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Sharon, our site was moved to archive due to it being so old and with a large number of posts. CC claims the very large threads are slowing down their system. So I figured let's start a new one.




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Kathy, I'm so glad started this up again, I tried to find it yesterday and it wasn't there, kept wondering how I was going to get in touch with you.


Yesterday was a good day, I got the "signed" contract to the lawyer and now we just wait to see if their loan goes through. Everything else that is required is in the works and should be completed by the end of the week.


If this goes through we will have a lot to clean out of the big pole barn and other sheds on the property. We also have a travel trailer that has been sitting there for about 20 years. It is of course in terrible shape and would probably fall apart if moved. The RE guy said he has a flat bed trailer and will try and get it up there, band it on and take it to Rockford where they have a plant to disassemble it for all the metal and such. So that will be an interesting undertaking to say the least.


Got all the grass cut yesterday at the other house, can't help thinking it may only be 3 more times I have to do it!


Have been catching some of the Casey Anthony trial on tv, my my that girl can lie. Makes you just want to shake her and say what the heck did you do with your daughter? But she just keeps telling one lie after another. Such a sad situation for the whole family.


Nice day today, little cooler so far, I got some more mulch yesterday and hope to get it spread around in the flower beds today.


Again, so glad you started this up, couldn't believe it wasn't there yesterday!

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Sharon, all day yesterday I was wondering what was going on. Then I went on to see where to get on and could not find the thread. So I started reading at the top of all posts. There is a heading stating that all of the old and threads that have many posts they were closing and moving to achieve. So then I was thinking of how to get in touch with you, so I went to one of your old posts and then this morning I just figured I would start a completely new thread in hopes you would find it. It worked.


Well let's only hope that everything will go through as planned. When did the RE man say he would have answers for you? Yes, today is a very nice day, not too hot and almost perfect.


That trial sounds like a real sad thing to go through. On another note, it sounds like you will have your work cut out for you with getting everything together. If the RE man can take that old trailer, I would think that would help out a lot.


Glad we are back in business once again. Enjoy the day.




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A very good Friday. I've been very busy today running all over. With the holiday last week there was no weigh-in, I am wondering how I will do this Monday?


Sharon, how is the contract going along? Are you all ready for dancing tonight?




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Sorry, Friday I left around 9 and got down to my sisters house, we went to the jewelry show in Schaumburg. I didn't get home until after 5 and then we went a little early to the dance place to get something to eat before the others came. Bought some nice things again, several bracelets, one in particular...is a peacock. It's "feathers" are all different colored stones, very different. Also bought a sparkely necklace and a ring, and about 4 pair of earrings, oh yes, also a "jelly" watch. Had fun and it was nice to spend the day with my sis.


When I got home the RE guy called and part of the sale is that we remove a 21 ft travel trailer that has been sitting there for 20 + years. The RE guy was going to take off the very flat tires and rims and put some tires he has at the farm on and try to pull it out. His original plan he decided wouldn't work, to hoist it on a flat bed trailer. I called a guy in the paper that has advertised quite often called You call, we haul. He went over and took a look at it and decided he could dissasemble it where it was and haul off everything for $100. That seems like a really good bargain to me, but the RE guy still wanted it gone so that when the appraiser comes on Mon it wouldn't be there. Well, too bad, I told the guy to go ahead, and belive it or not he started last night. Bill and I went over there this morning and he already has it gutted out and that was before noon. The surveryors had already staked it out on Friday, so things are moving along.


Last night dancing was fun and now we just got back form a 2 hour parade up town. There was even a marching group from Rosemont in the parade. The big hit was the lawn chair guys, very funny. Lots of candy throwing to the kids and there were tons of kids.


Haven't decided yet what to do for the rest of the day, could go over and start loading up some of the tools and stuff in the pole barn but haven't made plans yet. Tomorrow Sharon WI, has their Model A day I believe from 10 to 2pm. We will probably go up there for a bit and walk around. So gots lots to keep up busy the next several weeks, will really let myself get excited once we know their loan goes through.


Have a good rest of the weekend, sure is hot!

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Sharon, I did forget that you were going to the jewelry show with your sister. It really sounded like you got some great deals once again. Did you do all of the driving once again?


