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Posts posted by Steftacular

  1. Well congrats Steftacular, losing inches means your definitely going in the right direction.., Your arms certainly look much toner, and from what we can see your face does also.. Remember muscle also burns calories so keep it up...



    Oh that's definitely not me! Just some blogger and her post above went viral lol

    but it does help keep things in perspective!

  2. Wow! everybody is doing so great! Im a little bit jealous! LOL -- my weightloss is basically non existent, but Im down 1.5 inches from my last measurement 3/22. This past "phase" for me hasn't felt productive as previously but going down, even a little, is still in the right direction. Ive done enough yo-yo-ing that im trying to make this last... even if I don't meet my goal by the cruise lol.


    Have you all seen this before? This is what I keep trying to keep in mind as my scale doesn't move!




    I drink a ton of water every day, I couldn't even tell you how much, and I do pee constantly. But I work from home so I just have to walk across the hall lol. I don't know that I could work in an office and drink so much water!


    Didn't get to do my meal planning this past weekend because of all the Easter activities, hopefully I can make it up today otherwise its always interesting what we end up eating all week long with no groceries!


    Happy Monday!!

  3. That's awesome Diana!


    I had to go to the Drs this week and their scale was a few lbs lighter than mine! So that's nice lol. But not real improvement otherwise. Ive kind of been off my game this week. I didn't meal plan this past weekend so when I finally made it to the grocery store I just bought a mess of stuff. Didn't make egg cups so my breakfast has been out of wack. My boyfriend is coming on with a cold and restlessly trying to sleep. I skipped two work outs this week. I feel terrible really lol. I really like having my routine! Lets hope for a better week next week. My mother is coming into town which usually knocks me off so Ill try even harder!


    Sun came out here, but its been still really cold in the am and windy most days :/ Almost to some decent weather!

  4. I started weighing myself and it's maddening! I need to stick with my once a month measurements. I fluctuate a lot from day to day and it's very discouraging, so for my own sanity, no more weighing!


    Last weekend​ was rough.... I work from home every day and had to go into Corp on Saturday ... I'm pretty sure if I worked from an office I wouldn't have a chance! So many goodies! I have no will power! I eat healthy because I don't buy bad stuff, nothing to tempt me... But I was surrounded by candy and junk food all day on Saturday! I came home with a stomachache and shame lol


    My coworkers and I are trying really hard to take hourly breaks and do exercises... Nothing but 30 seconds here and there, but it's getting us up out of our chairs. I really feel like that's making a difference! On the other hand, I pretty much have to wear gym clothes all day everyday, I've almost forgot what real clothes are like!


    I need to do some legit meal planning this weekend.


    Good luck everyone! Can't wait until the weather really warms up!

  5. Hi All,


    I'm new to the weigh-in scene and looking for some motivation. I'm hoping for -10lbs and have just over 2 months until our cruise. I've lost 1.5 so far. I love my wine and I've cut it out completely. I'm sure looking forward to getting on the ship and enjoying that drink package! :tropical-drink:


    I've been eating salad and trying to walk/do weights daily. I don't know about any of you but I tend to get some adult acne after workouts. It's so frustrating! I suppose it's the lesser of two evils. :evilsmile: Must.. keep.. at. it! :rolleyes:




    Oh man, I've been there! I did some "extreme" dieting before a wedding once - gave up basically all the good stuff for a month - I was miserable! So angry! Lol. By the time the wedding came (which was at a winery) I had lost all tolerance and was smashed after 2 glasses of wine! So just be careful! Red wine isn't that bad for you, moderation is the key ;)


    My skin does the same thing. Usually it will adjust after a while but the beginning is a festival lol.


    Good luck! I have 87 days to go! Lol

  6. What are your 24 days workout plans? Are they more exercise or dieting or both?

    Its called cu24 by AdvoCare. I think they have a diet program or at least a program with their products, but I just do their work out program. All their videos are free on you tube and you​ can download​ the schedule from the AdvoCare website. They're only 24 minutes long so it's hard to find an excuse not to work out lol

  7. Finally finished my 24 day workout program - didn't lose any weight but lost 4 inches overall between my chest, waist, hips and thigh. I guess that's not bad? Starting phase 2, a second and harder 24 day program. The weather is finally getting nice here so hopefully I can do some walks as well.


    Bought a spiralizer last week and made two zoodle recipes for Dinner. They were actually pretty good! The boyfriend is smoking a brisket tomorrow, so looks like we'll eat that for the next week lol. I better pick up some salad makings to accompany it.


    I feel like waking up at 5am is starting to take a toll. I can barely make it to my bed time (10) without falling asleep in the couch!


    Under 100 days until my cruise - it can't get here soon enough!


    Happy Friday! Have a good week!

  8. Hey everyone, Hope your all having a good week and watching what you eat, drinking lots os water and getting your exercise.. So every morning as I sit at my desk I take my pre mixed at home oatmeal, raisins and cinnamon and put it in bowl over my cut up banana and add water and microwave. And that is my usual breakfast at work. Getting bored with that. Has anyone tried cold oatmeal? I saw something yesterday am going to try, Mixing my oatmeal with yogurt and milk and fruit and letting it sit overnight and bringing to work? Hoping this is good.....Going to use almond or soy milk and see how it comes out? any thoughts?



    I experimented with overnight oats for a while. We tried several recipes and just did not like them. There are tons of yummy sounding recipes out there - but when youre adding so much yummy stuff (chocolate chips, etc), it doesn't really seem healthy anymore. We stuck with the basic ones and it didn't work for us. Obviously it has a huge following, so its probably just us! lol - Good luck though!!

