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Posts posted by emeraldcity

  1. Kim S. - I'm glad they worked with you to change to a different itinerary. For those who are under the impression that the Spring TA's are not inside of final payment, that may be the case for most of them. The Symphony will however set sail in 60 days.


    For me, vaccination requirements are a non-issue. I got my fourth shot this past October. I'm not trying to convince anyone to do the same, as that is a matter of personal choice. For me, it makes me feel a greater sense of ease in social situations.


    As mentioned earlier in this thread, there are undoubtedly concerns on the part of the cruise line about the risk of a mid-ocean medical evacuation. We experienced that very situation on the March TA 2020 on the Allure. Four hours north west to meet a helicopter from the Azores. We were very fortunate that the seas were calm.


    I hope they work with those unvaxxed folks who are booked on the Symphony to find a suitable alternate. A cruise should be something to happily anticipate ... not something to stress over.

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  2. 55 minutes ago, PWP-001 said:

    You make a good point.  But there is a fine nuance here.


    Remember that there was a time when all of those D, D+, and P cruisers had zero benefits as a first time cruiser, then Gold, Plat, and Emerald, yet they chose Royal Caribbean-- most likely because they like to take cruise vacations and liked other aspects of how RCI has developed the cruise experience.


    How many of these passengers --who really like to cruise --  decide to take a cruise simply because they can preen in a lounge, board before others, don't have to buy a drink package because of their vouchers, or walk around like they own the ship as they flaunt their Pinnacle Lapel Pin?


    Point is, these passengers LOYAL TO CRUISE VACATIONS aren't truly sailing for the extra perks.  They may make the cruise more comfortable and may slightly influence the decision to stay with a particular line.  But for most, I doubt they are the deciding factor.  


    For me, this is absolutely true. Frankly, I'm surprised to find myself at my current points level.


    As for the Diamond Plus access to a lounge, I rarely stick my nose in the lounge anyway ... and when I do, I ask myself what the fuss is all about.


    I love the switch to the drink perk loaded on the card and the ability to get a frozen virgin drink at any time of the day.


    I don't consider myself "loyal to Royal" as I do look at what else is out there. But my first choice is always Royal. I just wish they'd put some greater variety into their itineraries.

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  3. I guess I'm a bit surprised at all the negativity. You cruise for the experience ... certainly not for the amenities. That's just a little bonus. If they don't have the particular item (which they didn't last week) they provide a list for you to choose something else. I chose the truffles and it turned out to be a delightful choice.


    My personal preference is to have something of a souvenir nature you can take home with you, but if they don't have it, I can go with another option.

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  4. We had a group of 12 and we did self-assist. We went right to the taxi line. He said "How many?" I said 12. He looked at me in shock and I pointed to 2 XL vehicles and said, "we'll take those two." And we did.  


    We tipped our driver's very well, made it to FLL by 9:00 and paid considerably less than any other option I had researched.


    Sometimes the simple solution is the best one.


    Good luck with whatever you decide.


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  5. I did this trip with my college age daughter. We bucked the trend ... we started in Vancouver and went northbound (on the Radiance). This had the delightful benefit of visiting the Nature Center at Mendenhall before doing any glacier viewing. They do an outstanding job of visuals to help you truly understand the forces that create glaciers and allow them to move. Then, when you see the glaciers as you travel further north, you have a better understanding of the geology.


    My principal reason for wanting to do the cruise before the cruise-tour is that we are all about the ship! And I didn't want to be looking forward to getting on the ship while I should be enjoying the land portion.


    As for the cruise-tour, we did a 4-day tour. Alyeska, Talkeetna, Denali, Anchorage. The train was the last leg (Denali to Anchorage-8 hours). The one thing that bothered me about the cruise-tour was that we couldn't book any excursions until after we got on the bus. That really cuts into the concept of pre-planning. Fortunately a cruise-critic member a few weeks earlier posted the list he got on the bus, so I was able to make some early decisions.


    Step outside your comfort zone and try some really amazing excursions. I'm considerably older than most mothers with a college age daughter, but I still went all-out to experience some amazing adventures. There were three buses on our tour and my daughter and I were the only ones to book a flight out of Talkeetna to land on Ruth Glacier on the slopes of Denali. They'd just had a foot of snow ... it was like landing on a marshmallow. And the last morning in Denali when we would be boarding the train just about noon, we booked the white water rafting on the Nenana River (Class 3 and 4 rapids). It was fabulous fun. Of course, we were the only ones who booked it. The other people in our boat were a couple who were doing a land tour on their own.