Well it sounds like things are moving along with the other house. Getting that trailer out of there will be a big relief for you both. Some of the surrounding areas really got hit hard with the storm last night. For us we just got a lot of rain but no damage. These other areas have trees down all over the place. It was a really intense storm with high winds.


Today Bill and I are going for a picnic. We do this every year at this time to celebrate when we actually met. Enjoy the rest of the day.




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Kathy, that is so sweet, where did you meet on this day? So nice you celebrate it with a picnic.


I heard that some marathon had to be canceled yesterday in Chicago because of the heat, some 22 yr old guy died while trying to run it. Did you hear about that?


I only drove to my sisters house, she was just ready to jump in when I got there and I asked her to drive so I could get my BP back under control, so much more traffic by her than here.


We did not get a drop of rain or any wind, in fact we were tempted to burn some old straw since it was dead still and its not often its like that. But we decided it was too late almost 8pm so didn't do it. We were at the other house doing some clean-up and painting the new door frame. We came home, took a shower, went up to Chilis for dinner and got home a little after 11pm. I got up at 6 this morning, went to church then we went to the Model A show, came home got the truck and the dog and went back to the other house to go through all the stuff in the pole barn. We got a big pile to have the guy haul away. He has the whole trailer apart all the way down to the base frame. He put in about a 12 hr day yesterday and was back again today. One or two more days and he will be done. Bill went up on the roof, I know I had a fit, to paint a few spots and the black shingles were so hot he burned his knees right through the jeans. I think he will have blisters, they are that bad. He kept saying they were really burning but continued to paint until he got it done.


We just got home 7:30 and took a shower now headed uptown to here the entertainment at the milk days and see the fireworks at 10 pm. Then will fall into bed!

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Sharon, it sounds like you had a complete weekend. Wow, what was Bill thinking going up on a roof. A good way to get hurt. Yes, that was a 1/2 marathon and there are more people going down because they do not train properly or do not get regular check-up for their health, too bad.


What a difference in distance for weather, as we got walloped with high winds, 70 mph and lots of rain. So the story goes when Bill came to meet me in person, we drove to Munster, IN to a Veterans Memorial park and walked around all of the 20th century war memorials. Then right across the road is this place called Centennial Park. There is a lagoon and a couple of concrete structure with picnic tables under it and that is where we do our picnic. It was a very nice day yesterday and the place is only 2 miles away from us.


I'll bet it felt good not driving to the show. What a nice day it is today as well.




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Just got done with my shower, another full day. I had Zumba toning this morning then met my friend and we went to Lake Geneva and walked for a couple of hours along the lake path. It was hot! Then we stopped at Egg Harbor restaurant and I got 2 bottles of their poppy seed dressing. It is very good on a salad when you put some fruit in it. I had made several salads last week with fresh pineapple and strawberries and used the poppy seed dressing, really tasted great, but used it all up so had to get more. Then we went to the Gourmet shop and had some samples of chips and salsas and then to Pop More Corks Wine shop and tasted several different white and red wines. I only tasted the white, friend Lee tasted all of them. She bought 3 bottles because a friend of hers had given her a gift certificate for her birthday for there. I bought one he recommended that he thought I would like. Came home and had to do some laundry and water my poor flowers outside as they were curling up from the heat and wind. Had a lite supper, just sandwiches and chips and here it is 9:45pm. Tomorrow we are going up to see Bill's daughter and stop in Janesville for dinner on the way home.


Last night after working at the other house all day we went up to Milk Days entertainment tent. They had a band called StateLine Country. They were very good. Bill kept wanting to dance but it was just a tent on the grass and lots of people sitting inside listening to the music. All the songs he wanted to dance to were too fast to do in the grass. Finally they played a slow two-step and I agreed to try it. We went up front of the band (they were on a hay wagon) and danced back and forth each way. The song was over then and the audience even gave us a standing ovation! The guy in the band said "lets here it for couple no. 1". Ha ha it was fun. On the way out a woman grabbed Bill and said if you ever want to dance and she doesn't I'm right here. Then we went and sat in the car since it was facing the right direction to watch the fireworks.


Seems like each day is busier than the last, how was your weigh-in tonight? I had lost a couple of pounds but this morning I seemed to have found them again!

