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Posts posted by xbatt8

  1. 3 hours ago, CruizinKittie40 said:


    Here's the link to my Carnival Legend Facebook Photobook.  All the menus are there, as well as the front page of all the Fun Times leaflets and pictures/videos of the ship




    But the $64 question... Did you happen to get a picture of the Steakhouse Brunch menu??? As the Legend is the only ship doing that right now, a copy of that menu is nowhere to be found.  ☹️



  2. On 8/29/2019 at 12:24 PM, coevan said:

    every single time we cruise, never been charged, don't be so sure of yourself. Not only have we never been charged, i would never pay it. If they pushed i would bring it back to the cabin and pour in glasses. 


    We have sailed on more than 50 Carnival cruises, and brought wine on board nearly every one of them. Usually my DW just fills a glass in the room and brings it to dinner. However, there have been many times when she brought the opened bottle with her. We had never been charged a corkage fee... until we were. Eventually, the Maitre ‘d came over and waived the fee, but only because we are Diamond. He said that just because some waiters don’t follow the rules - which do say that the fee will be charged if you bring the bottle in to the MDR - doesn’t mean they all won’t. He was right, of course. Since that time, it’s glasses of wine to the MDR only.


    As I have been known to quip, the only consistent thing about Carnival is their inconsistency...



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  3. 8 hours ago, SadieN said:

    Haven't embarked from San Diego since 2011. We will be sailing out of San Diego in January on the Carnival Miracle and wondering what has changed (if anything)?

    At that time we embarked thru the old warehouse.  At debarkation CBP was onboard and we simply tossed our (now obsolete) declaration forms into a plastic bin at the end of the gangway.

    Basically wondering if the new terminal is ever used and if CBP is still processed onboard.



    (ps Where is the forum search tool?)



    You just have to use the overall search tool, and then scroll down to where it says search this forum and click on that one.


    You going to Hawaii again? We are on the January 11th Cabo, Cabo, Ensenada.  😁. Been a long time since we’ve sailed from San Diego also.



  4. 8 hours ago, Stick93 said:

    I agree with all you said just not over the free gift. 


    Next time you get a gift from someone and don’t like it - give it back and complain how much you wanted something else. 


    The truth is that the gift is a nice gesture. If you don’t like it write about it on the survey - but if your trip is good and they staff have you great service and you used all your other platinum perks.... I am not sure what you complain about. 


    Here is a different thought. If you don’t like the gift - maybe go to the front desk and return all your perks. Than stick it to them by getting off the ship - that would really show them! 


    Well, yes and no. Remember, the DP gift is not just a “gift” (even tho that’s what it’s called), it’s actually a stated perk given to DPs. So if your “free” laundry comes back stained or terribly wrinkled you should just not say anything because it’s a gift? Shhhh, don’t say anything... it was a freebie and you should just accept it and move on??? That seems a tad bit silly to me.  Free or not, you are offering to do my laundry, and if it’s done poorly... I’m going to let you know. 


    Actually, yes, If I went to a Christmas gift exchange with a gift, and I received a dog brush (I don't have a dog) in exchange, yes, I would certainly see if someone wanted to exchange it, and I might say something to the organizer about giving ideas on next year’s flyer. That’s how people improve service, by knowing where improvement is needed.


    I do wish people would stop overreacting to complaints. Telling the waiter and the Maitre ‘d that my lasagna was overcooked and dry is not the same as telling them that my MDR experience was completely ruined. Asking them to exchange it for a better one is not the same as telling them that my meals were awful. That one dish was bad. It happens. Telling them is a good thing. Improvements come from knowledge. Pretending that I’ve destroyed their lives or assuming that my whole cruise was ruined because of it is nonsense. Why would you all overreact to this simple, and useful complaint? 


    Carnival ain’t perfect folks, no matter how much you want people to believe that they are.  They are great, and they are my first choice of cruises. BUT, they make mistakes. And it is in THEIR best interest that we tell them about their mistakes. Period. That’s not even the least bit controversial. They can’t correct what they don’t know about. When someone does, or something is done, well, I let them know. When something is done poorly, I also let them know. My question is why aren’t the rest of you doing that??? Are you not interested in improving things?





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  5. 5 hours ago, jimbo5544 said:

    If you think that “complaining” about a free gift to GS is the right thing to do, you would be wrong....... they have no impact on the picking of the gift, nor the distribution.  That said, you answered your own question, the way to let the company know is thru the email survey at the end of the cruise.  At the end of the day, the diamond platinum gift has always been a thing that the company gives as a token with the company logo on it.  Think of it as a a little free advertising that others could see AFTER the cruise.  If someone does not like it, simply say no thanks to the RS when it is delivered,  When and if it changes is not going to be changed by someone on CC thinking by their action it will”end” sooner.


    Well... no. I’m not wrong. Having 20,000 posts on CC does not make you right. Voracious,  maybe, but not right. We simply have a difference in opinion, and I am no more “wrong” than you are. 


