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Everything posted by juju2454

  1. Thought you weren't going to write to me anymore? That said. I don't get mad at people on forums. Not wort the effort. But no you actually did make the argument as you said in your post " I can't believe I am defending haven" and "I hate that." No? Either way you went on to tell me to block you and a few other temper things but at this point you have made the point that you lost your temper. I never said you said elite, I said elite, and I have the posts to prove that in here and else where. Me thinks you doth protest too much.
  2. The point is that indeed many have encountered Haven people who indeed think they are better people for it. It isn't just opinion, it has become fact if you read the things I have. I have read so many things from Haven people that I have never heard from club balc, or below. I of course am in other groups( can't mention them here cause you know...) that totally put down anyone in a smaller room and on many occasion the need to simply come out and say they are "haven" YMMV. But as someone said, it is a controversial thread 😛 🙂 🙂 🙂
  3. I don't really have negativity towards Haven in and of itself, I think it is about the "elite" attitude that many have once they book it. It's your money , spend as you wish. I only do inside center of ship center of section. because 1) I am terrified of the edge of the ship( yeah true story), I don't go to it, I will never do a balcony ( have had nightmares of rolling out the door on a rough sea day lol (I know I know) ) So even club balcony isn't something I would try for. But again you buy what you want. and I do too. It is the remarks that come from many ( not all) haven peeps of calling people lesser to them that is the issue. for many. Enjoy your choices!! Happy cruising!
  4. Not really cause what if they cruise on many lines(we have) but only tell you of their levels? I have plenty of cruises but not platinum, because we haven't done NCL exclusively. Just a thought. 😉
  5. Indeed, know when to hold up and know when to fold up. LOL 😉when we play slots we know we can lose just as fast as we spin the wheel, We also know if it is paying out that when it begins to give bigger amounts to pull the slip and walk away. Do we lose some? Sure. but more times we win more than we invested, and have fun doing it 😉
  6. I completely envy some gamblers, I watch my friend in awe. He doesn't think twice betting $$$ power to him, and you. This friend is one of the nicest people, I know. As long as you aren't hurting anyone and aren't hurting yourself, have fun! and Congrats on the comps! 🙂
  7. Just because they are Muslim doesn't mean they practice it. I cannot begin to tell you how many Jewish people I know that eat pork, ham, venison, and have meat and dairy o the same plate. My old boss was Jewish and he would always eat a ham sammich if I brought on for him, he would tell me his wife would be mad if she knew but cie la vie. Not all who are of a particular religion are devout to it. Just sayin'
  8. Sad that they have to remind people to wash their hands in anyway they can. No? 😉
  9. We generally do the same, but comments made loud enough are hard to miss. I have more data than I care to have about the opinions of haven people, it isn't just a few rude people, it has been most haven writers( not just in this site) and the way they seems to think that Haven means you are more worldly, educated, or richer. We all spend out money the way we wish, why tell others who don't spend $5000 + pp for a room they are lesser people, or even imply it? It is the same sometimes for people who say they are better for flying first class, it's your money but I can get o the same destination in coach for much less. and that is simply fact. So enjoy haven, but believe me I have had more than enough "data" to the point of who thinks haven makes them better than others on the same ship. We all go to the same destinations and we all get there at the same time of day, and we all have to be on board at the same time. Do you get to an excursion first , sure but I still get there. Do you get a front seat at a show? yep, but I still get to see that show. Do you get off the ship before me? yep but I still get off. funny thing happened on our 2018 TA cruise, we were inside room and in New Orleans the disembarking was a mess, we got the best porter who took our luggage, asked his female friend to open a second door ( and she did) and we walked past all the first to leave the ship people, got a cab in minutes and were in our room within 15 minutes. I heard later we walked by all the upper payed rooms via a chat I was in they all waited some for 3 hours. So it all can work backwards sometimes . Enjoy your cruise however you go. 🙂