    Once on the ship we did the usual excursions like the train to White Pass and the hike to Mendenhall in Juneau. But in Ketchikan we were among an intrepid group of 12 that booked 4-man zodiac boats (you get to drive) for a guided tour in a chilly rain that visited the tiny islands in the area and learned about the eagles, the seals and life for the locals in the unforgiving environment where 8th graders have to do a survival course and spend 2 nights on one of those distant islands foraging food.  (Google 8th grade Ketchikan Survival for an interesting read)


    And when we left Alaska, we did the usual thing where we try to pinpoint the highlight of the trip. We couldn't ... in the end, we decided the highlight was ALASKA.

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  6. Thank you for taking the time to review your trip. I was on the Voyager TA last month and I was curious to get another person's take on the ship.


    Frankly, I was disappointed in the food. It was hit-or-miss throughout the cruise. Some things were really great ... others unfortunately overcooked. So are they still pushing tuna like they got a great deal on a warehouse full of the stuff? The cafe had tuna sandwiches nearly every day ... sometimes two different varieties. And the WJ invariably had a tuna dish.


    So sad they still have the Franki Valli guy. What a colossal disappointment. The way he mashed up songs was unfortunate and the long introductions, accompanied with prancing around the stage was pretty dull. I kept thinking he simply didn't have enough material to fill the allotted amount of time. As long as he stuck with Four Seasons songs, it was enjoyable, but I don't think half of the ones he did were theirs. (One of our group thought that perhaps there was a copyright issue that limited how much he could use from The Jersey Boys.) And yes, the rap number was ill-conceived. And as I recall, he closed the show with Build Me Up Buttercup ... the show closer should have been a Four Season song ... but that's just me.


    I was also surprised that there was often no major entertainment on many evenings, but I rationalized that the length of the TA was the culprit ... but your cruise was certainly shorter. I wonder if they limited entertainment is a new trend.

  7. After three cancelled Odyssey cruises, I finally made it onto the ship a couple weeks ago. It was an amazingly positive experience. I've taken a number of cruises since the start-up, but this one will always be a stand-out due to the extraordinary entertainment. We saw the Showgirls early in the cruise and loved the high energy and lavish costumes. I felt the production numbers were well executed (I'm not a fan of dance numbers that rely heavily on artistically flopping on the floor, and they held this to a minimum). And it's always a plus when they perform to music you are particularly fond of.


    The Book was amazing. I liked it better than Spectra's Cabaret (the Anthem), but admittedly, this one had aerials to add to it, whereas the Anthem wasn't yet rigged to include the aerials in January.


    The Effectors was simply fantastic. An amazing amount of talent went into the development of that show. My favorite number was Shatter Me with the stunning laser effects. 


    If you cruise on the Odyssey, don't miss these productions. They are high quality, high-tech productions that you would pay serious money to be able to see in a venue like Las Vegas.

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  8. After leaving Greenland, we had 3 sea days before we reached Boston. My flight home would be a direct one, but it wasn't leaving Boston until 8:30 p.m. Generally, I would find this a pretty outrageous schedule, but not in Boston. This was going to leave me enough time to stash my bags at a holding facility and go get New England Clam Chowder ... in a bread bowl, of course. 


    We encountered fog again a few hours after leaving Greenland and the mournful foghorn came back into play. As we made our way down the western coast of Newfoundland, we hit rough seas from current apparently coming from the St. Lawrence Seaway (according to the captain). Add that to the wind and it played havoc with the neat rows of lashed loungers on the deck. I hope nobody was out there trying to negotiate the running track.


    We had our final day of He/Said/She Said and the ladies won. The certificate is worth a read. Sounds great until you read the disclaimer on the bottom.


    When we arrived in Boston three of my cruise buddies agreed that a trip to Quincy Market sounded like a great idea and off we headed. The clam chowder was amazing ... I knew it would be. It was a great way to end a wonderful trip and I look forward to the next time our group can get together on another cruise. I hope it won't be three years before it happens this time.






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  9. They saved the best for the last. I hadn't research Prins Christian Sund, so I didn't have any preconceived notions. It was a discovery at every turn. From the moment my roommate whipped the curtains aside to display the view till the time we left the sund (about 8 hours later), it was majestic ... stunning ... awesome. It was the highlight of the cruise. And after so much rain and fog on this trip, we were finally blessed with a clear sunny day. Perfect for taking those pictures. This experience alone is worth every dime we spent to get here.







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  10. The scheduled itinerary was to have us at sea for one day (Sunday) at this point, followed by a cruise through Prins Christian Sund on Monday and then port calls on Tuesday and Wednesday. We were soon to learn that there would be some changes due to weather and icebergs. We ended up with two sea days, a port call on Tuesday and the Sund on Wednesday. Since none of my group had tours booked, we didn't have any re-arranging to do. And we are big fans of sea days, so we enjoyed the bonus day on board.