    To assume that letting GS know that you don’t like something has no impact is certainly selling them short. Telling your Maitre ‘d that you are unhappy with menu changes would be the same thing. They may not decide what is on the menu, but I would wager that their input to corporate is certainly heard. As would, I’d wager, the input from GS to corporate. If I’m wrong, nothing is really lost. If I’m right, then much is to be gained.


    Yes, making your opinion known on the survey is ONE way of doing it. It might, or might not, be the most effective way... I don’t think any of us know for sure. But why should people be limited to only one option?  Letting your voice be heard in multiple forums (I’m not referring to internet “forums” or “boards), would seem to be more effective than just one outlet. Again, what did the poster lose by letting GS know that the lanyard is not their gift of choice?


    One thing we do agree on is that Carnival uses the logo gift as a form of advertising. To that end, it certainly behooves them to make sure that the item is being used and that their logo is out in the public eye. If the item is thrown in a drawer, or not worn by most of the people it was given to, then their goal is not achieved. Knowing this only makes their choices better. They gave out a backpack. It was very popular and people used it. So, a few years later, they came out with another one. Good choice. They gave out a collapsible cooler. People used it and their logo was out out there. A few years later, they came out with another one. Good choice. They also gave out a note pad and pen set. People did not seem to like it or use it much. They have not repeated that item. ALSO a good choice. If people don’t let them know that this item will not be used much, and therefore their logo will not being seen, then they may decide to bring it back again in the future. I, and many many others, would rather they didn’t do that. 


    I don't know about you, but I don’t hang around my cabin all that much. I can’t think of a single time, in all these years,  that I have been around when my gift was delivered. So if I were to “refuse” it, to whom should I refuse it? If I didn’t want it, to whom should I give it back? To Guest Services maybe??? So we are back to them...


    Finally, I don’t think the poster, or I have said anything about “ending” it sooner. The DP gifts are purchased in advance, in large quantities. But letting your voice be heard MAY prevent future purchases of the same ilk, or (if they actually do this - I don’t know) reordering said item. That’s why letting them know is important. If you are referring to my tongue in check closing comment, well, simple logic tell us that I am right. As there is a finite number of lanyards, giving them back means not depleting the stock as quickly.



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  6. 2 hours ago, Stick93 said:

    Not sure why people feel the need to give it back and make a complaint. The people at the front desk have nothing to do with this gift. 


    Well, because that’s how you let Carnival know that there is improvement needed. I get a survey after every cruise. I presume that they actually want me to be honest on that survey. In fact all customers should be honest on that survey. It’s how Carnival knows what goes on, where to improve, how to better train,  and what things are terrific and should be left alone. The DP gift is no different. If people are unhappy with them, then Carnival should know about that. Not voicing your opinion could allow Carnival to think that the lanyards were a popular gift... when the opposite is actually true. 


    As for the people at the “front deck” having nothing to do with this gift, I disagree. First, they are called Guest Services for a reason. It is exactly where guests should go. More importantly, they distribute the DP gifts. They exchange the DP gifts (if they have others in stock). And where would you go if your DP gift didn’t show up in your cabin? Guest Services I’d wager. So Guest Services is where the poster should have gone. Where else?


    On a lighter note, I do agree that the poster should NOT have turned in their lanyard. That just means it’ll take Carnival longer to run out of them...  😁



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  7. 9 hours ago, FreestyleNovice said:

    Let me get this thing right: So eh.. we ban plastic straws but we fill up cruise ships with hiding our unnecessary rubber ducks, for the fun of it? :classic_mellow: 


    Plastic straws are banned because they end up in the ocean. The rubber ducks are either re-hidden or taken home as collectibles. 



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  8. Well, if you are sailing in 2020 you’re either on the Getaway or the Escape, and those ships are more similar than different. We are on the Escape. There are roll calls for both in the roll call section, as well as other social media groups. I’m in both, and there is a lot of info to be gleaned from other experienced TA travelers. We’ve only done two TAs so far, and both were excellent. One was warm and afforded many opportunities for laying out by the pool (that one was mid April - Florida to Barcelona) and one was much cooler (early June - Barcelona to New York). 


    Enjoy your TA.



  9. On 6/30/2019 at 5:35 AM, Butterbean1000 said:

    I've seen recent pictures of bitter and blanc and it looks like they've changed the sauce. Say it ain't so!


    Yes, it is so. The sauce has changed. What once was a vanilla sauce (the blanc in Bitter and Blanc) is now more caramel flavored. Which is unfortunate as I am not a caramel fan...





  10. The key to what makes a “cooler” is... is it lined? If your “backpack” has a waterproof liner, and they see it, it will be considered a cooler. And if is ANY larger than 12x12x12, it can be denied. You can read story after story on these boards of 12x12x13 coolers that are confiscated. Now the $64,000 question is, WILL it be confiscated? No one can say what WILL happen, only what CAN happen. As I often say, the only consistent thing about Carnival is its inconsistency...  😁



  11. Just depends on you. If you get involved in the many activities on board, then chances are that you will see, and likely meet the Cruise Director. But if you don’t go to the deck parties, shows in the theaters, or activities in the atrium, your only exposure will probably be the announcements over the intercom...


