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Posts posted by inlinesick

  1. Debarkation was quick and painless. Platinums met in the dining room at 6:45am and we were off the ship shortly thereafter. 2 min wait at customs, summoned an Uber, and were at the airport at about 7:15am. 5 min wait through TSA Precheck and here we are.


    My sister, her fiancee, and nieces put their bags out last night and one is missing. They claim all bags are off the ship, and she says they aren't being very helpful to her. I wish I was there to see what was going on. They looked through them all and the 4th bag isn't there. The other 3 were all on the conveyor belt together, so I'm thinking it got put in another cart and who knows where it is now. Hopefully it turns up and they can ship it to them. Needless to say, it is a terrible way to end an otherwise perfect vacation. She says she will never cruise again because of the attitude of the people there. No idea who she talked to so I don't even know if they are Carnival employees. Sure it's possible someone else picked it up, but they had duct tape and things on it to make it easily identifiable. Nothing we can do now and they are finally on their way to the airport. They spent over an hour an a half at the port trying to find it :mad:.


    Wow , that was fast! Sad to hear about your sister's family! I'm sure its not carnival's employees, but rather pier employees ! I dealt with them....and not so great!

  2. Just about all packed up and the ship has been steady rocking all day which made for a nice little 45 min cat nap today. After Brunch, my friend and I spent a couple hours basking in the glorious sun in Havana. I of course grabbed my favorite round lounger in the sun and it was oh so comfy. All was peaceful until a group of people sat down with some blaring music of their own. I was rather enjoying the Latin music (of which I could only understand about 1 out of 20 words they were singing because let's face it, they talk really fast and it's been a minute since I had 3 years of Spanish in HS). My friend said it wad Richard Marx as she was closer to them, but all I could hear was "Corazon" something something something "Tambien" something else in my left ear and a totally different beat in my right which I couldn't make out. Anyway, this went on for about 15 min and either someone said something to them, or they just left. But can you say RUDE?! Come on, people a little courtesy and common sense.


    Besides that, dinner was great and I HATE when they play the "Leaving our Fun Ship" song. Makes me sad :( .


    I hear you!!! enjoying your review, i feel ilke im there!!! Which makes me forget that is snowing right now outside!! Tomorrow its the saddest day, debarkation!!!

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