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Posts posted by KillaFee

  1. Hi,

    My husband and I will be on the Splendor out of NYC on Nov 25th and we really like the idea of having access to the spa. Since we didn't book a spa room, what is the cost of a weekly spa pass? I searched the boards and couldn't get any concrete, up to date information. If anyone has done this on the Splendor recently, do you happen to know how much it was per person? Was it worth it?


    THANK YOU!!!



  2. WELL, I just wanted to let you know that prior to reading your review, I had absolutely NO desire to cruise on the Allure or Oasis. I just thought it was too big and too much going on, and I tend to be a fan of the "smaller" (if you can consider 90,000 GRT small).


    NOW, however I'm currently looking up prices on the Oasis & Allure for next year. Wahoooo!!!! Thanks! You're hilarious!


    BTW, Nordic Empress was one of my favorites! ;)



  3. I just went to the CCL website. I think you can click on SHIPS, then the ship you want, and it will list the venues on each ship. Unfortunately the towel animal on the website informed me it's unavailable right now, but they are working on it! :confused::(:eek::rolleyes:


    Bahahaha! I know, lol! I went to the site earlier and I was ALMOST irritated, but when I realized that it was a towel animal with a wrench and hard hat telling me that the site was down, I HAD to laugh. I did look at the site earlier this week and selected our ship, and it showed all of the options, but didn't seem to be ship specific. It showed Guys, Blue Iguana, Havana Bar...etc....we were very confused. I'm pretty good at researching things, so it shocked me when it kept showing all of those things that I'm pretty sure aren't on that ship. Maybe that's one of the things that the towel animal with the hard hat is fixing right now. :p


  4. Hiiii!!! I just wanted to say hello and that I'm very excited about our first trip on the Splendor!!!


    I'm curious about the restaurants....when I go on the Carnival website it lists all the restaurants but I feel like it's a generic listing? It shows Guys Burgers (not like I care, as I'm a vegetarian of 17 years, lol!!!), the Blue Iguana, sushi place, tapas place, Capital Italian Place (or something) etc....all these branded places. It's not so much that I care if they are on the ship, it's just that I'm curious as to WHAT exactly is on the ship as far as food. I do know that the Mongolian grill, pizza place, and MDR exist. That's about it. Any additional info would be greatly appreciated!!



  5. Helllloooooo everyone! My husband and I just booked the Splendor out of NYC for November 25th! We got a great deal and it was a total spur of the moment decision so we're pretty excited! So....in regards to the making drinks in the room....I've never attempted to bring alcohol on board in all of my previous cruises, but this time I'm thinking I might attempt it. Do they open your water bottles if they're sealed and the liquid inside is (ahem) clear?:D





  6. Quick question! Do you have to purchase the package for the entire duration of your cruise? We are thinking of the 9 night caribbean on the Explorer. Also, is it true that mimosas ARE included?


    One more thing...I did not see a beer list for the Irish Pub on board. What types of beer do they offer?





  7. I had actually forgotten the name of the cruise ship on which I took my second cruise.....poring through this thread "Whatever Happened To", it hit me. I also cruised on the Britanis in 1993, my husband's and my first cruise together, to Key West, Playa Del Carmen and Cozumel. At the time we booked it, our travel agent told us that it was the oldest cruise liner in service. She was old, but very well taken care of. It was the tiniest cabin ever - we had either a double or a queen sized bed, an inside cabin, and the bed took up most of the room! We were one of the lucky ones, our bathroom actually had been converted electrically so that I could blow dry my hair in it. Others on our deck had to go to a "group" room with the correct outlets. I remember having to iron my clothes there too.......! We had a wonderful time, the food was GREAT, the service great. It was my husband's first cruise - he was hooked! I wondered what happened to the ship. I also think it is fitting that she sank. Better that than taken apart and sold for scrap. :o


    Good point! I never thought of it that way. I guess it's better to imagine her sitting at the bottom of the ocean all in one piece (as haunting as that sounds) than to be destroyed be people that are just going to make a profit off of her.

