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Posts posted by Espn

  1. Going back a few pages to yesterday John, you said you had a new couch and saw new carpet and pool furniture, what is the general condition of the ship, like is there lots of new furniture and things look good? We are on Allure October 24 and were last on it 3 years ago and were worried that it missed many updates last year in Cadiz. Hoping lots of worn out stuff was taken care of since 2018. I know they replace things periodically but some things were looking rough last time.


    Also where did you get the Bella door sign? My daughter needs one for her Lola.

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  2. 18 hours ago, CruisingRealtor2018 said:

    I can’t answer your question but will say keep in mind the video is post amplification on oasis so room may be different as they redid the rooms a bit

    The cabin in the video looks the same as the 2BR GS we had on Allure a couple of years ago, and have again in October. The furniture may be newer but no detail changes.

  3. 2 hours ago, Catnip said:

    But it would be their own CHOICE, right?  Even Granny's choice. My 89-yr old MIL chooses not to get the jab, and it's her choice.  
    And these 2 passengers were not unvaccinated, am I correct?  Or have I read the news reports wrong?  So apparently, even vaxx passengers can test positive for covid.  As  has been reported for months now.

    Yes it is totally their choice, just not one I would make right now without a shot. I have been vaccinated and I wouldn’t go right now, want to let it settled a bit and gets the kinks worked out. It is good that this happened so early in the restart, it might help the cruise lines fine tune some things.

  4. This is one reason I don’t see why unvaccinated people want to jump on a cruise ship right away, unless you think the whole thing is a hoax. If there are cases, you might not get very sick, but if grandma is with you and unvaccinated it could kill her. This is also why the cruise lines don’t want unvaccinated people on their ships.

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  5. 9 hours ago, jrapps said:

    I think the part you don't understand is that the cruise lines don't want unvaccinated people on their ships. This isn't about compliance with the CDC, this is about getting a business started back up again as quickly and safely and as profitable as possible. The executives of these lines have said time and time again that the vaccines are their ticket back.


    The unvaccinated act like the cruise lines are fighting for them, the little guy...they aren't. The cruise lines want all vaccinated cruises more than we do. They are fighting to restart their business. They have chosen to mandate vaccines wherever they can by law (Bahamas, TX, etc). Where they can't (FL) the lines came up with the idea of charging unvaccinated all on their own. Nobody forced that on them. If they go forward with charging exorbitant high prices for Covid tests, that is the cruise lines way of telling unvaccinated passengers to wait.


    I personally don't care if unvaccinated people are on the ship with me or not. But I'm pretty sure the cruise line is the one that cares, and they are doing everything they can to start sailing without that hassle.

    Exactly! I am glad someone pointed this out. In all of these threads I can’t recall anyone saying this fact. The cruise lines want you to wait if you are unvaccinated, they don’t named a PR nightmare at this point.

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  6. 26 minutes ago, rbschultz said:


    This is what I'm expecting. All pax required to check-in online prior to arriving so that they won't be asked for vaccine confirmation at the port.

    Yes I am sure RC has corporate lawyers, or at least outside counsel, that have been looking at how to work around the FL law but still do what they want concerning vaccinations. 

  7. First I agree with those that are upset with RC for not officially canceling cruises in July and August and leaving them hanging.


    My family is in a bit of a different boat, pun intended. We are booked on Allure October 24th with final payment due July 27. At this point I think the cruise will be going, but without knowing details of how it is all going to work I am not feeling a lot of confidence in paying thousands for our suite before the test sailings. I was hoping this would all be figured out like this month. Sticking with our cruise is going to be a tough decision.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, harkinmr said:

    Nonsense.  "Sticking it to the cruise companies for their piece of the pie"?  What piece of pie would that be?  Exactly what do they gain?


    "If the vaccine is the miracle we all think it is" everyone would take it gladly?  It IS a miracle, and folks who are not taking it aren't refusing because they doubt the miraculous nature of it.  It's political in large part and there is a lot of distrust for some reason.  Social media is playing a part in all of this, and not in a good way.  It's just a vehicle for spreading lies and disinformation and people just buy into it.


    The cruise lines and the CDC are now actively working together to restart cruising by mid-summer.  You can choose to believe that and be optimistic about it or not, but I know it's not as much fun as bashing the CDC.

    Amen brother

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