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Posts posted by EscaladeHybrid

  1. Yea, my toddler is very particular but I would guess she won't refuse whole milk because whole milk is whole milk. If I had it at home, I would buy it here and be done with it but I live in Canada and we don't know it readily available. I don't want to order online either because the shipping is insane from amazon. Things are not as easy here as you have it there. :)


    But as suggested here it must it in Publix.... So I guess I will search for it there. So when we are talking about Publix, what sections I can find it at? Sorry for asking all those questions but as far as I understood staff is not very helpful there so I want to make sure that I find it when I come otherwise could leave the store thinking that it was not there.... thanks a bunch!

  2. Thanks for your suggestions and if we do decide to go to Dawn, how far of a taxi ride it is? and will it be traffecy on the way back? I want to make sure that I will set some time for shopping as well so don't want to spend a lot of time trying to get from one spot to another....

  3. Snorkelaway! thank you so much for your insightful information. It is greatly appreciated that you take time for explaining me everything. Very much appreciated. For St.Thomas, I heard that it's a zoo in Coki when busy and it will be busy because 5 or 6 ships in port on that day. My toddler is just 20 month old, so I think we would skip coral world at this point, therefore I have decided to go to Sapphire beach because I have heard that snorkeling is good there. Is it the case??


    St.Maartin really not sure what to do. AS you said, I never been to Orient so maybe it's worth visiting. I youtubed it, it looks wide and long just the way I like it but those rows of chairs, like 3 - 4 rows, packed with people didn't look appealing to me.... But maybe the beach is large enough not to notice the crowd. I am thinking if I have enough snorkeling at Sapphire maybe I don't need another snorkeling in St.Maartin. Snorkeling out in Orient as you suggested won't work because I am not a good swimmer and even in snorkeling jacket, will have hard time swimming back to the shore. As I said youtubed Little Bay and Le Galion, seems small and nothing pretty about it..... so not really sure what to do. Why do you think Orient is so nice?

  4. Oh good to know..... It's strange that the customer service is not top notch. I find here in North America the service is always top notch and you can pretty much arrange over the phone anything! :)


    I won't have car and don't want to spend ton on taxi driving around. I will be staying at Sonesta Fort Lauderdale and there is Publix within 1 mile there, called Publix at Galleria, is it a full fledged sufficient store that is worth checking out?

  5. They sell it at Publix grocery stores' date=' too.[/quote']


    Maybe the person that I was talking to didn't have any idea what I am asking. What department those milk boxes are usually in? With all the rest of milk? In the fridge? Or some other location in the store? I am looking at Publix that is close to the beach on 2505 Sunrise Blvd. Even on the brand website it says that they sell only half a gallon in Publix.... So I don't know what to think. I don't want to come to the store and leave with nothing so trying to search in advance in order to know where to go.....

  6. As per your recommendation I started search for Organic Valley and Horizon milk in Fort Lauderdale grocery stores and they don’t have it. I am specifically looking for the milk that doesn’t need to be stored in the fridge, so called shelf milk and I was told that brands above sell them in 8 fl cartons, it basically looks like a juice box with a straw but it’s milk. I need it to take on a cruise with me for my baby to have on the islands and I was told that it’s widely available in Fort Lauderdale. I checked Walmart and it’s out of stock in all stores within the areas. I called Publix and they sell it only in half a gallon size which is very inconvenient for me. Does anybody know where to buy this size of a milk in Fort Lauderdale?? Thanks a lot.

  7. As per your recommendation I started search for Organic Valley and Horizon milk in Fort Lauderdale grocery stores and they don’t have it. I am specifically looking for the milk that doesn’t need to be stored in the fridge, so called shelf milk and I was told that brands above sell them in 8 fl cartons, it basically looks like a juice box with a straw but it’s milk. I need it to take on a cruise with me for my baby to have on the islands and I was told that it’s widely available in Fort Lauderdale. I checked Walmart and it’s out of stock in all stores within the areas. I called Publix and they sell it only in half a gallon size which is very inconvenient for me. Does anybody know where to buy this size of a milk in Fort Lauderdale?? Thanks a lot.

  8. Thanks for letting me know. Then I guess we won't go to Le Galion, I youtubed it and it didn't seem nice at all to me, no snorkeling and who knows whether our toddler would be even interested in water.... So I guess no worth the visit. Maybe I should forget about snorkeling in St.Maarten at all?? I will be in St.THomas and planning on visiting Sapphire Beach for snorkeling. Was hoping some snorkeling in St.Maarten but if it's mediocre then I don't want to sacrifice it with nice beach. I have been to Maho already, I guess the next nice one is Orient but there will be 5 ships in port and it will be packed like a sardines, I hate that... Not sure what to do. What would you recommend Little Bay or Orient Beach?

