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Posts posted by pansieFL

  1. Bright Star is an extreme medical emergency.


    I haven't heard of Serephim before but will guess that's a death. Serephim is a type of angel, I believe.



    Here is what I found:


    Main Entry: ser·a·phim

    Pronunciation: \ser--fim, -fm\

    Function: noun plural

    Etymology: Late Latin seraphim, plural, seraphs, from Hebrew rphm

    Date: 12th century

    1 : an order of angels — see celestial hierarchy 2 singular, plural seraphim : one of the 6-winged angels standing in the presence of God

  2. We are sailing b2b on her from 2/23 to 3/9 and will try to post when we return. We are very excited to see the Legend's updates AND equally excited to get out of this record breaking Michigan winter!!!







    Awesome! A B2B is on my bucket list as well :-) enjoy yourselves and looking forward to hearing about your trip!

  3. Just checked the tracker and she is already underway back to Tampa - for those departing on her tomorrow and in the coming weeks - let us know how the upgrades are! :-)


    We are booked for March 23rd and can't wait! First time booking an Aft balcony as well so we are excited about that too!

  4. I think I have gotten all of them (including the crazy coconut head LOL) - the disco ball rocks! It gets used as parties a lot by all my friends


    Also found a real glass hurricane glass at a flea market a few months back - wish I could find some more of those!


    I love the blue fish!!! So need that one! 40 days and counting and off we go on our next mission to find one!


    Are there any more new ones?

  5. I've seen some of you talented folk have created door signs for your cabins. The ones I'm interested in in particular are the ones where it is a picture of the ship, with your sailing dates, and maybe names of the members of your party.


    Is this something you've created from scratch (and may be willing to create for me :D) or is there a website where you can do it? And what about having it laminated? How do you get it to stick/stay on the door?


    Thanks in advance!



    How was your cruise?? The Inspiration was our first cruise and we loved it! and to answer you question - yes, we do the signs ourselves (and we do it because our son can find the cabin better and we have gotten lots of positive comments) and if you go on another cruise, i would be happy to make one for you!


    We actually have found that sticky tack (the blue kind) works brilliant on any door and it doesn't leave any mess behind.


    here are two pics - click on them to make them bigger.



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