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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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What about denim/jeans?

Denim Jeans are such a staple of our wardrobe culture that your basic natural dark wash jeans are basically a Neutral for every Elemental Color Palette.

The nature of the material is that it will subtly pick up the tones of the rest of your wardrobe. If you stick with a natural normal dark wash jean – then it will essentially serve the purpose of a Navy Blue that is in everyone’s Color Cards in some way, shape, or form.

Obviously you can venture into colors that are within your own personal Color Palette – Fires should look for Camels and Chocolate Browns, Earths for Olive Khakis and Dark Browns, Ices for Black and Charcoal, and finally Airs should look for Grays and are the only palette that looks good in very faded blue jeans.

For specific Fire example, take a look at my packing for a 5 to 7 day cruise (or a trip to Vegas):


Note how everything blends into a nice Happy Fire Color Party...

Note how I have 3 different pair of jeans/denim that all blend happily with the Warm Fire Color Palette...

Note that my lighter jeans pick up the lighter warm aqua tones from the rest of the blues in my wardrobe.

Note that I have various levels of light to dark Warm Brown, I have various levels of light to dark Warm Blue, and I even have a couple of shirts with some (gasp) white on them!

Note that the white is a small subtle portion of the prints, and when combined in the overall wardrobe - the 95% Fire Warmth makes it work.

But, again, as a whole entire picture - my wardrobe is a complete Happy Color Party of Warm Bright Fire Tones!

Is this starting to make a little more sense now?;)

Edited by Curt Jerome Wild
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I’m desperately searching the stores, and I can’t find all of the Colors on my Cards!

Keep in mind that the Elemental Palettes on your particular Color Cards are a “control system” for you to look for a Happy Color Party with whatever is in the stores at the moment.

Let me give you a lesson about how certain colors are “in”, and why only certain colors are fabricated for the stores each season:

There is a so-called “Think Tank” that works two or three years in advance, and GUESSES what colors people will respond to for those upcoming seasons.

They do this, so that there will be plenty of time for manufacturers to create fabric color schemes, make the fabric, dye it and have it ready for the designers. Then the designers have to design, create, and manufacture the clothes.

Then the buyers and distributors have to get it into stores.

This all takes two to three years from Think Tank to the store.

How do “they” know what colors I want three years in advance? Simply put, they don’t…

They are prognosticating based on psychology, the economy, the world social situation, and a myriad of other esoteric guesses.

(For specific example, three years ago before the current administration - the economists in this "Think Tank" were explaining that because of the Junk Loans that were going on in the Mortgage Industry, there would be a downturn in the economy. So, the so called "fashion experts" in the Think Tank, thought "well, if there's going to be a downturn in the economy, then people aren't going to want to be so flamboyant in their clothing. They will want to be more subdued" - so they decided GRAY!

"People won't want to show off as much, so gray is a good subdued color"!

And that is why you see tons, and tons of gray clothing over the past few seasons.

Same thing with the subdued khakis out there now.

So, those of you who are AIRs out there, buy up all the gray now, as it's not going to be so abundant in the seasons ahead.

EARTHs should take advantage of the khaki/olive military inspired clothing out there now as well.

There will be brighter colors coming up in the next few years (yay for FIREs and ICEs, get ready), because the economy will be improving, therefore the brighter colors will be coming back to the stores.

Does this make actual/technical sense in the grand scheme or wardrobe and colors? No!

But this is the only/best way that all the designers and manufacturers know how to work together to have a cohesive color scheme in the stores at the same time. It also “forces” buyers to always buy new clothes – because there are always suddenly new colors in the stores.

Now, this is exactly why it helps to know your Elemental Palette, and use your Color Cards for a control system.

Each season there will be a few of your colors in the stores. Buy them when you see them. Don’t buy the “in style” colors, if they are not in your particular Color Palette.

Then each season, as they change and switch which colors are available – you will find another few colors in the stores that are on your Color Cards.

This way, you will build up a wardrobe that is not only complimentary to your own skin and hair tone – but also totally blending and complimentary together as a whole.

If you see your colors in a store, and you love it – buy it that season! It might not be around a couple of fashion seasons later!

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Okay, so let me give some specific examples for FIREs here...

(If I get enough requests from other Elements - Earth, Air, Ice, then I'll add those to my blog for you all as well).


So for the FIREs here...

These are the Colors/Tones that have been in the stores the past few months that are your best colors:



Bear in mind with this!

These are the basic color template - but each designer and manufacturer can end up with lighter, darker, brighter or muted versions of these colors/tones!

This is why you must use your Color Cards as a control system!


