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Posts posted by Esahuma

  1. Last port today - B3B on RCL Jewel - Azores - then 6 AWESOME sea days back to San Juan -


    Eating LCHF and Keto has been relatively easy as it fits my lifestyle - also do quite a bit of IF - intermittent fasting - have only eaten breakfast 3 times in 34 days :)


    Getting us back to top of the page clear.png?emoji-smile-1742

  2. We are used to pre-purchasing the WifI with Royal as it is usually less costly -


    Question: We are Elite on Celebrity and to purchase before boarding is $285 for 14 day on Constellation -


    Should we buy before or do we get a 30% discount as Elite to purchase onboard?


    Thanks for the information! :D

  3. Yesterday marked the start of our final segment of our B3B on Jewel - love the new 'refurbishments' since she came out of dry-dock! Beautiful new carpets - drapes - pillows! It was definitely time for new pillows!


    29 P

    175 D+

    400 D


    Enjoyed double expresso along with cappuccino and full-fat butter this morning in the DL - DL in the evening is in the Vortex - new chef and awesome spread - More a Mediterranean Style and works better with my WOE! Chops tonight for BOGO and love the Pork Belly and I order the Ribeye but it is too much to eat so I bring it back to the cabin for lunch the next day! clear.png?emoji-cool-1690

  4. Today marks 1/2 point of our B3B 34 day cruise - still maintaining LCHF and Keto - drinking vodka on ice with sprite zero and a little wine! Also doing IF - intermittent fasting from last meal of the day until at least noon the next day - :cool:

  5. I find a low carb diet works very well for me, but is very hard to stick to and as soon as you start carbs again the weight comes flooding back.


    This is why I don't call it a diet or just to lose weight - it is my Way Of Eating (WOF) - I have done this WOE for 21 months now and I do NOT "cheat" - most days I stay under 10 carbs but when traveling I might indulge in a few higher carb wines or a beer but my carbs still are below 30 so that is not high - I also juggle Intermittent Fasting (IF) every day - even while cruising so I don't cruise to Eat - I cruise to travel - see the world - meet people and make new memories with my dear husband and best friend Sam - 48 years!

  6. First breakfast in over two weeks - breaking 20 hours fast with all LCHF and Keto foods - only had one piece of salami! Got in my fat for the day! Not eating lunch will do IF until later tonight at the WJ Buffet where I will have all Keto! 1f642.png:) You can adapt your WOE to any vacation - celebration - no matter what the 'temptation' you GOT THIS!~

    Eating LCHF or Keto on a cruise ship or anywhere is most easy to do - just make up your mind to do it! 2764.png<3

  7. I think it is really easy (option-wise) to stay LCHF on a cruise. The breads and breakfast pastries are all pretty generic, IMO, so they are easier for me to avoid, despite the fact that I used to love a danish or donut in the morning with coffee. On our last cruise I did have dessert almost every night (sweets are my weakness,) pizza once or twice when we were too tired to even make it to the buffet for dinner, and maybe two fruity-type alcoholic drinks our entire ten days. We are incredibly active on our trips and generally gone the entire day in port so I'm not around food all day and also burning A LOT of calories. I think it is really important to go into the trip with a strong diet and no "cheats" or bad days for a while before. If I go into it with a fat burning body it is so much easier to avoid the sugar. If I go into it wavering, or with recent cheats, I'm going to have a much more difficult time saying no to the little things.


    My advice is the same I dish out for everyday life:

    1. Ask them to not bring bread to the table at the start of dinner. This can be a huge trap for me, so just not having in front of me is the best option.

    2. If you want [carb] that's fine. Fill your plate with your protein/fat, eat all of that, and if you STILL want your carb item, eat it. I find that most of the time I am too full for it, or I will have one bite and realize, ugh, this wasn't as good as I had imagined.

    3. If you are a drink lover have 2 waters for every alcoholic drink.

    4. If you really want a dessert and don't care for the sugar free option, have it, enjoy it, move on.


    I don't know about you but eating LCHF/keto has made a world of difference in my general health as far as digestion, migraines, energy. Now that I have been keto for 2 years, LCHF 3 years prior to that, I can REALLY feel the negative effects of carbs pretty quickly and severely. I still have to remind myself of that when tempted.


    Good luck! Enjoy yourself!


    I AGREE - I feel so much better eating LCHF and Keto - just keep saying, 'this is not a diet - it is MY WOE (way of eating) for life - therefore - I will stay with it"!

  8. I have another thread going (do you ever binge on food) but since I'm committed to LCHF/Keto diet I thought I would post here as well. I am down 21 pounds since I started curbing carbs. I lost 7 pounds in 2 months and the other 15 since going keto. I have stalled a bit and I think it's because I am not counting carbs as often as I should. I'm still eating low carb, but not tracking it. As of today I will start tracking again.


    This diet is forever. I know if I add back carbs I will start gaining again. That sweet treat or bread fix is just not worth it. I have had no sugar or bread or rice or potatoes since going keto in mid July. I'm really not missing them that much. That has really surprised me.