    CDs won’t make or break a cruise for me, but some are more fun, more engaging, more hands on than others. Some, such as Lee Mason and Mike Pack have a Facebook page where you can follow them. Lee Mason also has a YouTube channel where he regularly posts videos from his sailings. On that channel, he also videos tours of his ship, posts self help videos for new cruisers, and lots of other information. Many of them also do a morning talk show which you can see on your cabin TV or see in person.


    On your next cruise, make it a point to go join in some of the deck and atrium parties, or go see the welcome aboard show, or just ask a fun squad member to meet the CD. They are generally very friendly and accommodating. 



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  12. Was on the Breakaway in January and was in Bliss every night. They would have some parties and special music nights (50’s night, 60’s night, Country night etc) in there around 9:30 or 10. Then basic nightclub fare from 11ish on. 


    It it was fine, but it wasn’t the hopping place that other nightclubs have been. The Bliss on the Epic is HUGE,  and it was hopping every night on our TA last year.



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  13. 1 hour ago, Sheeba67 said:

    Does anyone out there have a good chill walking itinerary for Ensenada? We have two girls 18 & 20 and want a great taco stop and probably the required stop at Papas & Beer or Hussongs.


    You are in luck. Both can be found very close to each other, and a nice chill walk from the ship, or back to the ship. 


    P & B is at the corner of Av Lopez Mateos and Av Ruiz. On the other side of Av Ruiz, almost directly across from Hussongs,  is a great place to get tacos. La Terraza I think it’s called. 


    To walk there from the ship, just head out of the dock area. When you get to the first bridge, turn left and head towards the fountains. They are where Alvarado dead ends. Take Alvarado away from the water and you will cross Blvd Lazaro Cardenas and then turn left on Av Lopez Mateos. Go up about 6 blocks and you will get to  P & B. On the way back, if you like fresh seafood, be sure to stop at either El Guerno (Alvarado and Lazaro Cardenas) or La Guerrerense (Alvarado and Lopez Mateos). Both are street carts serving really great seafood tostados. I always stop at El Guerno for a shrimp cocktail.


    The trip from ship to P & B is just about a mile. 



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  14. 16 hours ago, esper10 said:

    Well, we are booked on the Splendor. We will be Platinum. Do you happen to know what to expect as far as Benefits, party....thanks 


    Yes. The party will be Friday (assuming you are doing the Saturday to Saturday Mexican riviera) from 5 to 5:45. Free drinks and appetizers. A few games of guess the epaulet, guess the ship, and guess the number of jellybeans in the jar. Lee will host the party and some, if not all, of the senior staff will be there.


    The Platinum gift on our cruise were the Tervis cups, but I hear that the new lanyard is hitting the ships 🤢.  


    For your tendering in Cabo, you need only show up at the Black Pearl dining room with all your party and they will escort you down to the tender.


    In Long Beach, they don’t distinguish between Platinum and Diamond. Both groups are in the same waiting room, and when boarding starts, they just have all of them go at once.


    All the other benefits remain.



  15. 2 hours ago, esper10 said:



    This is what Carnival told me on Facebook. So is going to be. The reason I asked is that in the past that ship didn’t have very much entertainment and not every night they had a show. The 4 nights cruise with the Imagination and the inspiration are very high energy. We want to do 7 nights but it depends if the ship will have nightly shows, music...the cruise director contribute a lot if they great


    What did Carnival tell you on Facebook? I was on the Splendor 3 weeks ago and hung out a bit with both Monroe and Lee. Both are amazing guys. 


    Not to worry, Lee Mason is probably the best Cruise Director I have ever sailed with, so no worries there. Assuming, of course, that you are sailing in the next 5 months or so. He just started his new contract on March 30th, so he should be the CD through the summer.


    I’ve never sailed on the Splendor when there wasn’t something going on every night. Is there a Playlist Production show every night? Of course not. But there is a show every night in the show theater. The first night is the welcome aboard show, the last night is the finals on Lip Sync Battle (which is a lot of fun), and somewhere in the middle is the Battle of the Sexes show Love and Marriage show. Plus there is a lot of other stuff going on around the ship... such as: a rock band playing in the atrium, sail away parties, ballon drop and party on the last night, comedians in the comedy club, piano bar music and comedy, a nightclub, dive in movies, singers on the Promenade, and 2 crazy fun deck parties. All of this in addition to 4 different Playlist Productions. Not sure when you were on the Splendor when they, “...didn’t have very much entertainment”, but they’ve always had more than I could possibly enjoy. I’m not sure I’ve been on a ship where I had more fun than on the Splendor. Pretty sure you’ll have a blast.





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