But, in general - you will have seen some version of this Warm Coral Tone and this Warm Turquoise Tone easily in most of the stores.

This is why it's been relatively easy to find those.

The bottom two colors (the lighter peach and the warm-ish blue) may or may not be great Fire colors in the actual final manufactured clothing in the stores.

It will all depend on that specific designer/manufacturer's specific dye-ing technique, the actual dye lot, the specific fabric that is used and whether it takes the color brighter or more muted, etc.


So, those bottom two colors are maybes, depending on the specific store, garment, or designer.

(They could end up more Earthy for the peach, and/or more Airy for the blue).

But, you won't know until you see it in person.


Moving on, starting now and through Fall and Winter to Spring, look for these:


Note that you've still got Coral - it's just a brighter Coral...

You've still got a Blue/Turquoise - it's just a deeper blue/turquoise...

(remember those tricks I told you about the so-called "Think Tank" and they already decided three years ago that the economy would start getting better now, so people will slowly want to wear brighter clothing?

So, you've got the same Coral and Turquoise, but just a deeper/brighter version moving forward).

But, now they're adding some Gold and Warm Violet!

These are also most likely great for FIREs, but could also be good for EARTHs depending on the specific designer, manufacturer, fabric, dye lot!


Are you getting it more now?

Making sense?


I will recommend to FIREs to get those Warm Violets as you find them now, as they haven't been around for years - and I'm not sure how many more seasons they will be in the stores!


I'll explain that using my FIRE Greens as an example in an upcoming post!

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Continuing on this train of thought...


For many years, I didn't have any good FIRE Green in my wardrobe.

They simply didn't make it, or manufacture it.


But, it was in my Fire Color Palette, and on my Cards.

Therefore I knew what to look for as soon as I saw it...

Finally a few years ago, it was an "in" color for menswear one single Spring/Summer!


Menswear does not get a lot of Bright Warm colors, so I knew I had to get it while it was in the stores that season...

So, because it was something I knew I wanted to add a new color/dimension to my wardrobe, and I was always open and aware to look for it, if it ever became a "color of the season"...

I bought each and every Fire Warm Green shirt that I found.


I even bought a couple of "doubles" in the shirts that were easy on the budget - this way, when the Fire Green shirts I have now get worn out, or somehow torn, dirty, stained beyond repair...

I've got some brand new duplicates that I can pull out of storage to get me through the next 5, 10 or 15 years until Warm Fire Green becomes an "in style color of the season" for menswear again!


Which brings me to the elusive Warm Dove Gray for FIREs.

It is more likely to find eventually in womenswear - but almost impossible in menswear.

In the back of my mind, I knew the color and possibility - and I always thought, I just want to find a nice, good suit in this elusive Warm Dove Gray - to add a different dimension to my FIRE Neutrals.

I might have looked to no avail for almost 10 years.

But, ONE season, a couple of years ago - when menswear suddenly decided that gray was the "new hip cool suit color" that someone somewhere, by purpose or by accident would make a Warm Dove Gray Fire Neutral suit.

I searched and kept my eyes open for about 18 months - and suddenly...

I found this one and only Calvin Klein Suit in the Warm Dove Gray!


Ahhhhhhh! (Sounds of the harps and angels singing and shining the light down on me in that store)


But, I got it, and as you can see - it's a prefect Warm Gray Neutral suit for my nice Warm Fire Green and Blue shirts!


So, don't settle, keep your eyes open, and be patient!

They don't make all the colors and tones all the time...

But, if you know and learn what you NEED for your particular Elemental Color Palette - then you can grab it when it is finally in the stores!


Was this helpful?

Making more sense?

Getting more patient, but aware of what to look for?


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so glad to read your posts!!! :)


Speaking of the warm violets for Fire--could you give any real life examples? Maybe a shirt or something that you have seen and know is the correct Fire violet that we could go to an actual store and see it?


I need to see these colors in real life to get a feel for them I think. Does that make sense?


The blues are seem to be a thorn in my side and finding them and I LOVE those.


Thanks for the posts above--very helpful!



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so glad to read your posts!!!


Speaking of the warm violets for Fire--could you give any real life examples? Maybe a shirt or something that you have seen and know is the correct Fire violet that we could go to an actual store and see it?

I need to see these colors in real life to get a feel for them I think. Does that make sense?

You're still in a beginning learning curve here, so it makes perfect sense to me. Like I said in the above posts - for the past few seasons, various forms/tones of Warm Coral have been in the stores, so that's one of the reasons that particular shade/tone has been easier for you to see and find.


I'm not sure when I'll be in the stores researching next, but in general if you and the others give me some stores that are in most malls across America - then I'll check those out for you specifically next time I'm doing my rounds.