  9. Of course, all suggestions are welcomed. That's why I came here. I already emailed your contact so will see what he offers. Some that replied already offered me 0.75 carat for $750 without any further information. I think they think that I am a bimbo of some sort!!!! Without mentioning neither clarity, cut and colour, they think that I will folk out under a grand. I understand that for some folks it's not real money and for me either, it's 2 trips to groceries stores for me, but I am not silly either to pay for the air.....

  10. And what are the 3 shops can you remind me so I will write down here...


    At first I did think about the studs but now I changed my mind, studs are too simple, I would like some fancy earrings, I see mostly earrings have little stones clustered beside each other creating some sort of pattern, I think this one will be hard to put a price tag on since they give you the total amount of carats but in reality those are just little stones that worth probably pennies because they are so small... I have done my research and it looks like 1 carat of decent colour I/J and some imperfections will cost around $1000 but again it is the price for the whole stone as one piece and not those little bit and pieces that make up in total 1 carat....


    I mean something like this






  11. Thank you. Yea, I have been receiving great advices on other forums since this one seems so sleepy. But thank you for your suggestion as well. It seems like majority people recommend either Little Bay or Le Galion and I am really torn, cannot decide between the two.... When I youtube both, I am not crazy about either because they are so small.... But I guess if I am looking for snorkeling and some toddler time, I must go with either, just having hard time deciding whether Le Galion or Little Bay....

  12. Guys, I am also reading that there is a parade on the cruise and 2 formal nights. I will be on Oasis of the Seas that departs on Nov.14. Can somebody tell me when those formal night will be and what day and time the parade will happen? I want to make sure that we don't miss the parade because my toddler will certainly enjoy it. If I know it in advance, I will book around it my time dining and other shows. Don't want to miss parade....

  13. Hello guys, I would really appreciate your input. I will be staying in FLL for 2 days before my cruise. It’s a family of 5, 2 adults, 2 seniors and 1 baby. For us the most important thing is to be on the nicest strand of the beach while in FLL and have some budget options for eating/take out. I already booked Ocean Sky Hotel but I was reading negative reviews and got a bit scared. Now I found Sonesta Fort Lauderdale, seems like good reviews. Please help me decide which hotel is better in terms of its location? I know that both are on the beach but am not familiar, maybe one beach location is better than the other? Or one area is better than the other? And need to feed my family of 5 on the budget, which hotel’s location is better for that. I am hoping to rebook it for Sonesta if you tell me that it’s better and I would like to do it today so please chime in to help me decide!

  14. Hi guys,


    From what I am reading it looks like St.Maartin has good shopping. I think I would want to buy some diamonds but I am always worried whether it’s all legit and all that because diamonds have such a variety and grade quality so it’s kinda very hard to know whether you are getting a deal. I would be interested in some earrings. Can somebody recommend here good reputable shops with diamonds? From your experience when you bought there and returned home for appraisal, what was the outcome? Was it a good deal? Or basically the same price as you would buy it home? Or perhaps island’s prices even more expensive? Please let me know, looking forward to hearing from you because really want to buy me some new “goodies”!  thanks a lot.

  15. Hi guys, I am sure this question has been asked million times… but I am hoping I won’t take too much of your time for your recommendation. I will be visiting St.Maartin in Nov. 1 day while on my cruise. I visited Mullet Bay and Maho beach. Maho was awesome with airplanes landing, will never forget this. Mullet Bay was ok. This time I will be with my toddler, 20 months old and I was thinking a beach with calm waves if any and perhaps some snorkeling. What beach would you recommend for that? I like when the beach is wide, long with some palm trees… Thanks a lot.

  16. Thanks for your replies and it really helps clarify things. I don't care much about the pop, I originally thought that it's allowed as I saw people in the past while standing in the line with a carts of pop so I thought that I was missing out on that. But if it's not allowed, then I obviously will not be going to special trouble to buy it and bring it. Water is freely available as well, so yes thank you so much, I won't e bringing any water, neither pop. Maybe little boxes of juices for the baby and shelf milk in little boxes, so I can take on port days and that's it! The most on the ship I love frozen drinks!!! Yum, but it doesn't make sense to buy a package for them, I think I will be ordering as I go and I should not be going over the budget with those vs. buying the package.

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