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Posts posted by denisey

  1. The church was San Maurizio Al Monastero Maggiore on Courso Magenta. It was next to the Museo Archeologico. We didn't go through the Museum, but it looked nice.


    Milan is an interesting city.,great for people watching. I would say you could see most of the major sights in a day or two. It could be your stop on the way to something else....


    We did go into La Scala on our last trip, but did not see an Opera. The B.F. would rather stand on the railing at the Sky Walk than sit through an Opera. Good thing he has other good qualities! :)

  2. Oooooh! I hadn't heard of the sky walk...but I suspect that is something I will experience through this review and not in person. While I don't have trouble with heights, I do have my limits! And I know I would never drag DH there!


    I did look at the price of High Tea at the Empress Hotel in Victoria Canada, and it makes the Reid Tea Terrace seem reasonable.


    A funny note, I just received a newsletter from Madeira tourism today...sigh!

  3. Denisey,


    I am loving your blog ... just can't figure out how to comment on that site .... so I'm commenting here ... hope that's okay.


    You fly for a living? I always thought that the crew gets better rates on privat flights --- not true? Or maybe I misunderstood the term "work flight".


    Keep it coming! I love your style of writing! Tanja keeps asking me about your trip ... I told her all about your itinerary and now we're both impatiently waiting for more!


    :p:p:pThank you so much for taking the time to write about your trip:p:p:p!




    Aw, Thanks! That is quite a big compliment coming from you! You are my travel hero!


    I am a Payroll Consultant, so I swoop in, fix payroll problems, and swoop out again. So I fly a lot, but am not an airline employee (I realized that I phrased that poorly, flying for a living!) I am working in Los Angeles right now.


    Tell Tanja to just wait until I describe how the United Nations got together in Piedmont to teach me how to pronounce your last name! But that is at the end of the trip....


    Now, back to Madiera!



  4. I hope you had a good visit with family, and can I admit that I was just a little bit glad I didn't miss too much while on my holiday!


    We loved our Panda in Italy, Dennis said it was quite powerful for a little car and it had plenty of room for our 2 small bags.


    I borrowed many ideas from this review and your others on ways to be organized and well planned for our trip. It was a real success and I always knew where we were headed!


    Thank you!

  5. As promised....We used Cath's method of getting into San Marco in Venice. You can wait in line for an hour, or you can pay 2 Euro a person for a timed entry.


    The company is Venetoinside.com


    There is the main door where the average person gets in, and then the tour group door to the immediate left. You pick a time and have a 10 minute window to enter. We showed up 15 minutes early, and the guy didn't even look at the time. I think if you miss your time, still give it a try, they may just let you in. So as far as it goes, it worked just as promised,


    The down side is that you are entering with tour groups and are shuffled in with the crowds as soon as you get inside. It was a mob scene inside the church. Once inside a lot of the sights are charged at a separate rate. We shuffled through the church, didn't see much, bought a book on the church at the book store and left.


    Later we got the advice to go later in the afternoon. Fewer crowds and they turn some lights on in the church.


    On a personal note, we did not get to Cannaregio section of Venice, so were not able to see St Lucia church for Cath. :(



  6. What a nice day in Fuerteventura!


    Well, while I haven't cruise with you (yet!) I think that you are weird in a good way...quirky, fun-loving, adventurous...but accepting of others! Some day I will have to find out if that is true!


    But on a sad note....I won't be able to read your posts for the next 2 weeks. It is time for my land trip to Italy! Can't wait to catch up when I get back!

  7. Originally posted by Kreuzfahrtneuling Lol, if you paid close attention, you might have noticed that the ports of call don’t fit … I don’t know if they were overeager in pinning the dates for the upcoming cruise , or if those sheets still hung there from the cruise prior to ours.




    I was surprised to see Casablanca on the list, I didn't remember you mentioning that! LOL!


    (And one day I will get the hang of "quoting"!)

  8. Not to worry Stef, one of the great things about your reviews is that you tell all sides of the story. And you do it in a nice manner, telling us what you didn't like and why, and maybe what could have made it better.


    And if we every get the wonderful opportunity to cruise with you, you will recognize us, we'll be the one's jumping up and down with joy! (my husband is practicing saying Kreuzfahrtneuling, just in case!)

  9. Hi guys,


    sorry, not much time today. Emergency call weekend and it was a rough night. New review posts on monday.


    But I can't let go about the Tanja question .... very fun stuff. I never thought about how to explain to an English speaking person how to pronounce that correctly, but it is a fun task and I want to try right away.


    Okay ... both A's in TANJA sound exactly the same and have the exact same pressure to it.


    The best fitting sound I found is the very fist A-sound in "Aaamerica, the beautiful":D song.


    the T and the n souldn't be any different from what you're used to and the j .... mhhh, let's see. Yahoo doesn't quite do it for me ....the y here sounds too much like eeeaaaaa. I think "yikes" works better for me .... the sound is sharper and is formed more like a german j a little more to the front of your mouth.


    :rolleyes:Lol ... I can just picture you trying out weird "tanja" variations now, sitting in front of your screens .... having loads of fun imagining that .... thanks .... I needed that after last night. See you all on monday!




    Okay, I think I have it...as long as Tanja won't be offended by my American accent when someday we meet up on a cruise!


    Too bad about the tough day at work. Relax the rest of the weekend and we'll see you on Monday!

  10. Well, if not dancing as a couple is the most serious problem you have, then I say things are good!


    But that brings me to a very serious question I have had through all 4 of your reviews!


    How do you pronounce Tanja's name???????


    In my head I say it like the American Tanya (Tan that rhymes with Don, and ya like the first part of Yahoo!)


    I think I have how to pronounce Stef....



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