That being said...

My wife is an ICE, and I was just in the stores finding some cute, but comfortable ICE Toned Cotton Tops for her for our 2nd Anniversary (She loves that I know her colors and can shop for her, and also "Cotton" is the traditional 2nd Anniversary gift - so I thought I'd combine the two for her gift this year)...

So, I was really looking for ICE tones, but in the back of my mind - I know that I saw some Warm Fire Violets in Old Navy and Express...

(I probably saw some in Macy's and Nordstrom's as well, but I don't have as specific of a direction/memory for you there)...


Here's my train of thought for you on this...

First look at one of my own Warm Fire Violet shirts, in several different lighting situations - along side the Fire Color Cards as the "control system":


It's the same shirt, and the same cards - but you can see in fluorescent light, bright sunlight, and natural indoor light - the Warm Violet shirt blends/harmonizes with the Warm Violet Color Card/Chip.



So, then moving on...

Take your Color Cards to the store, to use it as your Warm Violet Fire Color Control System...

Here are the ones from the back of my memory that I "think" were good or close:

Old Navy -


Express -



See how all of these are blending and harmonizing with the Warm Fire Violets next to each other on the Cards?

That should get you started on Warm Fire Violet!


The blues are seem to be a thorn in my side and finding them and I LOVE those.
Turquoise, Turquoise, Turquoise!

You should find these all over the stores right now...

Just take your Color Cards and they should be obvious...

Start your quest for Fire Blues right there with Warm Turquoise!



Thanks for the posts above--very helpful!


Good to know! I hope it's helpful! Edited by Curt Jerome Wild
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I took a picture of my color cards to show what I'm talking about with the dark brown shade. I placed the black strap over it for comparison:




The photo was taken outdoors in sunlight and is an accurate representation of what the dark brown looks like IRL. To my eye, it looks black, but maybe my perception is skewed. Is that not what everyone else's cards look like?


my color cards don't have a navy that's almost black. My brown doesn't sound like yours either.

You Fire ladies are too funny here!

After all of my FAQs, I guess I need to start drawing up some "Guidelines" as well!;)


Guideline #1 - Don't Obsessive Compulsive Disorder over the colors!

Read all of my FAQs above, and this will start to make sense.

Relax. Breathe. Take it easy. These are your "control systems". Just look to create a Happy Warm Fire Color Party with your wardrobe.

It will work better if you all just take a step back, "unfocus" your eyes and minds a bit - and just look at the all around BIG picture, instead of the specific clothing item or color chip.

Focus on the Forest as a whole, and don't obsess over one specific tree within that forest.


Guideline #2 - You are all Fires, and have the same Happy Warm Fire Color Palette, but you are all not created 100% exactly equal.

Here in Cruise Critic World, you are the only ones that are comparing and contrasting your own specific Color Cards.

You all have the same Happy Fire Family, but I do personally adjust the Cards slightly for each person.


Joby and Anita's mom happen to be of similar coloring/tone, so they have more of a medium saturation Card set.

It is the best "control system" for them.

There are some people who are more mature, with Warm Dove Gray Hair that they are not ever going to color - and so it's better for them to have a Fire Color Card set that is a lighter saturation.

Princess, has a Fire Color Card set with a deeper Warm Fire Saturation, because that is the best "control system" for her specifically!

The Chocolate Brown is more of a Dark Chocolate Brown on her cards for example, because that is the best baseline in comparison to the other brown/gold/ivory neutrals on the first page of her Cards.

There is a specific personal purpose for everyone.:)

Again, read through the FAQs above, and you will realize that you all have the same Happy Warm Fire Color Party going on...

There are just some people that will benefit in the long run from having a lighter or deeper baseline as their personal control system.


That being said, that is the only color I am having trouble with on the cards. I thought the gray looked silver and not warm at all, until I held it up to the grays in my closet - then I see the difference. The whole thing is still sort of mind-blowing to me.

Yes, at that's a perfect example of the point.

It takes a while to really learn your own colors/tones - as that is where you have the baseline on your Color Cards.

Take a look at the posts above on my own hard to find Warm Dove Gray Suit.


It can all be a bit "mind blowing" as you say - but hang in there all of you!

As you learn, and adjust your eyes, perception and thinking, it will get easier and more apparent.

You'll start seeing people and color and tones all over the place in a whole new way!

Keep an open mind, relax into it all a bit more - and most of all have fun

with your mind learning the process! :D

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I haven't posted for a while but have been keeping up with this thread because I have the very same problem with my fire colors, especially warm browns and warm pink/violets and gray. Thank you Curt for all the great information you just posted.