  10. that is opinion respectfully. I actually don't mind crowds, and I guess I haven't been fed such elite foods to think others are sub par. I don't go for the food, I go for the places to see, and the no dishes, no bed making, no per drink charge, no cooking, part. We eat simple. Dh would live on Mashed potatoes and gravy all day long. , so more to the point food is subjective. I have stayed a resort, nothing was better than the regular rooms I have stayed in, but then they weren't all inclusive. W were in a 5 star on the ocean(hawaii), and we have been in a 5 blocks from the beach( again hawaii), a room is a room. We spend little time in them . I won't fly first class for the same reasons. and a hot towel to do what pat your face? My seat in coach reclined, and my food was delish. No one said they can't did they? the said it was the elite attitude that is off putting I believe. you know steerage, those people, the commoners. Milk man.... It is about the exact things you mentions steerage, and those people, that creates a class warfare, I also am in several other place about cruises, where people just die to get to tell you they are haven. Lots. so this has caused you to become defensive? Lots of people have stayed in the havens, lots brag about it and do indeed make it like the rest are getto . in fact beyond the steerage I was also called getto-ish for hanging my suit on a hanger near my AC vent to dry in my inside room instead of getting a balcony for that maybe that could be why. I don't think not having been in the haven would change that attitude . But I digress. I've been in pharmacy for over 25 years and medical for 15-20 so to give you a perspective of sales and short selling oneself. I also own a business which involves sales. Preaching to the choir comes to mind 😉 I don't talk anyone into anything they don't want, but they have a selection to choose from. I know exactly how it works we have a dear friend that play at a casino, bets high, some times wins sometimes loses, gets comped all over the place. But a frequent flyer. No not all lose thousands to get comped, but the comp is to get your to play more, that is fact. I am sure he has over he years lost thousands and won thousands, I have seen him play on the craps table He lay out $50 and $100 chips like they are $5 and $10's. Good on him! He love the game, he get lots of perks for it. I can't say I would disagree, but in the over all perspective from what I have read in the 5 groups( on the thing that shall not be named here ) and here , over all more than not Haven peeps are how would it be said, "snoshy" many times. A word I picked up from Crazy Rich Asians. lol.
  11. Also true for craps tables it run hot and cold. cold table walk away. We play slots, we take X amount of money when we do go, if we lose that we walk away, If we win more yeah for us. we take the original money out and play and the rest (winnings) goes back to the room. Slot machines will pay out then start taking it back if it happens after day 5 spins I am on to a new machine. I generally win off slots more than I lose for that reason. 😉
  12. We did howl at the moon once, gave the dudes $10 for "Love under the dash board lights" aka Paradise? they took the money and then said, "we don't know that song. Who doesn't know Meatloaf infamous "sex" song? lol
  13. I appreciate the reply, I haven't ever felt less taken care of in an inside room, but then I don't spend time in it either. so that could be why. I had to read this twice, the ameliorates part kinda goes with what I said though, if you don't like those things about a cruise, why cruise? I digress. But I don't think I will ever quite get over being told Haven considers the rest in inside etc, Steerage. Again thank you for your response.
  14. I got called steerage by haven people. Not kidding, I was flabbergasted. Steerage? I too thought of the Titanic, and looked at my DH and said "oh honey she thinks we're gonna be the couple i n their bed, waiting to drown"
  15. Us too, the dark is so nice to sleep in and we aren't there enough to justify higher than inside.
  16. so there is actually a strong incentive at play for haven guests NOT to misbehave... because everybody will learn about it and finger point and talk about you. and there would be no escape * we talk about you outside of haven lol, as you can see. 🙂 lol I understand what you are saying but in all honesty, I have indeed been referred to as steerage by a Haven person. If you want to be alone I have to ask Why go on a cruise of 3000+ people? Honest question.
  17. Love: sleeping in, late brunch ( best of lunch coming out and end o the breakfast area still going) , staying out later meeting new people at the bar(s) and chatting about where we're from/ they're from etc. late night snack at the buffet ( I really enjoy the buffet, I sit down at home all the time lol) Dislike: Moderno, pushy people in the buffet, lines at restaurants, bars, saving seats at shows, pool, elitist in haven ( yeah I get it you like haven and think it is lovely, and want to be alone on a cruise of 3000+ people lol) dishes in the halls, and oh dear I am gonna duck scooters that practically run you over.....*DUCKING*
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