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Posts posted by toesinwater

  1. Glad to hear someone besides me has trouble hula hoopin on Wii..now I have a real hula hoop and don't do to bad.. I just ordered the Zumba for Wii and am excited to get it. I would love to take salsa lessons..maybe It will be offered on this cruise, meanwhile sticking to my walking routine and Wii active. for now. GO Girls ( and Guys if there are any Wii ing) LOL

  2. just got through with my workouts..40" walking and 20" with Wii Active..sweating like a pig ( do pigs really sweat?) does that mean I lost more calories than it says I did? Wow check..congrats on the loss while on cruise..yes we need to cruise and lose!!!! Walk it out sounds fun..I'm excited about the Zumba for Wii ( suppose to be out thursday). Go for it everyone!! Wii ON !!

  3. hi all,

    have been doing well with my walking workout and pretty well with the Wii Active. I had company and a funeral this weekend so only walked saturday and today and actually took the day off yesterday. Dad's friend is doing well..thank you Sue and yes I am very motivated..to many "younger than me" very sick ( chronically) patients in the last few weeks. KEEP ON WIING ( that just kinda sounds funny)

  4. I have had great motivation this week. My dad's roomate ended up in ICU for 2 days and had to fly to another hospital for stent placement and she was too heavy for the first plane and so had to get on another with a larger stretcher ( over 365#) I have been faithfull with my WII Active and my walking routine and even my diet!!!

  5. did another Wii Active workout this am before accupunture apt...wow it really kicks butt ( that and my hubby had the woodstove roaring) so sweat a lot! LOL have to do a 6 hour road trip tomorrow so will probably only do walking workout! Here's to no snacks and lots of exercise!

  6. OK it's a deal Sue! I'm on a roll with my walking routine. Its something that I can do at work ( sometimes) if I get an calm 1/2 hr to take a lunch break. I'm getting ready to set up the Wii Fit in a couple of minutes. I'm trying to do the Wii on my days off and still keep up with the walking routine. I also bought a cute dress for the White Hot Night party & MUST get rid of at least 10# of belly fat ( or pack the Spanx and I don't want to do that!)

  7. Hi all, I finally got off my Bu--- and started working out again. I would love to lose 25# by cruise time but would settle for 15# I hung my White Hot Night dress outside my closet for motivation. :) I haven't got back on the Wii but am doing a walking program with stationary bike and a little elliptical also at work and will Wii and Walk :) at home on my days off.

  8. Ok it is official 2 more shifts and I'm on vacaton for 1 month..time to start exercising and getting ready for the Mardi Gras and spring cruise. Wii fit and Jillian Michaels look out! I am hoping to lose 15 # for a start and then will see from there!

  9. Hello everyone, I need to get back on the Wii Board! I have been so bad since We got back from our cruise in March, went immediately back to work, then hubby sick again etc etc...one excuse after another. Just booked our next cruise for next March tho and need to stay/get fit!!! I lost 10 # before my last cruise and only gained about 5# back and that wasn't until I'd been home for 3 weeks. I even have to charge up my Wii Balance board as the battery went dead..NOW THAT's BAD!!!

  10. No I haven't been on teh Oosterdam before, this is my first cruise!!!!! I am so excited. One of the friends I'm going with just got back from an Alaskan cruise this fall and the other friend is a cruise newbie like me! headed to the treadmill! I've never met a chocolate dessert that was bad and I'm pretty unsophisicated as far as palate..altho I love lobster and all kinds of seafood and a great steak!! OH NO now I'm hungry..time for a couple more bowls of cabbage soup!! LOL

  11. wow can hardly believe , only 2 plus days til cruise time! I'm counting down by shifts and only have 2 shifts plus 3 hours and a mtg!!!! KEEP ON WIIing!!! I doubt I will be as will-powerful ( that can't possibly be a word) as you Candy as I enjoy any food I don't have to cook and I also enjoy the Patron and chocolate!!! and don't let myself partake of much at home ( otherwise I would weigh a ton!!) I plan to get lots of walking in too.

  12. I was right..work was busy this week...Full House every night ..as for my butt...well still there but it really isn't my problem area...belly on the other hand is. At least I haven't had much time for lunch breaks..one more shift tonight then 3 nocs off and Time to WII...have managed the tread all week and am maintaining my earlier loss...Good Luck with the snow everyone (from the East) you are getting all of ours ( and I'm fine with sharing, cept we will be suffering with no water this summer).

  13. I have been a total slug this weekend and now it's back to work..oh well I know I will "run my butt off" at work!!! I know doesn't count. Yes I too, have more flexiblity on one side than the other with the Hula Hoop ( right less flex) and I'm right handed but have had knee surgery on that side and having a bit of a problem getting balanced again.

  14. wow I hope Candi doesnt spend all cruise with a cold/sore throat...would be such a bummer.

    I'm still being faithful with the treadmill and will re- acquaint myself with my WII MII tonight ( after a long nap when I get home from work).

    Yes Rose, I do hate to spend money on such mundaine things as a hot water heater...but then again....I do love my hot baths/showers!!!!LOL

  15. just finished my treadmill workout. didn't weigh in ( I carbed out yesterday) too much stress ( new hot water heater and very busy at work). back on the wagon tonight tho..snow peas and carrots for snack.

  16. I accomplished my Wii Fit workout and the treadmill, filled the woodbox , washed my bra's and now it's time to settle down to finish a baby afghan and watch the Olympics. Nice Day! I'm actually down about 10# but still have 6 to go. My hubby just fixed us dinner tho and I'm glad I skipped lunch!

  17. Yes, I do work in the Health Care Profession..Funny it is one of the only professions in which it takes us years to figure out that we need to take time for ourselves and allow ourselves to eat right ( very hard on 12 nights), exercise ( next to impossible) and rest ( instead of being talked into overtime or another workshop, class, certification , seminar...) I'm definitely going to pick up the Wii active and maybe the 30 day shred too. I have the Jillian Michaels book Making the Cut ( lose 20# in 30 days) but have been chicken to start it while the Wii Mii trainer is still kicking butt!!! LOL I too have been doing the treadmill every night. It is something that I can sometimes accomplish at work if I get a break and if not I have a tread at home! I'm down 8# but mly goal is another 6 before cruise. Should be able to get rid of that in the next 3 weeks !!!!

  18. I am definitely going to have to get the Wii active. I like the Wii Fit and it makes me sweat but I would like to be able to do the workout quicker and then maybe I would have time to work on the balance games. Is the Zumba a dvd or wii workout? or do you go to a class.? I too have work scheduling probs ( work 12 night shifts) and would love to do the 30 day challenge...but don't have time. What is the 30 day Shred everyone talks about? Is that a Jillian Michaels workout?

  19. just finished my treadmill workout. Went to a one on one Yoga class with a yoga instuctor to make sure I'm doing things correctly ( encouraged by my Physical Therapist) Turns out I have to breathe while doing the poses...Who Knew!!LOL ok will have to try that. I still think Zumba sounds more fun!

  20. yes I'm sure the battery pack makes it a different height as I already have the extenders on. I just finished another workout and feel better this am. It takes me at least 2 days anymore to get turned around from nights ( only to get ready to go back in 2 more days) I don't do it as gracefully as I used to.. exercising really does help.

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