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Posts posted by Dalton51

  1. Its going to be 6 of us going. We are looking for the best clear blue white sand beach possible. Me and my wife have both been to Junkanoo beach we are looking for something better than that for sure.


    Thanks everyone for the help.

  2. I have had issues on the site, but it usually is my Cache or browser and not RCCL's technology. It is tough to manage a very complicated process on the web with so many browsers (outdated and poorly maintained on the users side-not saying this is the case-just had a lot of experience with it). But when I had an issue, using a different browser taught me quickly who had the problem. In reality, I'm with most of the respondents. I haven't had an issue that was on their side. Remember, if their site isn't working, they are making any money. I'm pretty sure they'd be all over it.



    What browser are you using for site?

  3. Well my brother and his Wife and the couple they was bringing has had enough. I can't say I don't blame them. I tried to log in my self today and it sa the same thing every time. It has been like this for 4 weeks now. I have also called and called.


    He pretty much summed it up like. If there service sucks this bad before I get on the ship I don't even want to get on.


    This was going to be his first one also.



  4. Can you order a bucket of beer and get it in your room before you get on the ship or a case of water?


    So you don't have to pay the 18%. If so I cant seem to find it.


    Also the water they sell is CRAZY high. Just blows my mind they wouldn't have anything cheaper.


    I was just wondering. Just learning on the RC side of things. Been on 4 just few years between them.


    Thanks for the help.

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