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C25K (couch to 5k) anyone?


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Hi All...


I've been on my weight loss journey for quite a while. I'm a 5 year thyroid cancer survivor...gained a ton of weight while I was sick then used my cancer as an excuse to not do anything about it for a long time. :o I'm 5'6" and once weighed as much as 238 pounds. So far, I've lost 60 pounds! I still want to drop another 40 or so. My goal is to be back in size 8 jeans by my birthday in late March.


So anyhow, my DH is taking me on a cruise for my birthday. (The big 4-0!! :eek:) I've seen the pictures of the gym on my ship....with the gorgeous views from the floor-to-ceiling windows in front of the massive row of treadmills. All I can think to myself is how cool it would be to be able to RUN (or at least jog) on those treadmills. I've NEVER been a runner...not even when I was in my 20s teaching scuba diving and in the best shape of my life. But...in the past few years, I've managed to accomplish a lot of other things I never thought I could do...so, I'm going to do this too!


I found a workout plan that's supposed to take couch potatoes from sitting on their bottoms to being able to run a 5k. I'm not a couch potato...but I am lacking in the cardio department.


Here's a link to the plan:




I'm starting Monday....but you can do Day 1 whenever.


Who's with me?


Best wishes and happy travels, Naomi

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Hi Naomi,


First, I want to say congrats to you!:)


C25K is one of my favorite subjects! I am 48 and started the program last July and ran my first 5k ever the following September.

I used the Get Running App with my iPod Touch. This app works with podcasts, audiobooks, and your own music. It pauses or fades the sound to give you cues, then resumes audio. You don't have to do anything but walk/run!There is a forum for this app wherein the developers of the app will quickly respond to any running or technical questions for you.


C25K starts out very gradually and builds up your endurance. Each week will be a challenge but still doable. Remember it is okay to repeat a week if you need to. There will be tough days -I still have them. My DH has been a runner for 20 years and he still has bad days!


There is a community forum on Active.com for newbie runners, slow runners, 200 pound+ runners, and LOTS of people who are starting their c25k programs.


Happy Running!


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Thanks, Lisa! I need all the encouragement I can get. :)


My phone's on the dumber and dumber side....and all I have as far as iProducts go is a teeny tiny little shuffle I enherited (stole) from one of my kids when they got a fancier one.


I am getting a new phone next month though...probably an Android something or other. I'll look for that app then.

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I forgot to tell you the cues are given by an actual human voice, and you can listen to it on the get running link I gave you. The app works only with ipod touch and iphone. If you could manage to pilfer one of those you would love it.:D


Here is a link to the active. com community forum I mentioned, it helps to share your journey with others. Another motivator is to sign up for a 5k. I told anyone who would listen what I was doing to keep me accountable. I swear some days I only ran because I knew someone at work was going to ask me about it.:D


I am still running and just completed the One Hour Runner program and am planning to try a half marathon in the fall of 2011.


You can do it!


p.s. I will bookmark your blog.

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Me?? Run in a RACE????!!! Oh my goodness....what a crazy, totally AWESOME idea! Yikes! :o :D


I'll definitely check out the active forum...but, I don't know if I'll join. Between CC, my blog (thanks for the bookmark), the BodyBugg forums, and Facebook...I spend way too much time sitting on my booty futzing around online!


I KNOW I can do this....just hoping to find some friends near or far to share the pain and glory!

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Well I am a near friend...lived in Cypress for the past several years...but just moved this past summer to finally be closer to DH's work...but we still own our Cypress house...used to buy our Christmas trees in Magnolia ever year...


Anyway...last summer DS and I started the C25K program...it is very do-able...though it can make you feel less than stellar when 90 seconds of a run leave you SOO winded!


Because of the move...and the weather...I haven't been doing the program...I don't have access to a treadmill...the family is thinking about starting the program again as soon as the weather cooperates...a kind of family goal to try to participate in a local 5K...


I don't know if you have ever checked out that website that lists all the running events...I can't remember the name right now...but there's a running club up in The Woodlands...they run an inexpensive 5K every second Saturday of the month...I think it only costs $1 to register...no T-shirts...nothing fancy...just a course to run...we've been thinking about picking one of those so that we could run together and keep track of each other...