    Keep up the good work, everyone. It has helped me stay motivated to see the other health benefits of LCHF/keto. It can reverse type2 diabetes and may even have some cancer-fighting benefits. It sounds so fad-y. Like it can cure anything. But I am buying in to this lifestyle. I will have a physical in December and can't wait to see how my labs come back.


    Need more motivation? Try viewing the documentary "Fed Up." This is available on Netflix.[/quote


    Keep up the good work! It has been my lifestyle now for 20 months now - no going back - I feel so healthy and great and can wear nice clothes! Besides I am much happier and contented in my spirit! :D

  9. I'm on day 11 of low carb also trying intermittent fasting well see how that goes



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    Congratulations - keep up the good work - sometimes the going is slow - especially if you are insulin resistant like me! You will get there - after all - we didn't gain it overnight - it sometimes takes a while to lose it! ;)

  10. I love reading your posts, and how well you are doing.

    Do you think it is going to be difficult on the cruise to stay LCHF? Any advise you can give me, would be appreciated.


    I have about 10kgs left to loose and it's coming off supper slow. Only lost 1.5kg this month. But at least it's a loss. Have decided to only weigh monthly now as the scales were going up and down to much.


    I am concerned about our cruise in November as I don't want to undo all my hard work.



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    Sorry to just be getting back to you - computer crashed while in Mexico - and short 4 days cruise -- now friends are here from England -


    I only gained 5 pounds of water weight while gone since 1 Sept - it will come off easily - I did stick with my LCHF - only ate meats - allowed veggies - eggs - cheeses - and heavy whipping cream for dessert when on the 4 day cruise


    For drinks I usually have vodka (raspberry/ruby red or mango) over ice with lime and Sprite Zero - NO Carbs! Or a small glass of wine!


    You GOT THIS - :)

  11. Hanging in there strong -getting over my 10K steps daily - Intermittent fasting - OMAD (one meal a day) under 10 carbs - 9 days without losing - want so badly for the next two POF to come off so that I will be at 29.9 BMI - only 'overweight' and not obese anymore!


    FINALLY our first upgrade to Jr. Suite - BUT we are on B3B and they didn't upgrade for all 3 - gave it up so that we can stay in the same D1 9078 with large balcony on Jewel!

  12. Strange thing.... sometimes I swell terribly and all I can wear are my flip flops (dressy of course for formal night)


    Other cruises - like our 39 day B3B Downunder and Transpacific - I did not have a problem with swelling -


    Eat pretty much the same on all cruises? Do you think it makes a difference whether or not you are above or below the Equator?

  13. Finally broke through plateau - down 94 POF :) Yeah - lost 4.4 POF this month! We leave for Cabo on 2 Sept and then have friends from England doing a short 4 day cruise- we will then be 'tour guides' for them for 10 days here - and we leave 10 Oct for 42 days in Venice and B3B cruises!


    Want to drop another 6+ over the next 7 weeks! :D

  14. Browsing through the RCL web site yesterday afternoon (incognito as it works better) They have changed Ovation's May cruises to include a 9-day Japan cruise - 16 May! Booked it for Sam's 70th Birthday 1f642.png:) Airfare is quite reasonable also from LAX! 1f642.png:) No other travel web site is showing this cruise yet - deposits are refundable - very reasonably priced - D4 with large balcony $2100 1f642.png:)

  15. I know! I've got 60 more for my initial goal before I reassess. I think after 40 pounds my body is suspicious of what I'm trying to do to it, and wants to make sure it trusts me before it release the other 60! So it's taking its time. LOL!!


    You are correct - it does try to stay at the 'set-point' that it has been at for the last few years - took a couple months for mine to stay under the 200 POF mark - each new drop in POF is the same - go down - go up - go up - go down.... well you get the picture!

  16. That's amazing!!! Congrats!!!! Still holding at 40. Waiting for the scale to start moving again!!!


    So happy for you!!!! Way to go!!!! :hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes:


    It will move - just takes longer now - with only 30 POF to go, I am sure it will drag out!

  17. Wow, just bought a new formal dress to wear on next cruise for formal night (long red halter neck) in size 14. It's a little tight but am going to loose more weight before cruise in November, so should look great.


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    CONGRATULATIONS to you - feels great doesn't it? I am taking another batch of PLUS size clothing to the Goodwill today! :) I am having a few favorites altered to fit as I only bought them last summer!


    Keep up the great work!

  18. Yeah, I joined the wrong one. I tried again. Last name is Sinacore.


    Got you! Yeah! I was born and raised in Whittier - small world isn't it! Hope you find our little group helpful - please feel free to share healthy tips - recipes - we are all about supporting each other!

  19. Great! I just joined what I THINK is your FB Group! If you don't get a request from a Christine, let me know! It means I joined the wrong one! Haha!!


    Thank you so much!!!


    Didn't get a request - LCHF Friends Support Team - what is your last name?

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