    We went to bed to the sound of the foghorn, we rolled over in the middle of the night to the sound of the foghorn, we woke up to the sound of the foghorn. The fog lifted from time to time, and then descended again. Taking a stroll on the outer decks held little appeal, but we found plenty to do inside. Doreen had packed Rummikub and we spent many afternoons playing that. It was a bit challenging to locate a table of adequate size, but we made do with tiny bar tables pushed together, if necessary. And there were trivia games to test our knowledge with. It is interesting to note that the Voyager had no prizes to award. Apparently Royal Caribbean has run out of keychains. I know that is hard to believe, but there you have it. Despite the advertised lack of prizes, they still packed the room for trivia games. There was also the He said/She said game every sea day in the Star Lounge. This pitted the ladies against the guys, with a certificate to be awarded to all members of the winning team ... more on that later.


    When we finally got a chance to step foot on Greenland soil, it was in the colorful town of Qaqortoq. Frankly, the number one topic the previous day was how to pronounce Qatortoq. We came up with something we think was pretty close, but I was careful not to test it on the locals. I'm sure they get plenty of chuckles from the various attempts they overhear.


    This was a "wander the town" kind of stop. There were carvings in the stone as you made your way out of the port area. And there was a big plastic boot that just screamed to be part of a photo shoot. I couldn't help notice that a large number of apartments had their windows cracked open. Apparently, it must have been a rather warm day by Greenland standards.


    There was a limited amount of shopping and the stores were doing a brisk business. From what I could see, much of what was for sale was made locally ... but that's just a guess. As for me, I got a genuine piece of Greenland for my souvenir. I found a great piece of granite lying just below the big plastic boot. It even matches my new bathroom countertop. And I have no idea where my countertop came from, but I clearly have enough evidence now to declare it "probably" came from Greenland. Of course, someone is bound to post that there are no quarries in Greenland and ruin my fun.


    And that stone stairway nestled in the grass ... doesn't it just beg to be climbed?





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  11. 1 hour ago, RHDZ said:

    In Reykjavik, was it a Royal excursion or did you use a private company? 

    We have a cruise booked in June 2023 and looking at excursions now. 

    Thank you for all the information and pictures.

    I used Royal Excursions. I looked at private ones and they were scheduled to return  us rather close to sailing time. It wasn't worth the risk.

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  12. Day 2 in Reykjavik was to be our Hop-on/Hop-off day to explore the city. Armed with the information that the buses run every 20-30 minutes, we set off down the pier to find the stop where we would catch the bus. It is not very well marked. This is one of those times when you have to be willing to ask for directions ... and I'm a girl; I don't have a problem doing that.


    In any event, our bus showed up about 20 minutes after we found the stop and we hopped on. The grand plan was to take the bus to Stop 9 (the iconic church), and then walk back down through the town doing some shopping and exploring and perhaps getting something to eat ... on the way to Stop 7. We would then take the bus back to the ship getting a chance to see the rest of the city and listen to the recorded tour. Since the ship was Stop 16, we figured as long as we got a bus shortly after 3:00 we'd easily be back before the 4:30 all-aboard.


    I'd seen plenty of pictures of the church so the exterior loses a bit of the impact when you've done a bit too much planning. But the inside was a real find. Simplistic and Peaceful. I was suitably impressed. I'm not posting a picture of that ... I don't want to spoil it for you. I was quite taken by the statue of Leif Ericsson  ... very well done. 


    So then we wandered down toward Stop 7, poking our nose in some shops and leaving some money behind. Eventually we arrived at Stop 7 before 3:00 and waited for our bus. By 3:20 we were still waiting, and stress was starting to become part of the experience. We huddled and decided to see if we could get a taxi. The nearby police station was our target and Doreen volunteered to play the damsel-in-distress to get them to call us 2 taxies. They grudgingly agreed and four of us crowded into the first one, while the fifth member of our party agreed to share his taxi with 3 women who had joined us by this time (they also had planned on taking the Hop-on bus back to the ship). As our taxi pulled away at 3:40, I looked back at the bus stop where several other cruisers were still waiting and wondered how long they'd hold out before they decided it was time to walk. Sorry about all that boring detail, but I want to make others aware that counting on that bus may not be in your best interest.


    So we got back in time and got several more photos as the ship pulled away. Next stop -- Greenland.




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  13. Our next stop was the geyser area. I had been warned there was no guarantee the main geyser would spout any higher than a few feet, but it put on a relatively impressive show and everyone was suitable impressed. Sorry I can't provide any pictures of the great moment. I had equipped myself with a portable charger for my phone but left the charger cord back in the cabin. No one around me on the bus had one for an iPhone ... or else they just weren't feeling particularly neighborly. In any event, I decided to conserve my remaining power for our last stop. After all, I've seen geysers before, but I've never stood on the edge of a tectonic plate -- that was the picture I needed to take home with me.