I did want to let you all know that today (Saturday), Penneys is having a huge one day sale and they have sweaters ($12.99) and fleece tops (7.99) in all the fire colors. I was grabbing as fast as I could. Bright clear fire colors and here in the fall/winter when almost everything else are earthy colors. So run, don't walk to your nearest Penneys.

Also, a big "thank you" to Anita for all your color expertise. I think, eventually, I'll get the difficult colors down thanks to you and Curt.


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I haven't posted for a while but have been keeping up with this thread because I have the very same problem with my fire colors, especially warm browns and warm pink/violets and gray. Thank you Curt for all the great information you just posted.

I did want to let you all know that today (Saturday), Penneys is having a huge one day sale and they have sweaters ($12.99) and fleece tops (7.99) in all the fire colors. I was grabbing as fast as I could. Bright clear fire colors and here in the fall/winter when almost everything else are earthy colors. So run, don't walk to your nearest Penneys.

Also, a big "thank you" to Anita for all your color expertise. I think, eventually, I'll get the difficult colors down thanks to you and Curt.



Hi Joan,


thanks for the post. We DO have a Penny's! I wonder if you could tell me what Fire colors you found there. I could stop by today as I also have extra coupons off that were sent in the mail :)




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I do have a new sweater from Penny's that I got in the very beginning of my "transformation". It's called "Pompeian Red". I "think" it's in the correct red/orange "happy family" as CJW calls it :)


Have you seen it?

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Joby, they had BRIGHT green, yellow, orange, blue, (the red was not a yellow red but more of a blue red), turquoise, and bright yellow-green which is what I got.


The fleece were orangy-salmon, periwinkle blue, yellow-green, red, and maybe some more but I can't remember. I got the salmon and blue as I spotted them right off and knew those were what I wanted.



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Joby, they had BRIGHT green, yellow, orange, blue, (the red was not a yellow red but more of a blue red), turquoise, and bright yellow-green which is what I got.


The fleece were orangy-salmon, periwinkle blue, yellow-green, red, and maybe some more but I can't remember. I got the salmon and blue as I spotted them right off and knew those were what I wanted.




Thanks, Joan! I'll check them out today :)



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OK, here are some pictures of some of my new clothes (including the new green dress).

Let me know what the opinions are on the colors :)

Here's a few more :)

I'm wondering if the green dress is too muted. It doesn't seem as bright as the apple green on my Fire cards. Thoughts?

They all look great!

Like I said before, it's fabric - so there will always be some lighter or darker variations. Some fabric will also be brighter/shinier or muted/flat, but don't let that throw you off the color.


Your shoes are nice general brown neutrals.

Those gray slacks(?) look pretty darn good (see that was easier finding warm gray in womenswear).

The Fire Green dress looks a little muted, only because you are thinking and expecting super super bright. But, if compare that to a true khaki or olive green side by side - you will see that it's totally so bright and warm in comparison to those greens which are truly "muted".

You will definitely stand out on a cruise, as a beautiful warm bright Fire in that dress! And it's going to look stunning with your hair!:D


Make sense?

If you look at the Fire Green dress, you can see that it most definitely makes a nice Happy Color Party with all of the greens, blues, and golds on your cards!

Does that help, and feel like you're starting to "get it" a tiny bit more?


All the rest of the clothes look perfect!

Good job!


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There is so much conversation going on here and I missed it!!! :( LOL!


Curt, what a cool thing you do to adjust the saturation on the color cards! That is really interesting to know...and I'm so glad you joined our discussion here...I think I grabbed your one shopping trip to Express a couple pages back (because I remembered it and I know that newly interested people aren't reading all of that page-a-licious Season thread)...it's nice to hear your distinctive voice!...I know time is more limited as a Daddy. :)


Joby...you had so much fun shopping! Don't let the fabric of your green dress throw you for a loop...you did GOOD...just to restate what Curt said in general in specific...it looks like the dress fabric is more of a "matte" finish and not shiny...and I think this is why it is looking less clear and more muted in a way...when you compare the fabric to the gloss print of the cards, the fabric looks different from the cards, which can make you wonder if it's muted because it isn't shiny...but in your picture, compare the solid dress to the print...the dress can hold its own against the print...it isn't showing itself to be muted there, just a different colored green...together they blend. The green is clear, just matte clear. It really helps to group together your clothing to see how your clothes blend.


Joan...welcome to the conversation!


Terri...so you must be back from your cruise?! Are you going to make a report?

Edited by Anita Latte
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They all look great!

