hits people I was using that as an example.


    Oh well off to bed. Have a great week.

  19. Brooke- YEAH for you. Hope that one more day is fast and easy!!! In case you get busy and don't get back on HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME! We want all the details.


    Kimmers-Let me know how you handle the resturant. By the way wasn't your sister pregnant? If memory is right how is she doing?


    Jess- Thanks. Glad you are still loving the apartment.

  20. I am back! Sorry for my absence most of last week. I had jury duty and my hours were all over the place. I was pooped by the time I got home!


    I will catch up shortly. I need to get back on track as my on the run eating last week wasn't spectacular. I haven't officially assessed the damage yet. Thought I'd give myself a week to get back on the program and then check in with my scale. :)



    Glad you are back. I have never done jury duty. One time they let us go the other I was on bedrest with preterm labor so it was a no go lol.

  21. Brooke I have been meaning to ask if your Dad every said anything more about the trip?? Hopefully it was all that worry for nothing. I can't believe that you are so close to your trip. Think of me as you head out although I must admit I hate to think of the heat in Miami.

  22. Hey girls,

    I am so glad that we have each other. I just want to say that I feel so BROKEN. I can't just tell everyone that because other people need me or feel like its all their fault. It's not I am just broken. Big fuss at my house tonight and now I am just empty. I don't know if it is still the greif or maybe I have lost my mind. I just don't want to do anything now. I feel like I am slowly falling in a pit and not caring as much as I should. I am not suicidal I strongly believe that God decides who lives and dies. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. Has anyone else felt like this. I mean it is weighing in on everything else. The enemy is in my ear saying you can't handle these kids you are doing it all wrong, your husband is crazy and you have been working to hard in this marriage. I know all these thoughts are wrong but I have never had to deal with them before so it is hard.


    Just wanted to get that off I know it has nothing to do with food but at this moment I don't care. I know it has nothing to do with cruise but again even that is not lifting me up.


    Prayers would be great. Thanks:(

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