  8. That's quite an interesting story! The photos of her sinking really give me the chills and I get teary every time! I'm sure you're all aware, but there are a few good books out there on the Britanis. On Amazon.com if you browse around on cruise related books there are a few...some of them are under her previous names but it's still kinda neat that it's the same ship.


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  9. First of all I'd like to say thanks for reminding me about some liquors being available in plastic bottles...I forgot! I'm not being sarcastic....I just never considered bringing booze in luggage because on the way home from our Voyager OTS cruise in 2001 a bottle of Bananna Liquor from Jamaica broke in my moms bag and got all over EVERYONES luggage...not just ours. If looks from other passengers could kill....:o . I'll give it a try for when we're in our cabin and honestly, the flask idea isn't so bad. They make the foo foo drinks so darn weak it's not usually worth drinking them to me because I get more of a brain freeze than a buzz....even when I get an extra shot - and they're not cheap! I'm usually the first one to point out people behaving tacky but I don't think flasks are bad. That's why they usually look nice and pretty...it's okay for them to be seen. ACTUALLY, there's a nice one in the Lillian Vernon catalog that you can get in different colors w/your monogram....I just might have to get that or a jewel encrusted one to rock out w/on the Serenade. :eek: :D .

  10. This champagne card sounds great but it's sorta too bad you can only us it in the champagne bar....maybe they put it out there as a way to bring more traffic there? On the Vision class ships there's always an abundance of people there but I've noticed it's never as busy on Voyager class ships, can't remember how busy the ones on Radiance are....just wondering.

    All this talk about champagne....too bad package stores here close @ 9pm in CT (it's 9:30pm now) because I could sure go for a cold glass of bubbly right now!

    Also....do you know if it was just for one type of champagne or were there some choices?



  11. Hey everyone! I'm so happy to see that this thread is still alive and kickin'! I loved reading about your memory of the contrasting Brittanis and Carnival ship because I remember thinking the SAME EXACT THING!!! I actually still tell my boyfriend about it whenever he compares the "small"...(ahem) ships (RCI vision class and smaller) to the big mamma-jammas. I remember being 12 years old and standing on the back of the Brittanis, looking at all the other roundish, bloated, bright white ships surrounding me and thinking...hmmm...which one doesn't belong? I thought it was strange but believed that there must be a good reason that it was still around.

    I remember thinking to myself, "this is what I always envisioned a cruise would be like", with all the brass, wood, sleek lines, and salty decks that turned your attention to the sea rather than inward towards crowded neon promenades. My boyfriend is older than me, so he thinks it's hilarious when I share memories about the Brittanis like I'm some old salt, but I always get the the last laugh when I remember that HIS first cruise memory was on the Voyager of the Seas. He'll just never understand, am I right?


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  12. I've gotta tell you guys...I didn't think I'd even get a response. When I logged on and read everything I was jumping up and down screaming to my boyfriend to look at all the pictures saying "I went on that ship! I went on that ship!!" At first he said "why on earth were you on THAT....it's OLD!" but as I showed him the history (thank you guys so much) he thought it was pretty cool. I instantly remembered feeling history when I was on her which is something that people nowadays aren't able to experiece on megaships. To everyone that contributed a fact, thought, memory or picture: THANK YOU!

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  13. Does anyone know what became of Chandris's Brittanis? It was my first long cruise that I ever went on and is largely responsible for the addiction to cruising that I developed at a very young age!!! When we were on her, Celebrity had just taken over (or merged?) with Chandris. There was the trademarked "X" on the smokestack just like the Celebrity ships now wear. I think she had a twin sister too....ring any bells??

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  14. I can't believe I stumbled upon this SeaEscape thing! It was my first cruise too when I was younger. I went on it two or three times because we used to live in Florida for the winter. I still have a hurricane glass that I won playing some game....hehe. They were sometimes parked near another defunct company called Dolphin cruises and I remember thinking how big they were when in reality they were like like little cabin cruisers compared to the mega ships of today. Okay I'm done being nostalgic I'm too young to be acting like this.

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