Like I said before, it's fabric - so there will always be some lighter or darker variations. Some fabric will also be brighter/shinier or muted/flat, but don't let that throw you off the color.


Your shoes are nice general brown neutrals.

Those gray slacks(?) look pretty darn good (see that was easier finding warm gray in womenswear).

The Fire Green dress looks a little muted, only because you are thinking and expecting super super bright. But, if compare that to a true khaki or olive green side by side - you will see that it's totally so bright and warm in comparison to those greens which are truly "muted".

You will definitely stand out on a cruise, as a beautiful warm bright Fire in that dress! And it's going to look stunning with your hair!:D


Make sense?

If you look at the Fire Green dress, you can see that it most definitely makes a nice Happy Color Party with all of the greens, blues, and golds on your cards!

Does that help, and feel like you're starting to "get it" a tiny bit more?


All the rest of the clothes look perfect!

Good job!




Thanks so much for the comments!!!!


It is hard for me to see the colors in different materials. I'm such a perfectionist too and I want to make up for the 30+ years I "thought" I was an Air/Summer :)


I do feel so good in my new colors. I've gotten quite a few positive comments too. I also just LOVE the brightness and greens in the Fire palette.


Hopefully, little by little, I'm making progress in recognizing my new palette. You were so right when you said the greens and the blues would make my eyes pop. I LOVE those colors.


Muchas gracias for all of your help and I'm not done with questions :eek:

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Joby...you had so much fun shopping! Don't let the fabric of your green dress throw you for a loop...you did GOOD...just to restate what Curt said in general in specific...it looks like the dress fabric is more of a "matte" finish and not shiny...and I think this is why it is looking less clear and more muted in a way...when you compare the fabric to the gloss print of the cards, the fabric looks different from the cards, which can make you wonder if it's muted because it isn't shiny...but in your picture, compare the solid dress to the print...the dress can hold its own against the print...it isn't showing itself to be muted there, just a different colored green...together they blend. The green is clear, just matte clear. It really helps to group together your clothing to see how your clothes blend.


I have really had a good time shopping. I don't think I've EVER shopped this much at one time. I work part time now and we try to use my check for fun stuff like trips and now I've used some for new clothes! And, what a good time in my life to have a change in wardrobe. Now I'll look good in my clothes as I age and it has really given me a new lease on life AND I've "met" all of you wonderful gals and CJW. It just doesn't get much better, does it????


The dress really looks much prettier on than on the hanger. It's too big in the bust and under the arms. I hope the alteration lady can take it up OK there as it has a side zipper.


I TOTALLY love the green and blue shirt that I pictured. It looks really cute on and I just love those two colors.


The aqua and brown dress looks cuter in real life. It has to be taken in through the body. It's kind of a boxy fit now but, after it's altered it will be really cute on and different I think.


The light beige Ann Taylor shoes and the bright coral dress I got at Goodwill. The shoes were $4 and the dress $2.50 :)


As I mentioned to CJW, I'm not done with questions yet. I hope you will do some more teaching :)



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Hi Terri,

I'm with Anita, please spill all about your cruise. Was it lots of fun?



I had a great time!:D


Wore my FIRE colors every day!


Casual wear:


Bright apple green t-shirt with a matching hoodie. Denim capris.

Turquoise V-neck shirt with plaid green/turquoise shorts.

Yellow button down blouse with dark denim jeans.

Orange t-shirt with chocolate shorts.

Coral "seahorse" print blouse with denim capris.




Print V-neck sleeveless blouse: oversize print in red, coral, orange, brown on ivory background. Ivory capris. Coral bead necklace.

Bright orange floral Coldwater Creek sundress.

Elegant: Bright blue cocktail dress.


swimwear: fuschia, yellow and gold floral print.


I just wrote a review tonight. It is kind of LONG though. I am not sure where to post it....

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I had a great time!:D


Wore my FIRE colors every day!


Casual wear:


Bright apple green t-shirt with a matching hoodie. Denim capris.

Turquoise V-neck shirt with plaid green/turquoise shorts.

Yellow button down blouse with dark denim jeans.

Orange t-shirt with chocolate shorts.

Coral "seahorse" print blouse with denim capris.




Print V-neck sleeveless blouse: oversize print in red, coral, orange, brown on ivory background. Ivory capris. Coral bead necklace.

Bright orange floral Coldwater Creek sundress.

Elegant: Bright blue cocktail dress.


swimwear: fuschia, yellow and gold floral print.


I just wrote a review tonight. It is kind of LONG though. I am not sure where to post it....


Glad to hear you had a great time, Terri. Any pics of your fab Fire outfits? I'm such a visual person :D I especially would like to see the bright blue dress!

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