  9. Missed the weigh in... but im still not weighing myself lol. Just finished Jillian Michaels 30 day shred.. Im feeling a bit stronger and notice the double chin on my face going away LOL so that's whats important, right?! I just started the CU 24 work out today. They ask you to take measurements vs weighing yourself so at least I will now have something to reference if any of this is really doing anything! I did "hurt" my arm last week and my knee on Sunday, so Im trying push through the pain!Made more egg cups yesterday and have some healthy meals planned for the week. Bought a bike and some running shoes that is due to arrive this week as well, so hopefully I can be more active outside of me working out. Keep on Keepin on! :)

  10. Egg cups? Share the recipe please? I haven't heard of them and I like to eat one egg, 1 egg white scrambled with Sara Lee 45 calorie bread for breakfast. Would love a new egg recipe.


    You can google egg cups for more ideas, but here is one link that has a few recipes: https://www.beachbody.com/beachbodyblog/recipes/3-easy-21-day-fix-egg-cup-recipes


    you can put whatever you want in them and just follow the baking instructions. I'll get ground turkey and season it myself (since Italian sausage usually is high in everything), add chopped bell peppers and or spinach.[EDIT: I cook the turkey before putting it into the tins if that was clear lol] I'll put cheese in half the batch for my BF. I whisk about 6 eggs (give or take) at time in a separate bowl since im never sure how much Ill end up using. But it does usually take about a dozen. pour the egg over the other ingredients in the muffin tin and voila. If you heat up 2 at a time it takes about 45 seconds or 1 minute for 3 egg cups.



  11. I was delayed starting my work out... but now Im 20 days in to my 30 day workout. I haven't weighed myself, Im saving that for the end of the 30days. I don't think ive lost much, but I feel better and Im trying to convince myself that's what important right now lol.



    Keep it up!



    On Sunday nights I make egg cups. You might have seen the recipes floating around the internet. So perfect - heat up 2 or 3 for breakfast or lunch and Im good to go!

  12. you might get sick from the extreme change of foods - at least that happens to me, my tummy cant handle going from healthy to greasy very well.



    I lost ~10 lbs before my last cruise and had gained it all back by the end of it. Although most of it could really be attributed to bloating - all that drinking and eating ! I made it about half way through the cruise before I opted to not wear my tighter fitting dresses anymore lol but everyone's body is different!



    I would probably advise to not go all buck wild! Definitely do a lot of walking and drink a lot of water. We try to take the stairs as much as possible. More importantly, keep up your routine when you get home! That will help curve whatever damage you might do on vacation ;)

  13. you can bring coolers with drinks to the public beach (next to calico jacks)

    we asked a few people where they got the supplies and they said their was a convenience store in port. I couldnt tell you where or what store but they made it seem pretty easy. The locals there are incredibly nice and helpful. Im sure you could ask some one once youre there :)

  14. We did Scotchie's on our way back from our excursion, I would highly recommend it - but it appears to be an hour away from Falmouth so that seems unreasonable unless your going on an excursion that passes by like we did. Pork pit is closer, but I havent tried it to attest. Just doing a quick search and it was suggested by several people to hire a private driver. I dont trust most Jamaicans (ive had plenty of bad experiences we dont need to get into), so that might be the safest bet. It was suggested to use Reggae Tours - good luck! :)

  15. We did the blue hole from falmouth - we had time for lunch, market and some shopping after the blue hole, but not sure there would be enough time for a second excursion. If youre not confident about it, use a company with a guarantee like ShoreTrips, Viator, or Carnvial

  16. SO I ended up emailing one of the companies to ask, they said you don't have much time after the tour. They did say we could call and place an order with calico jacks and they would drive us by to pick up our food on the way to the terminal, so that's nice... but Im just missing how we don't have much time.


    Let me know what you experience next week!

  17. This may sound dumb, but please work this out with me


    SO - arrival time is 7am and the last tender is at 3pm


    Most of the excursions appear to be 3-4 hours. Only one of the 3 Im looking at had times posted... 830 to noon. In theory, there should be time after the excursion, yes?


    I was hoping to get some time at SMB, Im craving the scotch bonnet mahi mahi from Calico Jacks lol


    All of the websites have a "will get you back to your ship on time" which makes me question the time line, maybe its a full day excursion that cuts it a little closer?


    Anyone have any insight or experience?


    Thanks in advance


  18. We used Courtney Taylor Tours for the Blue Hole... they were just basically glorified drivers. We got off the ship early to get the early tour time. We had to wait around while they convinced other walker bys to join our tour. Kind of obnoxious, but thats the biz. They hooked us up with the local guides at Blue Hole who stole the show. Those guys were great - I wish we could have paid them more than we paid CTT. We went to Scotchies which was awesome and they took us to a liquor store to buy Sangers Rum Cream. They did help negotiate the price and work with shopkeepers. I guess they weren't all that bad. However, my one request was that we didn't go to the market in Ocho Rios. I had a terrible experience there before and refused to go. The driver convinced the other people in our van to go. Nope, I didn't want to! lol - so I sat in the car and then it was like a zombie scene. All these aggressive Jamaican men surrounding the van, trying to get me to come out and buy stuff and the like. I finally agreed to get out and meet up with the group. The driver was like, here is my friend he will show you around. He takes us to his stall in the very back row of the market and corners us in his stall until we buy something. GAH - I hate hate hate that market. Its so uncomfortable. but I digress - Blue Hole is awesome. I don't really know much about Falmouth port itself. Check out TripAdvisor. Courtney Tours wasn't completely terrible lol. Stay away from the market! :)

  19. You are starting early! Good for you! I want to do the very same as you' date=' but I leave one day B4 Halloween, so I'm following this post. :p :)[/quote']

    I might be slightly obsessive lol. Hopefully there's an excursion that exists!

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