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Posts posted by beamqueen

  1. The Carnival website drives me a little crazy! I have been having difficulty trying to book shore excursions...it keeps saying no data available for this excursion. I clicked on nearly every excursion and they all would not work. I tried three different browsers too. I was able to get it to work on my phone, but it's so small and a little harder to book!


    I tried to contact Carnival through their website and it kept saying the page I wanted did not exist!!


    Any suggestions?


    And on the subject of website...I also have difficulties getting my booking to save to my profile. Is there a way to save it without having to type in booking info each time?


    Thanks in advance to anyone who might have any ideas!

  2. We are looking to book an 11:15...I am not too concerned. I have to ask though...are you already looking to book a flight for April!? Wait for some good deals to pop up like 1-2 months out. I think they say like 54 days for domestic flights is best..but I know we have found best prices right around 65 days!

  3. So I am having an issue with Carnival's webpage and my cruise for October is not showing up? I searched it with my booking # too and it still does not come up. My travel agent says it is showing up on her end ...but can't get it on my end. Does it work better with certain browsers or any tips/hints?


    It used to show up on mine with the how many days until sailing, and I booked an excursion and the steakhouse but now nothing! My past cruise is on there...Any ideas?

  4. This might be a silly little question but I wasn't sure. I want to cancel an excursion I booked and book a different one instead. How does the cancellation work? Does the money go back on the credit card I used to book, OBC, or what? Just wanted to be sure what would happen if I removed one of our excursions...

  5. I know exactly how you feel....my fiance is a commercial airline pilot but I am TERRIFIED of getting on a plane. I take clonazepam before my flight and it calms be down but barely. I know there are other drugs given by DR's if you want to go that route...otherwise focus on breathing and trying to avoid some of the things that trigger the fear. For me it is turbulence which is unavoidable but I try to focus on breathing in and out and relaxing my body.


    Good luck

  6. So I booked the steakhouse for our 3rd day on the cruise. I think the menu looks great and I am excited....but I am worried about missing out in the MDR. I have only been on 1 cruise(2007 Fascination) but I highly enjoyed the MDR and don't want to miss out. Is the steakhouse worth the extra fee? We will be on our honeymoon so wanted to do something special...just wanting to know it is worth it!?

  7. Anyone does this excursion? My fiance and I are going on our honeymoon cruise and he the one thing he really wants to do is Scuba. I am TERRIFIED. Wondering if any beginners have done this excursion or anyone really and what it is like. I'm quite nervous but I know my fiance would be so excited...

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