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Posts posted by CU64

  1. Just returned from my worst cruise experience on RCL Brilliance. I have over 300 days at sea and have never had such disgusting food. Subjective? Steak Diane that was all gristle covered with canned brown gravy for each of us at the table. Tried to go with plain meal of turkey and dressing in hopes of a better choice and received deli turkey over a pad of off white slimey unknown substance which they called dressing. I felt bad for the wait staff having to serve this stuff and then ask passengers if they wanted something else. I think $6 per day for RCL is being generous. Celebrity is better all around in my opinion.


    Had a great cruise/ got sp rest package/ ate at Chef's Table and 3 others/preferred Giovannis........worth EVERY penny.....knew the MDR food average but the 3 times we ate there, we had good service and adequate food

  2. I understand there is one Starboard Forward

    Q.....is it really high? enclosed? or God forbid glass?

    I walk stairs but can be claustrophobic and don't want to get caught with

    something I can't handle!.......

    It was recommended to take for getting off early but needing to "grip hand rail".....

    any feedback appreciated.

  3. Agree with other posters about Barcelona Port. It is not the port that can be a problem.

    I flew home on Sunday after 12 day Med cruise on Celebrity. Wonderful; but then the airport(and I was flying First Class)......big lines to go through Security and whatever else........same issue at JFK flying to West Coast where the walking to the connecting plane was miles (ok if not tired)


    Never again will I do this on a Sunday anywhere in Europe....better to stay

    post cruise/ we stayed precruise but definitely will add the post cruise

  4. With Aqua Class you will also be able to eat in BLU dining room for much healthier meats. They also have a healthy breakfast and lunch up in the adult pool area.



    Not worth the extra money (IMHO) and altho some think so, BLU is not healthier, just a different menu (more fish options)....some people like the smaller restaurant area that looks like a specialty restaurant and breakfasts are often quoted as being great because it is sit down and people like smoothies (sugar), made to order eggs (you can get these in MDR and buffet); There ARE healthy choices in Aqua Spa restaurant which is FREE to anyone on board, unless you order specialty mixed yogurts ($5) or specialty smoothies ($5).

    If you want to use Persian Garden, you can buy a weekly pass for $99 for a single...no need to spend that extra $700

    for Aqua Class.

  5. Boards have old posts:

    Oasis in Nov. 2014

    CSA provides pre-existing conditions at TIME OF FINAL PAYMENT but says 180 days out ......

    Travelex does not do pre-existing UNLESS paid at DEPOSIT but is the PRIMARY

    provider for medical, CSA is secondary


    I like the thought of primary (Travelex) and think 100,000 for evacuation from

    Caribbean ports to USA sounds enough...


    If I were cruising in Europe would probably get MedJet


    Any subjective feedback appreciated.

  6. Very well written, factual, non confrontational.

    FWIW I wrote a "complaint" letter to Mr. Fain about ten years back after a cruise on Vision OTS (we had an owner's suite). Detailed some of the issues we ran into. He wrote back, and offered us some future cruise compensation (we certainly didn't ask, but were happy to take adavntage of that).

    Another time, had a litany of problems at a 6 night stay in a high end hotel in South Florida (the place was being returned to service after a big remodel, and should at the very least had a "soft" opening). I wrote the GM, he called me back, and gave us a complimentary two night stay. We took advantage of that, checked in about a year later, and they plopped us in the Presidential suite!


    Keep up the good work for those of you who take the time to write letters to the Owners/CEO/ et al. I have always gotten my 2 cents in to those at the top for an airline serious error (United, but never again) and on Princess when we were "upgraded" to under the Jacuzzis which during sea days made it impossible to rest in cabin. After 3 days, we realized where the noise was coming from/got very firm with Customer Rel and they moved us. The point was they KNEW about the noise (some people don't mind) and it should have been communicated to the Travel Agent, a personal one (not online), and/or reduced the charge for the cabin.


    I wrote this to Princess when we returned home. Along with a personal letter of apology, they sent a $450 per person "coupon" for our next cruise. I was happy and they kept my business.

  7. 9544... bed by balcony.

    10536... bed by balcony.


    I did read the thread and counted the way it explained but wanted to be sure.


    For those of you who are wondering about this bed placement, it makes quite

    a bit of difference when 2 people are moving around the cabin. The balcony cabins are unusually small on the Oasis.

    I have been on a 12 day Celebrity Med cruise where the bed was by the closet and this was the first time we realized that it made a BIG difference in getting in and out of closet as well as general access to other storage.


    Lazy would not be one of my "limitations!" I have others (:

  8. We've also been on many cruises and I no longer lock anything at all. I have 100% confidence in the room attendants. I believe your attendant was telling the truth when she said I wouldn't risk my job for an iPad. So, how did the crew working on balconies enter the room? Were you in port? Was this a crew from the ship or independent contractors that boarded the ship while you were docked? My bet is that you were in port and that the balcony crew were independent and not regular Princess employees. Whoever took your iPad and watch were brazen with no fear of getting caught. What kind of work was being done to your balcony? When we're in port, I will certainly be more careful in securing phones and my iPad.


    My bet is on a passenger (s)........

  9. I don't carry iphone around with me on ship ever unless I have an ER at home.

    ...phones, jewelry (anything expensive stays home anyway), money, passport, wallets, go into safe asap and would never be left out in room unless

    I forgot to lock safe. We only carry around ship card unless I am heading somewhere specific where I might need something, like the casino.


    We only charge items when I am in the room. Period. I do the same in any hotel room. We don't bring laptops or ipads.......we are on vacation and if we truly need to do something, we use internet on ship and I now have the iphone which is very handy for an ER.


    Even then, I appreciate this thread as sometimes, I put something in the top drawer where I do my hair/makeup at night before bed if I am too lazy to open safe and put them back. Usually I do it in AM but will stay even more vigilant now. Nothing valuable but I have my favorites!

  10. I see this saving of chairs in the theatre shows on cruises, also, even though they always say not to save and some always do.


    Somehow manners, the concept of "sharing" which is learned in kindergarten,

    seems to disappear with some people when they have paid money for a hotel room, cruise, movie ticket, et al


    The same thing occurs on the Thermal Suites (Celebrity and Princess

    have these heated stone lounges). People go in there and fall asleep, some snore. ......oblivious to others. I usually check to see if a lounge is available and if there are persons' who have clearly been there for more than 45 min.....

    (30 tops when others are waiting).......

    Once I went to the Spa desk and told them I wanted my money back for the week's tab as I could not use the facility. That worked....only had to do that once after many times checking.

  11. why? because the most important thing for me on a cruise is a balcony,

    nice gym, really like the thermal suites (Persian Garden on Celebrity), a decent

    gaming area because I like to play black jack......won't play if smoking ...

    I have plenty to do if I were ever to get bored but that is not why I/we cruise.


    Therefore, the bells and whistles on the large RCCL ships do not provide the environment which I prefer...could care less about a promenade and central park on a ship. Actually, Brilliance of the Seas which is a 4.5 star was an enjoyable cruise/ nice storage in balcony, et al. NE/Canada


    I echo some of the previous posters...someone said Celebrity is cruise for grownups.....Celebrity has done a nice marketing with the BLU restaurant in Aqua Class.....much more money but people think it is great because it appears more like a Specialty Restaurant. Personally, I think it is over hyped

    but it worked as a good marketing tool.


    Those of you who like the many more activities, shows, crowds, might prefer

    the big RCCL ships.

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