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Sharon, it has been 2 weeks since the last weigh-in and I actually lost .2 lbs. It is not much but it is keeping me in the maintaining and free membership. I thought for sure I would have gained the way things have been these past few weeks.


Well you certainly have been keeping yourself very busy. With the house and going out with you friend the days are moving along quickly. Since we had a strong wind yesterday out of the south west you probably did not get much walking along the lakefront yesterday. But at least you had a good scenery and solitude.


Does the RE say that everything is moving along without any problems? We had to get our pipes rod out from the house to the street as tree roots had clogged the lines up. Then last Friday we had our side walk built up and completely taken out and done over, as the walkway had dropped way below the foundation.


Today Bill said he is going to drain about 1/2 of the water out of the pond and put fresh water back in as the water temp is getting too hot.




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Good for you, staying right in the weight range you need to be in! Free is always a good thing!


We walked for about an hour out and turned around and walked about an hour back. Some spots there was no wind at all and then it got really hot, other places there was a very nice breeze. Lots of little kids were swimming and I know the water temp was freezing! There is a very nice path all around the lake that is open to the public. Its fun to look at all the really expensive homes and their landscaping.


Bill stopped at the other house on the way to work yesterday and the people who are buying it were there along with their home inspector. Nice people, around late 20's to early 30's with horses. They said they might call in a week or so and tell us to stop cutting the grass, yay!!!! Of course thats if their loan goes through. Only things left are the well/septic inspections and the appraisal. So we are moving along nicely. Hope to hear about their loan soon so we can do a "happy dance".


Sounds like you are having to do some maintenance things around the house too, does it never end? Bill had some sidewalks lifted last year, they do a pretty good job, funny how they sink like that. I bet your fish will appreciate the nice fresh, cool water to swim in.


Forgot to mention, sounds like a very nice time you had at the park, very romantic to have a picnic lunch where you met.


Going up to Bill's DD this afternoon, at least we will be in an air conditioned car, and her house is AC also. Just about too hot to do anything outside today. Thursday is supposed to be the big change, we'll see if they are right soon.

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Sharon, how far of a drive is it to Bill's DD house? Enjoy and have a nice afternoon. The ladies golf at our club on Tuesday morning and I heard one of them had to be taken away because of the heat. A lot of the ladies are in their upper 70's and into their 80's. A day like this is way too hot to be out on the course today.


Well things do sound like they are moving right along in the right direction. I'll bet you cannot wait for the call to stop cutting the grass. I will say a prayer that everything continues to progress the way it has been.


Stay cool.




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This thread seems to be a conversation between two people. :confused:


Yes, you are correct, as our other long time thread was closed and moved to archive. So we are looking for new members to join in and expand the view. If you have something to contribute, come aboard. :)




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Very hot here today. I think I must have sweat a few pounds off today. At least it felt like it.


Very busy today as the jerk boos had me running all over today. Sharon, hope you stayed cool. We have bocce tonight at 8 pm.




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Kathy, the vist at Bills' DD was good, but I'm sure very tiring for her. It takes about 1 1/2 hrs to get there, its north of us. When we got there we rang the door bell and no one came. Bill went around to the back and the sliding door wasn't locked so he went in. We heard a what sounded like a big dog barking so I told him don't go all the way in. Then we saw her through another set of sliding door on her scooter. She opened the door and told us to come in, the dog was a big friendly yellow lab. He was so sweet, only a year old and huge! Anyway she is very bad off, arms and legs are only bones with skin on them. She cannot move her legs at all and is just able to run her scooter. She has a terrible time trying to talk loud enough so we could hear her. She sat right next to me and I tried to figure out what she was saying and tell Bill. Bill is hard of hearing and could not hear her at all. I couldn't make out some of the words either, very sad. She is home alone all day, every day, no nurse or anyone comes to check on her. She has a telephone hanging on her scooter handlebars, but if she fell off she would not be able to reach it. We told her she should have one of those first alert things you hang around your neck. Her son did come in around 3:30 and she asked him to move her legs off of the scooter to strech them out. We both felt so sorry for her, I really don't know how much longer she can last.