    We headed for our last stop while the sun was slowly setting behind the overcast that had traded places with the periodic rain all day. Fortunately, dusk lingers at this latitude and we arrived at our destination with plenty of light left to explore this marvel. I took quite a few pictures of the edge of the cliff and the cracks made by the forces of the plate movements ... but they don't tell much of a story. They are simply little squares of a vast panorama. You have to stand in that spot and visually absorb the entire vista left and right to get  a sense of the amazing piece of this planet that you have the privilege to visit. It really can't be described. The only picture that makes any sense is the one right behind the edge of the cliff where there is a huge cleft in the rock and everyone took turns getting their picture taken there.


    Our time there was brief, but to me it was the best stop of the day. Perhaps it was even my favorite place in Iceland. It was a unique experience for me and I still marvel whenever I look back and remember those moments.


    Of course, the other iconic thing to do in Reykjavik is the Blue Lagoon. Two members of our party did do an excursion that same time to go there and they said it was a wonderful experience. One of them was pretty hesitant about going in the first place but he reported back that he's so glad he did and he really enjoyed it.


    We headed back to Reykjavik and arrived back at the ship sometime after 9:00. Mind you, there were 5 buses doing the Golden Circle and a great number of buses doing other excursions. Our Blue Lagoon folks got back shortly after we did. And Royal Caribbean made sure we were taken care of. As we got off the buses into the cold, there was a table set up before the gangway serving hot chocolate. An officer was announcing that the Windjammer would be open until. "Until what?" we asked. "Until..." he replied. The security scanning set-up was located inside a bit so that people weren't standing on the gangway in the lousy weather waiting for people to get through screening. We dumped out coats in the cabin and went up to get something to eat ... and found that it wasn't a partial buffet awaiting us. The entire Windjammer was stocked with a wide variety of dinner offerings and plenty of desserts. We thanked every member of the crew we saw up there ... repeatedly. They don't get paid extra when they have to give up their free evening or their chance to go to bed early since they have to be up before dawn.




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  14. The ship arrived in Reykjavik at 2:00 in the afternoon, by which time vast hoards of passengers were trying to all get into the Royal Theater at the same time. I really question the sanity of the excursion gurus for setting up so many excursions with identical departure times. Obviously they can't get all of us off at the same time. And since we arrived during a unrelenting downpour, the decision was made to pull the buses up closer ... which meant they could only board 5 buses at a time. My excursion was supposed to depart at 2:30. We finally got called about 4:00. We were thanked repeatedly for our patience and told we would be compensated. I'm not sure what they meant by compensation, but I was pretty sure we were being served empty promises. I did ask about 3:30 if the Windjammer would be open when our 5 hour tour got back, because we were certainly going to miss our dinner time. Of course, nobody knew. (Windjammer closing time on the Voyager was 8:30.)


    Our group was set to do the iconic Golden Circle Tour. Once our number was called, we headed out into the pouring rain and hustled to the waiting buses. Then off we went through countryside consisting of rolling hills and very little vertical vegetation.


    The first stop was the Gollfoss Waterfall. This one was not a roadside attraction. There was a considerable downhill walk against a very stiff headwind to get down to the point where you could view the water falling into the gorge. A better view was undoubtedly had by taking the stairway down into the gorge, but I opted for the clifftop view, a couple quick pictures and then the tailwind pushing me back up that walkway to the nice warm, windless gift shop. I didn't buy anything, but I pretended I might, to recover from the bit of adventure I'd just experienced. Our guide insisted it wasn't windy that day. I compare that nonsense to the guy who drives a top-down convertible down the freeway on a 50-degree day.



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  15. 3 hours ago, ninjacat123 said:

    How long did you wait in line to take the cable car up to Fira?  Good to know about the boats to Oia stopping service at 12:00pm and that the cable cars stop running before dark.  Our ship ports at Santorini at 8am and leaves at 5pm.  Unless we have a medical emergency as well, then all bets are off!

    There was no wait to get the cable car up. Mind you, we let the vast hoards rush off the ship first and leisurely disembarked about 3 hours after arriving off Santorini.

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  16. 3 minutes ago, xpcdoojk said:

    Put your video on a web sharing site, and then copy the link.  Videos can be really large, which means CC doesn’t want to host them.  I post videos here occassionally, if they are short ish…. No problem if they are long and in UHD not gonna work,



    Thank you. I'll see if I can figure out how to do that. I got a guy who's pretty tech savvy.

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