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Posts posted by beamqueen

  1. Just a thought for you - Carnival is great for many things. Romance isn't exactly one of them. I fyou are looking for a romantic honeymoon there are other cruise lines that do it way better, especially if you have some flexibility in your purchase limits.



    Well we had already previously booked the Miracle for our Alaskan cruise so we are just switching over to another carnival cruise, my TA said it was a $50 pp change fee. I think Carnival is a good fit for us and will work out just fine!

  2. As a fellow Airline Pilot, I have two words for your fiancé:






    Seriously, I had a similar situation when I got hired at my airline. I had a cruise already planned for later that year. I talked to the Chief Pilot as soon as I completed training and asked if I could take the week to go on that vacation that I had planned before I got hired. The Chief Pilot graciously agreed to give me the time off (although unpaid), but we were able to go on our cruise. :D






    And don't forget to request your interline rate when you make your reservation. Assuming your fiancé works for a scheduled passenger airline, you're elegible for a discount.






    Thanks for the advice! My fiance got it worked out so he could get our wedding off (We are getting married out of state) but they wouldn't give him additional time for the honeymoon! However they did allow for him to take this week off in October, so we will still get our vacation just a bit later than originally planned.


    We will definitely look into what discounts he applies for :) Appreciate the help!

  3. That sailing is more expensive than the other two that the Magic does. Most people love those parts and as such that sailing is in high demand. Have you compared air fare to the different ports? That could have a huge impact on final pricing.



    Haven't looked a ton at airfare but we are in a family full of pilots and can usually snag some good deals for confirmed seats! So I am not too concerned about pricing for that!


    We had also previously budgeted for an Alaskan cruise which was much more expensive so price isn't the biggest factor for us, just trying to find a good, fun cruise for our honeymoon!

  4. Hello!!


    So unfortunately our dream Alaskan cruise is not going to happen after our wedding due to my fiance's new job as a pilot :( SO while I am super bummed about that we both managed to secure some time off work the week of Oct 12th-19th, 2014 and we are going on a cruise! I have wanted to go FOREVER and hope nothing will get in the way this time...


    So we are looking for a 5-7 day cruise and I came up with a list of possibilities...wondering for any input? We are new to cruising so any information is helpful!



    1. Oct 12th- Valor

    St. Thomas, Barbados, St. Lucia, Nevis, St.Maarten


    2. Oct 12th- Conquest

    Half Moon Cay, St. Thomas, San Juan, Grand Turk


    3. Oct 12th- Dream

    Montego Bay, Grand Cayman, Cozumel


    4. Oct 12th- Magic

    Grand Turk, Half Moon Cay, Nassau


    5. Oct 12th- Sunshine

    Key West, Nassau, Freeport


    6. Oct 13th- Freedom

    Nassau, Half Moon Cay, Grand Turk




    Any input is welcome--- similar pricing except for Magic which was a bit pricier and Sunshine seemed a bit expensive for the 5 day!

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