Yesterday had zumba again, then met friend Lee and we went up to the Fresh Market again. Got some nice ground sirloin and a port tenderloin in their beautiful meat department. Also got 2 bottles of Moscato d'Asti. I had gotten a bottle last time and it was so good, this time I got 2! It's a sparkling Moscato and very tasty. Also stopped at a couple of different plant nurserys and got a few more perennials. I did get some of them planted yesterday, only have some petunial left, but that will require some digging to get the spot ready. So glad we finally got some rain last night, boy did we ever need it!


Too bad about the Bocce being rained out, seems like when ever there is something scheduled for evening, is it apt to rain! You are right, with all this heat you would think a few pounds would be sweated off, but for me, no, it hasn't happened. But a zumba today a gal came that hadn't been there since Feb and told me, you look great. I'm not sure what she was referring to, my hair, my weight or my grass cutting tan, lol.


Janetz, we used to have another member but she got too busy in her work and had to drop out, so there is plenty of room for you or anyone else who wants to come in and share some of their daily challenges, weight loss or otherwise.


Update on the house, gal who was buying it has now added her finance to the contract and they are going for a conventional mortgage instead of VA or FHA as it will be easier to get. Thanks for the prayers...they are always welcome. Hope the boss is easier on you today

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Sharon, I am so sorry to hear that Bill's DD is doing so poorly. Things do not sound good at all. I also have been seeing some glimpses of that trial you were telling me about. The entire thing is so bazaar.


Last night it did not rain here and we played the last game of bocce at 8 pm, and lost our first game. We had to put repellant on us though. This morning we got about 3 inches of rain and the golf course across the street is closed today and tomorrow. Now it has cooled off where you need a jacket.


Well with the current buyer bringing in another person to put on the contract, that should make the process move along. Having a standard contract without FHA or VA will run more smoothly. With all that you do with Zumba and cutting the grass I cannot believe you are only maintaining and not loosing. But maintaining is better than putting it on.


The jerk boss is not around today.




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Enjoying the day and the cooler weather, didn't get what I wanted to do outside though, spent a good part of the afternoon printing out pictures of our last cruise. I had put some on FB but never printed them for Bill to see. Took a picture of my peonies yesterday before the rain they were so pretty, but today with the rain and the wind they are laying over and down.


Almost time for dinner, got a piece of Beef Filet I'm going to grill on my George Foreman and make a big salad.


Glad jerk boss is not there today to aggravate you! Good you got the game in even though the bugs were biting! We only got 1 inch of rain, but it is better than nothing. Has looked like it would rain all day but nothing more has came down.

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We did not get any more rain yesterday. But like you said it sure looked like it was. I guess today we are supposed to get some more. What a change in temps, one day we are walking around with our mouth hanging out and the next day we are sporting jackets.


We may go away this weekend, perhaps St Joe's Michigan and stay along the lake. It is only 1 1/2 hours drive from us. What are your plans for the weekend. I do the same thing when we go somewhere, printing out all of the pictures, fond memories.




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That sounds like a fun thing to do Kathy, hope it doesn't rain on you, I see a band of showers coming in from Iowa. I'm sure even if it does you will have a great time. We only got .10 of rain last night or this morning, not sure which.


Our plans will probably involve moving more stuff out of the pole barn or at least sorting through it so the "you call, I haul" guy can take it away. Haven't heard any more news about the house but still need to get it ready "in case".


I did the Zumba fusion today, a combination of both zumba and zumba tone. It's kinda interesting and fun. Then had to go pay the 1st half of the RE taxes. Then went to Menards, Farm & Fleet and Walmart. It took up my whole afternoon and now I'm beat. Hope to get refreshed a little so we can go to the dance place tonight.



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Sharon, we went to Holland, MI instead and we had no rain there at all over the weekend. It was a little on the cool side but a lot of sun. This Zumba fusion sounds like you are really enjoying it and very good workouts as well.


A good idea to get as much accomplished at the other house as possible. Just keep the ball rolling. All in all we had a good weekend and ate at some nice places while there. How was your weekend and the dancing? It sounds like you were busy shopping.


I love your flowers. The Dutch are knowen for their flowers and we saw many different flowers while in Holland over this weekend.



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I remember someone once told me when you see a light at the end of a tunnel, that means a train is headed right to you. lol


Today is a very nice day weather wise.




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