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Posts posted by EscaladeHybrid

  1. Thank you. I did try calling them, they do bfast but it will be closed at that time when we arrive. However, thank you so much for the poster above that recommended walgreens. I googled, and there is one close to the hotel, 1 mile walk, so I guess we could stop on the way to the hotel to grab some milk from walgreens. I called and they work 24/7!!!! So I guess I am set with milk in FLL. I never been to walgreens because we don't have it here, so your typical walgreens would sell milk? is it basically the same as walmart?

  2. I would ask Brillohead refraining from posting her/his "mean" comments here.... I don't need milk every single hour. I need milk 2 times a day, when the baby goes to bed and when the baby goes for her nap mid-day. In regards to your previous post regarding car seat, yes, it is bucket seat and my baby was born premature that's why she is still under 20 pounds and fits perfectly into her bucket seat, the handle is behind the seat and is not in a way to hurt the baby, the shoulders and fit are not sticking out. I don't need larger seat according to my country's regulation. If you don't have anything valuable to add, don't comment here!!!

  3. I guess I can buy milk at Starbucks in the airport, not sure if they have cartons of milk but it seems to me they do. I just never paid attention to this things because this is our first baby. Once we land in FLL, it's midnight so I bet everything will be closed and I definitely will need milk there to put baby to sleep. Any ideas where to buy milk there? Does anybody know if there are some stores at the airport in FLL that are open 24/7?

  4. Of course, I will be having my vest and won't be touching coral with my feet not to worry. I read about it here as well.


    Ok, will take taxi as a van for us to transport and I guess will decide on the spot whether it's Sapphire or Secret Harbour....


    As I said I will be with the baby and she absolutely needs to have milk. I can take supply from the ship I guess, but it's only good for an hour or so because it will go bad. Any recommendations how to get milk while on the beach? Or perhaps how to keep my milk cool for the day on the beach?

  5. Well, it doesn't sound so simple to me as you are saying. My baby will cry for hours without milk. She won't go to sleep without it. I even tried experimenting in fear that I won't have milk, so I gave her formula yesterday and guess what she should have went to bed at 10.00 but it didn't happen, she refused to drink formula and didn't go to bed until 3.00 am!!! crying all the time for milk, I wasn't giving to her because I want to give her formula to adjust to that. It seems to me formula is much easier because I will have powder with me, will buy some water and will make it work..... But she refuses to drink any formula so I am stuck with milk. She doesn't care about juice or water and only needs milk that's why I am stressing out.... I just have no idea how it could work. For example, we go to the airport with a bit of milk 3 hours before departure, by the time we land the plane, I will be out of milk because I think the security won't allow me to bring a lot of milk and even if I am able to bring it through security, it won't be good in 3 hours.... How can I keep it cold? Ice through security in the airport? Will they allow ice? I doubt it.... I will be flying 14 hours, I have no idea what I am going to do. Then next arrival to FLL in the middle of the night, going to the hotel, where will I get milk there? Restaurants will be closed at that time... The next morning, I think it should be no problem getting the milk from the restaurant unless who knows maybe the restaurant will say we don't serve milk.... Then any port that are visiting: Bahamas, St. Martin and St.Thomas, once we get off the ship, I will have a supply again that will last me for an hour or so. What should I bring to keep it cool? Ice? for hot weather on the beach, it will all melt within an hour.... Once we are on the beach, where on earth I will buy milk? From the food truck that sells liquor? Like I don't get it? I am happy to take enough milk supply with me from the cruise but how to keep it cold??? Please help me out, I don't know how to figure out this milk situation while on the plane, in the hotel and while visiting ports as well....

  6. I am so appreciative of this thread! As I posted in a separate thread and I already got replies but it's still good to double check. I think I will rule out Coki at this point because of crowds and still indecisive between Sapphire and Secret Harbour. I am interested in snorkeling but very shallow because I am not a good swimmer. And we have a baby. Somebody said here that if winds are blowing then Sapphire could be rough and then Secret Harbour is better spot for that reason. Is it possible to know on the day of arrival (we will be cruising) whether the waters are rough at Sapphire? I just don't want to waste time coming there to meet rough waves and then making arrangements for Secret Harbour afterwards. Basically how is it possible to know in advance before going there whether it's calm or not? I won't have access to internet...


    Also, we will be with the baby - 20 month old, will the taxi driver take us or they will require a car seat for the baby?

  7. Geez, such a pain, the thing is that my baby never sits in that seat, she cries like crazy and most of the time I hold her on my lap anyways... Such a pain to drag it with me because I know that we not gonna use it.


    Also, I am not understanding something here. Is it sufficient enough just to bring the car seat and that it? Because you cannot just put car seat in the car? It supposed to have the base that it holds to something. SHould I drag with myself car seat base as well? WIll it be checked in by airline as well.... It kinda bulky.....

  8. Just off ROS with our 19 month old grandson...we had no problem getting milk (warm) at the drink station in the WJ (their open until 9:00pm)...you can order from roomservice but we found it to be too slow in the evenings.


    RCI offers a wonderful Royal Babies & Tots nursery program and also they have an amazing playarea for open play..also you can check out a bag of toys to keep in your cabin.


    I would suggest as soon as you board go and register your little one at the nursery...they'll give you all the info you need.


    Do absolutely bring an umbrella stroller...We managed traveling without a carseat (Alaska).


    As far as private transportation in Fort Lauderdale try contacting...Jiffy Jeff (305) 588-6143

    or jiffyjefftransportation@gmail.com he offers great reliable transportation and offers carseats.

    If you're coming in day of cruise you can use RCI bus transfers...large bus no carseat needed.



    Enjoy...We had so much fun cruising with a little one...much easier than we assumed.


    How did you manage to feed the baby with the milk when you were visiting the islands? Milk can be good only for an hour. I have no idea what to do?

  9. Wow!!! I'm glad that I asked what a ridiculous situation I would be!!! I am arriving in FLL 2 days prior to the cruise and stay in beach front hotel and we are arriving in the Middle of the Night!!!!! Jesus, what I am going to do if taxi won't take us? Are you for sure taxi won't take us? I am not even sure if any car service will be available in the middle of the night? What to do....

  10. Hello guys, I will be sailing on the Oasis of the Seas with my toddler, she is under 2 and was wondering any ideas how to entertain toddler/ what areas to check out for toddler? Also she cannot live without milk. Is milk easily accessible on the ship at any time? Do I need to bring stroller? For those travelling to the ports, do taxis on the island take you with a toddler? Or they require car seat? Do I need to bring base to the car seat as well? It seems a lot of hassle, my baby hate car seats so I was hoping not to bring any with me at all….

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