Anyway...we have a bit in common...my bday is March 25...but I turn 40 in 2012...and I am also going on a cruise to celebrate!

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@Anita...Hey Neighbor! :)


How close are you to the Gold's at 1488 and 2978? I work out there and with Danielle Merka of Yes I Can Fitness. She's awesome and VERY affordable as far as boot camp/personal training rates go. Right now, she's even COOKING for me!!


I lived in the Woodlands forever....I think I have a couple of friends in that running club. I'm not a super big fan of doing much of anything outside here....the weather's ALWAYS bad, isn't it? :p But it would be extra super cool to completely shock them and show up at one of the races. I guess we'll have to see how I do.


It'd be great to have a local workout buddy! :D

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I am far far away from that now...DH commuted down to Clear Lake for over two years...we were finally able to rent our house out and rent a house down here by NASA...it WOULD be nice to have a work out buddy...but I wouldn't be able to be a regular for that...


Having someone cook for you must be nice! That's my job in the house...I love it, but I get sick of it...my brain starts to hurt from having to figure out food all the time...LOL. I just noticed the blogspot link in your sig...OMG...that title is funny...I'll have to take a look...

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This sounds interesting. I may have to give it a try. I am a couch potato that has never ever been a runner. I just joined a gym and I have gone 6 out of 8 days thus far. Treadmill, eliptical, Zumba, Bodypump and meeting with a trainer (I got 3 free sessions for joining, only 1 left).


My hubby runs and maybe someday I can surprise him by doing a 5K with him, although he would be waiting for at the end for a looong time.


Good luck all.

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I too had a fear of running that i wanted to get over.


Our hospital sponsors a 5k every spring. Last February i went to the gym on a Sunday afternoon determined to run.(the gym is empty on Sunday afternoon). I ran - then everyother day I added another lap.


I ran the 5k in May and ran one race a month through out the summer.


I now run a few times a week-tredmill in the winter and will run outside this spring


good luck- you can do it!!



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Hey All...Thanks so much for the support. I'm starting TOMORROW morning!! I'll post my progress (or lack thereof) here. Please join me!For those of you that are ALREADY runners, I'd love to know which C25K program you think is better....the 6 week program that clocks more mileage/time per week or the 9 week program that only has you training for about 30 minutes a day. Suggestions?

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I did the 9 week program, and ran a 5k race after. This was a little over one year ago.


The program was great. I trained inside on a treadmill, because it was easier to watch the clock. I am NOT a fast runner, but my goal was to be able to run the whole thing without walking. I finished in 39m09s and I wasn't the first (obviously!) but I certainly wasn't the last, either.


Good luck!!!

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Just got home from the gym on my first day of my C25K program. I did weight training with my personal trainer for an hour. Then I got on the treadmill and walked at 3.3 mph for 1 mile...then did the next 1.5 miles at the same pace but jogging at 4.5 mph for 2 minutes every 1/2 mile. I was supposed to do that for another mile, but I ran out of time and would have been late for my BodyFlow class! It's only 12:30 and, according to my BodyBugg I've already burned off 1731 calories! :D My DH is SUPPOSED to go back to the gym with me later. When we go, I'll knock out another 1.5 mi. on the treadmill.


One day at a time....one day at a time.


How're y'all doing?

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I did this last year--best thing I've EVER done for myself. I'm 48, and had never run more than a half mile before. Weight only went from 247# to 235# but I'd have probably been 255# without it--and my thighs are solid muscle now, too. Ran a 5K in public last October--first ever. Am registering for a spring run now, too...thinking of upping to 10K by fall?


This spring I'm adding the "One-hundred pushups" program for upper boddy and core strength. Hopefully I'll look a bit trimmer by cruise time in May. :cool:

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This spring I'm adding the "One-hundred pushups" program for upper boddy and core strength. Hopefully I'll look a bit trimmer by cruise time in May. :cool:



Oooooooh..."100 push-ups" program sounds killer...especially considering I can do all of maybe 3 at a time!! :o I'm off to google it right now! Thanks!

