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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. They could do a lot of things such as refunding non refundable out of pocket expenses or offering a reasonable price on a replacement cruise but sadly they do not wish to so won't. It's not helped by Arvia scuttling off to the Caribbean until April either because presumably if you booked a maiden you chose that ship just for that reason. Anyone not wanting a fly cruise and sailing later from Southampton is left with a heavily booked vessel due to it's newness at what are currently inflated prices.
  2. The rules on shorts are quite clear. If you were unhappy (as I would be) at shorts in the dining room , particularly if you were being refused entry in other areas for no tie, you were at liberty to politely inform staff about the situation. It would seem odd for you to be singled out for the "lesser cardinal sin". May I ask which areas these shorts were being worn in and were they the same places you were barred from? You don't mention your age group or whether this is your first cruise but Iona is fairly relaxed compared with the other P&O ships with only one formal night a week. I assume you are referring to those nights for your ban. If so the rules are spelt out quite clearly before booking. I hope that apart from these minor troubles you enjoyed yourselves and had a good cruise.
  3. I would agree but the ship is effectively two voyages with regional flights from all over on two days. For instance I'm on the second Gatwick flight having moved from the early one to be able to book premium seats. If I recall there's usually a Glasgow flight which comes in last and those people get in around 9.30pm. The only way it would work is if all select venues are split into two sections, one for the 16th and one for the 17th but even then everyone would be booking very late in the night after a 9 hour flight. This will be our 10th one of these, 7 of which have been over Christmas. The online booking, pay in advance has always given everyone a fair chance in the past. We have had cancellation and moved bookings before by P&O. This new aspect of some being able to book if they're fortunate to be early is very much a curved ball. The Epicurean is particularly an important part of our cruise along with a couple of Limelight Club visits and to be honest the way I feel about P&Os current treatment of their passengers could become make or break for our other bookings with them.
  4. This is what we are trying to ascertain! They've always been free but on my cruise personaliser for December they are showing as a little extra. You will no doubt have seen the amendments on Regal where they were tarted up this year and made chargeable so wanted to see what the Serenity little extra is. Regals cabanas are now very plush and expensive. In Walkingdude's photo I spy one white covered frame that certainly wasn't there last time I sailed on Britannia. Further investigation needed ...
  5. Disgraceful behaviour by P&O. Leaves a very sour taste in the mouth. I hope you can sort one of the Saga or Fred ones you were looking into, at least they'll hopefully be a bit more respectful.
  6. The P&O website still shows 23rd as sold out. Assumedly any cabins are via travel agent. That being the case who sets the prices, assumedly P&O?
  7. Thanks Dude. I take it the weather's improved for you now. Are the "lids" still open or have they put the promised canvas type covers on some? It was the latter which was apparently going to make them payable. As my OH is on deck at 6.00am every morning for his daily mile swim before the crowds I'm sure by the time I join him he'll be happily ensconced doing his work emails. Sometimes it's great living with a fitness freak who gets up at 5.00am even on holiday!
  8. Great vibes, just make sure you don't over imbibe and forget the flight!!!
  9. Meant to say you will have to join the "normal" security line rather than the cruise one, and this can be substantially longer due to the number of worldwide flights. Might be a good idea to look at the airport schedule to gauge how long it may take.
  10. Depends on the type of cabin. It ranged from £40 for an inside to £80 for a balcony last year which was a fiver higher than January 2020. No doubt it will be higher. They were very much saught after on all 9 of my Caribbean cruises.
  11. If you have to keep your luggage to self disembark I'm sure you will be able to leave it somewhere onboard, as I say usually the theatre. Your agent should be able to find out from P&O. Your onboard account will still operate until you leave the ship permanently so you can eat and drink as normal. You can also go into the port area for shops etc and a walk just outside the ports offers some stalls and local crafts.
  12. Perhaps your pick up could become a short tour and drop off at the airport. The Farewell trips take in local sights and a short break by the beach for a snack or lunch. I'm sure for a fee your agent could ask your pick up company to organise something. I have done this in the US and Middle East when having late flights. Your agent should be able to get the luggage information for you, after all that is why you booked with one!