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Day 2 and I walked a little over 3 miles and took an hour yoga class. (For whatever reason, the program just wanted me to walk today...not jog at all.) I was shooting for 5 miles but called it a day when a blister started bleeding through my socks! :p

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A friend I met on our honeymoon (and theirs) did this C25K last year. Over a year she lost a hundred pounds and ran many marathons? with her son and daughter! She's now able to fit into her wedding dress from 22 yrs ago. I'm starting a higher dose of Cymbalta which should help with fibromyalgia pain and starting a 3 month membership at Curves. I'd think about joining you but WI winter is probably not the time to do it. Best wishes, it sounds like you're dedicated and off to a good start!

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I didn't do this program but did the Team in Training program with the Leukemia society as a runner (which I used to be years ago) and got back into it.


A gal in our group who is a good 80lbs overweight (she told us her story), at 38, had NEVER exercised..she joined the program as a walker in May and WALKED a half marathon (13.1 miles!) in October by participating in the group program. When she crossed the finish line we all CRIED as we were all so thrilled for her. She lost 30 lbs just by walking alone and is now training for another half marathon in February...and now shes running and walking intervals. She has since lost another 10 lbs.

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Great job, Naomi.:)


I ran 3 miles with my dog last night, it was 30 degrees and DARK.

I did the 9 week program. Running has done more for my abs than sit-ups ever did. I think I needed the cardio to trim away the flab.


Here are a couple of inspirational recommendations that kept me going:

A book called Born to Run, about the Tarahumara, barefoot running, and ultramarathons.



Check out this video on YouTube:



Happy Running!



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Check out this video on YouTube:



Happy Running!





Thanks, Lisa....the video made me cry like a baby. What an inspiration!


Yesterday was my "off" training day. I spent it in the medical center getting blood sucked out of me. My A.N.A. came back positive and they're testing me for lupus...again. This is the 3rd time it's happened, and it's always been fine...so I'm trying not to worry...but. :confused:


I took a yoga class this morning and did a mile's worth of intervals on the treadmill...back and forth between 3.3 and 4.7 mph. It's gorgeous out here today, so I'm going to go walk the dogs for another couple miles a little later this afternoon.


Just keepin' on keepin' on.


Best wishes to all.....N

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I love that video, glad you found it inspirational.


I hope your blood tests come back fine. Sending good health vibes your way.




Am I the only one here doing the C25K?? :eek:


Well, even if I'm all by my lonesome, I've almost made it through the whole first week. I even dragged DH out for a 3 mile walk last night and had him huffing and puffing and telling me to "slow down a bit!" LOL


Today was an off day on the program....so weight training and a mat pilates class for a total of almost 800 calories burned according to my BodyBugg.



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I'm not doing a C25k but a C210k...Can I join in? Actually, I'm not doing that the exact way either since I have signed up to do a half marathon March 27th!!:eek: I walked a half in November and I am determined to beat the time I had. I am also hoping this new journey will finally be the motivation I need to lose the weight I need to lose, and keep it off!


Congrats on all you have been doing? Just don't over do or you might give up on the program a few weeks in!

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I'm not doing a C25k but a C210k...Can I join in? Actually, I'm not doing that the exact way either since I have signed up to do a half marathon March 27th!!:eek: I walked a half in November and I am determined to beat the time I had. I am also hoping this new journey will finally be the motivation I need to lose the weight I need to lose, and keep it off!


Congrats on all you have been doing? Just don't over do or you might give up on the program a few weeks in!


Heck yeah, Cindy! Welcome aboard. :D


I'm not in any hurry....I'd just love to be able to jog more than a minute at a time...and every step I take is a step in that direction!

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Well, as much as I hate to admit it, it seems that I'll just never be a runner. One week into the program and my funky ankle is messed up to the point that I can't put any weight on it at all. :( I hope y'all carry on without me. I'm going to have to go back to lower impact forms of cardio...like biking and swimming. Maybe I'll find a training plan for the MS150 bike ride instead.

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