  13. This is not good news! According to my booking I can book dining on 2 December for my Christmas cruise. We are hoping to do the special Epicurean Epicurean Christmas dinner on Christmas day as we have on all our previous holiday cruises. Hopefully as that is not a "normal" booking they will sort it out so all can try to book. There are a lot of flights arriving at different times on 16 and 17 December and it would be extremely unfair if early arrivals get to snap up all reservations on the cruise.
  14. There's extremely little availability of cruises of any length from Southampton in the whole of December according to leading t/a websites. Apart from Iona on 17 December they also appear to either be over the Christmas period for lengthy trips or to cold weather places like Norway. Anyone who cannot fly or deal with the cold is therefore more or less totally without choice. A couple of Fred's from Portsmouth and Liverpool, a Cunard on QV and a couple of Sagas. Overall there's actually more space on actual Christmas cruises and many don’t like being away during that period or cannot take leave then.
  15. Thank you. I'm glad you managed to get the things you wanted.
  16. Were they drunk, fightingwith who? Any idea what happened to the offender? On a positive note glad to hear sail aways are back, another sign of normality returning.
  17. Were any of the speciality restaurants and Limelight available to reserve before sailing?
  18. Regardless of who's to blame for the late delivery the p...poor offer of compensation is rather insulting, particularly as the cruise would have been so close to Christmas and many as a result will have difficulty rearranging time off work etc. The firm I worked for had schedules every year to ensure the workload was spread through the whole of December and early January. This schedule was organised in October to ensure as many as possible got off the days they wanted and once agreed it was nigh on impossible to change your requested days. There will therefore be people trapped in this type of scenario who will need to source another holiday at what is a normally busy period with encumbent high prices or else be forced to sit at home twiddling their thumbs as they've saved annual leave allowance to take this trip. The casual flippant message sent to these people is very poor.
  19. Your transfer appears very early. You are required to leave your cabin by 8.00am but normally those on P&O flights have freedom to stay onboard and come and go until their transfer time is called. You cannot take anything other than hand luggage on the Farewell trips - these bags are stored in the coach so you can tour unencumbered. Hold luggage for those taking these trips is collected the night before. The Farewell trips would not therefore be suitable if you are not taking the charter as passengers are taken directly to the airport. However for information these leave at around 10.00 and drop at the airport mid afternoon - depending on which you take 2.30 or thereabouts - most of the charters leave early evening. My recollection of the flight departure boards in the past is that the BA and Virgin flights are slightly later, but not by much, it may we worth checking with P&O in case I am wrong but in nine trips I cannot recall seeing any hold luggage on these Farewell trips. You could perhaps consider a later pick up time for your transfer, allowing you to stay onboard to continue to use the ship's facilities, many do this. P&O also offer a limited number of day cabins on Britannia at a cost. These are limited and can be booked onboard on a first come basis when released. You will have access to the port area and it is also relatively easy to walk from the port to the local areas. Regarding your luggage you would be best served to ask your travel agent to check with P&O the normal arrangements for this. There are quite frequently non charter passengers onboard these cruises and therefore a routine must be in place. However if you are retaining your luggage storage facilities on a left luggage basis operate from the theatre but I am unsure if large suitcases can be left there. I hope this may help a little.
  20. Yes. I fly Friday 16.12, test booked Wednesday 14.12.
  21. I thought PCR testing had ended before July and was by then LFT. Where were you travelling to/from to have a PCR - I assume a long cruise to Canada or something?
  22. I assume if agents are pushing the substantial reductions that's why P&O are drawing attention to it.
  23. I often receive personal email offers from both P&O and Cunard. Sometimes they are reduced prices on cruises they think I'd like, other times OBC offers. To be truthful I've received these over a number of years so assumed they were normal. I'm not sure why but I get lots of brochures and offers by post as well.
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